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Don't Start the Second Gulf War
National Review Online ^ | 8-12-02 | Doug Bandow

Posted on 09/24/2002 11:51:53 AM PDT by Protagoras

Don’t Start the Second Gulf War
The case against war with Iraq.

By Doug Bandow
August 12, 2002, 9:00 a.m.

President George W. Bush says that he hasn't made up his mind about "any of our policies in regard to Iraq," but he obviously has. To not attack after spending months talking about the need for regime change is inconceivable. Unfortunately, war is not likely to be the simple and certain procedure that he and many others seem to think.

Lots of arguments have been offered on behalf of striking Baghdad that are not reasons at all. For instance, that Saddam Hussein is an evil man who has brutalized his own people.

Certainly true. But the world is full of brutal regimes that have murdered their own people. Indeed, Washington ally Turkey's treatment of its Kurds is scarcely more gentle than Iraq's Kurdish policies.

Moreover, the U.S. warmly supports the royal kleptocracy next door in Saudi Arabia, fully as totalitarian, if not quite as violent, as Saddam's government. Any non-Muslim and most women would probably prefer living in Iraq.

Also cited is Baghdad's conquest of Kuwait a dozen years ago. It is a bit late to drag that out as a justification for invading Iraq and overthrowing Saddam. He is far weaker today and has remained firmly contained.

Richard Butler, former head of the U.N. Commission on Iraq, complained to the Senate Foreign Relations that Iraq had violated international law by tossing out arms inspectors. In fact, there are often as many reasons to flout as to obey U.N. rules. Washington shouldn't go to war in some abstract pursuit of "international law."

Slightly more plausible, at least, is the argument that creating a democratic system in Iraq would provide a useful model for the rest of the Mideast. But that presupposes democracy can be easily planted, and that it can survive once the U.S. departs.

Iraq suffers from significant internal stresses. Convenient professions of unity in pursuit of democracy from an opposition once dismissed by Mideast special envoy and retired Gen. Anthony Zinni as "silk-suited, Rolex-wearing guys in London" offer little comfort and are likely to last no longer than have similar promises in Afghanistan.

Also problematic are Kurdish demands for autonomy and Shiite Muslim resistance to the central government. One defense official told the Washington Post: "I think it is almost a certainty that we'd wind up doing a campaign against the Kurds and Shiites." Wouldn't that be pretty? <

There are external threats as well. Particularly worrisome would be covert and possibly overt action by Iran, with which Baghdad fought a decade-long war and which might see intervention against a weakened Iraq as an antidote to serious political unrest at home.

Indeed, the U.S. backed Baghdad in its conflict with Iran and decided not to depose Saddam in 1991, in part out of fear of Iranian aggression throughout the Gulf should Iraq no longer provide a blocking role. Keeping the Iraqi Humpty Dumpty together after a war might not be easy.

Moreover, while Americans might see America's war on Iraq as a war for democracy, most Arabs would likely see it as a war for Washington. If the U.S. deposes Saddam, but leaves in place friendly but despotic regimes elsewhere — such as Egypt, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia — few Arabs would take America's democracy rhetoric seriously. Nor should they. Yet to go to war against everyone, including presumably Iran, Syria, and maybe others, would have incalculable consequences.

Saddam's complicity in September 11 would present a good argument for devastating retaliation for an act of war, but there's no evidence that he was involved. All that exists is a disputed meeting, which might not have occurred, in the Czech Republic between hijacker Mohammed Atta and an Iraqi official.

Certainly Saddam shed no tears over the thousands who died on that tragic day, but he has never been known to promote groups which he does not control. In contrast to Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein is no Muslim fanatic looking forward to his heavenly rewards; moreover, he heads a government and nation against which retaliation is simple.

Probably the best, at least the most fearsome, argument for overthrowing Saddam is the prospect of Baghdad developing weapons of mass destruction. Yet if nonproliferation should be enforced by war, Washington will be very busy in the coming years.

The problem is not just countries like Iran and North Korea, which seem to have or have had serious interest in developing atomic weapons. It is China, which could use them in any conflict with the U.S. over, say, Taiwan. And India, Pakistan, and Russia, which face unpredictable nationalist and theological currents, enjoy governments of varying instability, and offer uncertain security over technical know-how as well as weapons.

Potentially most dangerous is Pakistan's arsenal. The government of Pervez Musharraf is none too steady; Islamabad long supported the Taliban and its military and intelligence forces almost certainly contain al Qaeda sympathizers. It is easy to imagine nuclear technology falling into terrorist hands.

An Iraqi nuclear capability seems less frightening in comparison. Saddam would not use them against America, since to do so would guarantee his incineration. Israel possesses a similarly overbearing deterrent.

