To: carton253; SLB; FreedominJesusChrist; Scholastic
Are you saying, in this current climate, that the American people would favor an attack on North Korea over Iraq?
No, I am not because as you well know the Adminstration has spent nearly two years conditioning the American people to believe that Iraq is the greatest threat to America since the Soviet Union. At the same time the Bush Adminstration by its actions has led the American people to believe that the dictator of North Korea is somehow mellowing just because he has aceeded to the Clinton Agreed Framework in which the US pledged to sponsor the construction of two large nuclear-weapons producing factories which the DPRK can then use to build a lot more nukes than it already has with which to make good on its 1999 threat to turn America into "a sea of fire."
No, obviously it would take some major explaining by the Bush Administration to tell the American people why its decision to continue Clinton's appeasement of North Korea was a big mistake and why denuking North Korea by force would be a far wiser course, which is why I think it is highly unlikely that they will opt to abandon their Chamberlainian appeasement of Pyongyang anytime soon.
To: rightwing2
This has been fun today, but I must say good-bye! Time to turn off the computer and head out. You have a great day!
To: rightwing2
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