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To: dubyaismypresident
It looks to me like Saudi Arabia covertly allows terrorist activity in their country too. Not only that, but Iran, Turkey, and Pakistan have extremist terrorist elements residing within their borders also.

I would like you to name for me one Middle Eastern country which does not "harbor" some extreme America hating faction.

I suppose the real answer to this question of yours is whether or not you believe that apathy towards extremist factions within Middle Eastern countries is a pre-emptive move against the United States.

723 posted on 09/26/2002 12:25:02 PM PDT by FreedominJesusChrist
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To: FreedominJesusChrist
It looks to me like Saudi Arabia covertly allows terrorist activity in their country too. Not only that, but Iran, Turkey, and Pakistan have extremist terrorist elements residing within their borders also.

Of the governments you mention....Iran is as guilty, Saudi Arabia may be too. Turkey and Pakistan's governments are relaible allies in this. Heck in the U.S. you can find Islamic extremists just recently 6 where apprehended in Buffalo, NY.

So why Iraq, we have to start somewhere, and people smarter than you and I have chosen to start with that criminal Saddam Hussein.

726 posted on 09/26/2002 12:31:11 PM PDT by NeoCaveman
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