Would Baghdad turn atomic weapons over to al Qaeda or similarly motivated terrorists? Not likely.

First, it would be extraordinary for Saddam to give up a technology purchased at such a high price. Second, Baghdad would be the immediate suspect and likely target of retaliation should any terrorist deploy nuclear weapons, and Saddam knows this.

Third, Saddam would be risking his own life. Al Qaeda holds secular Arab dictators in contempt and would not be above attempting to destroy them as well as America.

Of course, the world would be a better place without Saddam's dictatorship. But there are a lot of regimes that should, and eventually will, end up in history's dustbin. That's not a good reason to initiate war against a state which poses no direct, ongoing threat.

Especially since war often creates unpredictable consequences. Without domestic opposition military forces to do America's dirty work, Washington will have to bear most of the burden. The task will be more difficult and expensive without European support and Saudi staging grounds.

If Iraq's forces don't quickly crumble, the U.S. might find itself involved in urban conflict that will be costly in human and political terms. If Baghdad possesses any weapons of mass destruction, Saddam will have an incentive to use them — against America, Israel, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia — since Washington would be dedicated to his overthrow.

Further, the U.S. would be sloshing gasoline over a combustible political situation in friendly but undemocratic Arab regimes stretching from North Africa to Southeast Asia. Israelis and Palestinians are at war, America continues to fight Taliban and al Qaeda forces in Afghanistan as the pro-western government teeters on chaos, fundamentalist Muslims rule western Pakistan, and Muslim extremists are active a dozen other countries. Yet the administration wants to invade Iraq. Riots in Egypt, a fundamentalist rising in Pakistan, a spurt of sectarian violence in Indonesia, and who knows what else could pose a high price for any success in Iraq.

War is a serious business. Making war on a country which does not threaten the U.S. is particularly serious. Even if the optimists who think a campaign against Iraq would be easy are right, and we can only hope they are, war should be a last resort. As House Majority Leader Richard Armey warned, an unprovoked attack "would not be consistent with what we have been as a nation or what we should be as a nation."

There's certainly no hurry to go to war. Nothing is different today from September 10, 2001, or any time since Iraq was ousted from Kuwait. Observes Jim Cornette, formerly an expert in biological warfare with the Air Force: "We've bottled [Saddam] up for 11 years, so we're doing okay."

There are times when Washington has no choice but to fight. Iraq is not such a place and now is not such a time.

— Doug Bandow is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and a former Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan.

TOPICS: Editorial; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: bush; cato; onemontholdarticle; saddam; war
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To: FreedominJesusChrist
Yes, I have seen this report.

And should we not go after Al Queda and the regimes that aid and comfort them?

721 posted on 09/26/2002 12:20:39 PM PDT by NeoCaveman
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To: Amelia
That being said, there are a lot of countries who possess nuclear capabilities, including China, India, Pakistan, Israel, Russia, and other extra-European nations.
722 posted on 09/26/2002 12:21:42 PM PDT by FreedominJesusChrist
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To: dubyaismypresident
It looks to me like Saudi Arabia covertly allows terrorist activity in their country too. Not only that, but Iran, Turkey, and Pakistan have extremist terrorist elements residing within their borders also.

I would like you to name for me one Middle Eastern country which does not "harbor" some extreme America hating faction.

I suppose the real answer to this question of yours is whether or not you believe that apathy towards extremist factions within Middle Eastern countries is a pre-emptive move against the United States.

723 posted on 09/26/2002 12:25:02 PM PDT by FreedominJesusChrist
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To: dubyaismypresident
By the way, I appreciate the respectful way in which you debate.
724 posted on 09/26/2002 12:25:53 PM PDT by FreedominJesusChrist
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To: dubyaismypresident
And by the way, I like Condi Rice.

But perhaps it is an intellectual throw-back on her part to have her expertise reside in Cold-War Politics and the former Soviet Union.

725 posted on 09/26/2002 12:30:30 PM PDT by FreedominJesusChrist
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To: FreedominJesusChrist
It looks to me like Saudi Arabia covertly allows terrorist activity in their country too. Not only that, but Iran, Turkey, and Pakistan have extremist terrorist elements residing within their borders also.

Of the governments you mention....Iran is as guilty, Saudi Arabia may be too. Turkey and Pakistan's governments are relaible allies in this. Heck in the U.S. you can find Islamic extremists just recently 6 where apprehended in Buffalo, NY.

So why Iraq, we have to start somewhere, and people smarter than you and I have chosen to start with that criminal Saddam Hussein.

726 posted on 09/26/2002 12:31:11 PM PDT by NeoCaveman
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To: FreedominJesusChrist
But perhaps it is an intellectual throw-back on her part to have her expertise reside in Cold-War Politics and the former Soviet Union.

I rather like having a Russian expert, they have oil and are more pro-capitalistic than our allegedy allies in Western Europe, except for Great Britian, of course.

727 posted on 09/26/2002 12:33:11 PM PDT by NeoCaveman
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To: SLB; Paul Ross; WALLACE212; belmont_mark
What would the public reaction be to a preemptive strike against Norht Korea? Woudl the Koreans react across the DMZ? For the past umpteen years we have bombed the islamic countries (Iraq, Sudan, Pakistan, etc) with relative ease. Would the Chinese react? How about the Russians?

I dare say that the public reaction against an attack against North Korea would likely be more favorable than an attack on Iraq. Sure, the Koreans would probably react by crossing the DMZ and clearly we would have to be prepared for that contingency, but making the US safe from DPRK nuke attack just might be worth it. The ChiComs and Russkies would protest but do little more. The North Korean nuclear missile threat is essentially almost as much of a danger as the Russian MRBMs in Cuba in 1962. The only question is could we get them all and that we would want to have some limited missile defenses up to shoot down anything we miss. However, I think we can all agree on one thing, the Bush Administration's decision to continue the Clinton policy of building North Korea two big new nuclear weapons producing reactor is appeasement at its worst.
728 posted on 09/26/2002 12:37:44 PM PDT by rightwing2
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To: rightwing2
Are you saying, in this current climate, that the American people would favor an attack on North Korea over Iraq?
729 posted on 09/26/2002 12:45:58 PM PDT by carton253
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To: carton253
The argument is about Islamic militants. I believe that Iraq sponsors, forments, provides political cover for the terror we have watched during the last 12 years. Iraq is not in a box. Saddam Hussein is being given the opportunity to stand-down and disarm and to stop the export of terror against Israel and the US. He is not. It is the same song and dance we have seen. He doesn't have to be invaded. He can stand down. So far, he is choosing not to. This country can't afford to allow him to continue. Can Saddam destroy us as it stands. No! But, how many 9/11's are you willing to put up with why he remains in his box and continues to send Al Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, Hamas to do his bidding. For me, one was enough.

Saddam has not sent any terrorists out to do his bidding. The worst that can be said about him is that he provides lots of money to the families of suicide bombers who blow themselves up in order to kill Israelis which is bad, but does not constitute terrorism directed against Americans. There has been no evidence linking Saddam to any terrorist attacks committed against US territory at any time. The US already wiped out about 60% of Iraq’s military potential since 1991. He only has about 8-20 400 mile range SRBMs with which to threaten Israel with CBR attacks. He has seen his nuclear R&D capability completely wiped out between 1991and 1998.

Accordingly, Saddam is farther away from developing nukes today than he was in 1991 before we dismantled his nuke capability. Also, what exactly do you mean by “standing down?” If you are expecting him to disarm and dissolve his military, it won’t happen. That shouldn’t be our objective because it would result in an Iranian invasion and takeover of Iraq which has to be about the worst result imaginable for the Middle East, short of a US or Israeli nuclear incineration of Baghdad. Saddam has not been linked to 9-11. Iran has. Why then did the Adminstration promise Iran that it would not attack them?

Iraq is the immediate threat... Saddam poses the most serious threat. Arguments about China, etc. are distractions against the task ahead.

Saddam does not pose any threat to the US let alone an immediate one. It only threatens Israel and Kuwait and Iraq is deterred by using CBR against Israel by the knowledge that Israel would respond by nuking Baghdad. Iraq has demonstrated no capability or even the will to attack US territory with terrorists or WND or anything. Iraq can’t even shoot down one single fighter-bomber let alone threaten the world’s most powerful superpower. I can’t believe that the Administration can overlook these facts and say with a straight face that Iraq is on the verge of nuking US cities causing grandmas to cower in fear and demand that Iraq be nuked immediately to save America. This kind of hyped up rhetoric is not productive. There are a lot of Republicans in Congress who have heard all the top secret briefings and evidence from the President and remain unconvinced.

As for the rest of your last paragraph... I agree. Appeasement is weakness and it never gets you anywhere. But, do we fight all fronts at one time... or prioritize the threats.

We agree on the fact that it is important to prioritize the threats. We also agree that appeasement is the wrong policy even though that is exactly what the Bush Administration is doing with regards to North Korea and Communist China.We only differ on which countries should get blasted first and which pose the clearest and most present danger to the US. I assure you Iran is not teetering. The Iranian Ayatollahs are taking full control and cracking down on the “reformers” if they can be called that which have been subservient to them all along and continue to be so.
730 posted on 09/26/2002 12:56:41 PM PDT by rightwing2
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To: carton253; SLB; FreedominJesusChrist; Scholastic
Are you saying, in this current climate, that the American people would favor an attack on North Korea over Iraq?

No, I am not because as you well know the Adminstration has spent nearly two years conditioning the American people to believe that Iraq is the greatest threat to America since the Soviet Union. At the same time the Bush Adminstration by its actions has led the American people to believe that the dictator of North Korea is somehow mellowing just because he has aceeded to the Clinton Agreed Framework in which the US pledged to sponsor the construction of two large nuclear-weapons producing factories which the DPRK can then use to build a lot more nukes than it already has with which to make good on its 1999 threat to turn America into "a sea of fire."

No, obviously it would take some major explaining by the Bush Administration to tell the American people why its decision to continue Clinton's appeasement of North Korea was a big mistake and why denuking North Korea by force would be a far wiser course, which is why I think it is highly unlikely that they will opt to abandon their Chamberlainian appeasement of Pyongyang anytime soon.
731 posted on 09/26/2002 1:02:13 PM PDT by rightwing2
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To: rightwing2
Well... maybe it is time you revealed who you really are since you seem so certain of the information you are posting. Maybe you can teach us something...

Are you high in the government, intelligence.. How do you know what is happening in Iran at this moment. I have already confessed that I am playing the what if game with limited information... but, you seem so sure.

You are awfully sure that Iraq is harmless -- again, may I know the source of this information.

You may think I'm being flip, but I'm not. If you are going to change my mind... then I need to know where you get your information.

732 posted on 09/26/2002 1:02:57 PM PDT by carton253
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To: rightwing2
This has been fun today, but I must say good-bye! Time to turn off the computer and head out. You have a great day!
733 posted on 09/26/2002 1:21:52 PM PDT by carton253
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To: rightwing2
Kim Jong #2 is a looney.
734 posted on 09/26/2002 1:56:46 PM PDT by FreedominJesusChrist
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To: dubyaismypresident
Perhaps, but the Cold War is over, and has long as the Russian Mafia continues their sucessful black market work, economic progress in Russia will stay mediocre at best.

Capitalism is a good thing, but is doesn't always work where corruption is a societal norm.

735 posted on 09/26/2002 1:58:33 PM PDT by FreedominJesusChrist
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To: FreedominJesusChrist
Capitalism is a good thing, but is doesn't always work where corruption is a societal norm.

The rule of law is indepensible when it comes to capitalism.

736 posted on 09/26/2002 2:01:38 PM PDT by NeoCaveman
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To: dubyaismypresident
"Turkey and Pakistan's governments are relaible allies in this. Heck in the U.S. you can find Islamic extremists just recently 6 where apprehended in Buffalo, NY."

Now that you say this, Turkey is indeed an interesting prospect for the future. I think that Turkey has several important attributes indicating that they are a potential future great power. Turkey itself is a strategic location, I suppose, because it neighbors the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, and the Balkans, which are countries that possess key interests for the United States.

I think that Turkey's oil resources are pretty limited, but the interesting natural resource that this country does possess is water. Turkey controls at least the headwaters of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, which gives it a strategic control over the water supply to the states south of Turkey, which would include Syria and Iraq.

I think that the issue of water supply has caused significant conflict between the tribes and clans of the Middle East. Deserts are not a good candidates economic investment and development mainly because there is no reliable water supply.

737 posted on 09/26/2002 2:07:51 PM PDT by FreedominJesusChrist
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To: dubyaismypresident
"The rule of law is indepensible when it comes to capitalism."

This is true. Many philosophers such as de Toqueville and Burke have noted the positive and productive influence that morals and religion has on society.

I also think of the traditional Puritan work ethic as being a good example of this.

738 posted on 09/26/2002 2:11:29 PM PDT by FreedominJesusChrist
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To: dubyaismypresident
I think it would be an interesting study to see how a lack of jobs and "stuff to do" affects the youth of the Middle East.

Besides the oil barons in the Middle East, there is a great lack of education and dependable jobs in numerous Middle Eastern countries. One might want to consider what kind of sociological and psycological impact this has on young males in the Middle East. Perhaps this frustrates them and leads them to all sorts of the worst kinds of religious and political extremism.

I do not say this as a point to exuse their ultimately unexusable actions, but perhaps as a prospect for future solutions to many of the social problems in the Middle East.

739 posted on 09/26/2002 2:15:22 PM PDT by FreedominJesusChrist
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To: Torie
Ping, for your opinion on this subject.
740 posted on 09/26/2002 2:18:29 PM PDT by FreedominJesusChrist
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