To: ST.LOUIE1; Mama_Bear; daisyscarlett; dutchess; dansangel; Aquamarine; Diver Dave; JustAmy; ...
Good Morning - Sorry I'm late, but come see us! We have a new Feature as well as a new FReeper. Look for it at the bottom of the thread. Thank you, Mixer!
2 posted on
09/19/2002 7:30:21 AM PDT by
To: dansangel; Billie; Dutchy
Woo hooo!!!!! It's Dutchy's Day!
I first met Dutchy standing in the slush watching GWB get inaugurated, and have been super impressed with his activism since then. Nothing seems to slow him down, not even sinking into the mud more and more as the ceremonies went on. He's one fine FReeper. :-)
4 posted on
09/19/2002 7:40:45 AM PDT by
To: Billie; Dutchy
It's great to meet you, Dutchy.
Congratulations on being today's featured FReeper on FR's Finest Thread!!
Enjoy your special day!
10 posted on
09/19/2002 7:51:04 AM PDT by
To: Billie; All
Think the President just said:
"Sorry for the delay, ladies and gentlemen of the press.
Miss Billie will be delivering the coffee momentarily ~ ~ "
12 posted on
09/19/2002 7:54:33 AM PDT by
To: Dutchy; LBGA
Thanks Dutchy for your Activism and Patriotism. I want you and LBGA to know that when I heard your cheers on TV during Bush's inauguration it made my heart swell with hope for the first time in a long time.
To: Billie
That is awesome. Thanks for creating that link
19 posted on
09/19/2002 8:11:14 AM PDT by
To: Billie; Dutchy
Good morning all Freepers.
Thank you, Billie, for your customary excellence.
Welcome to the neighborhood, Dutchy. FR is the place to be, but, bein' here since '98, you already know that. Good job re: all your Freeps, you look cool holding that Sore/Loserman sign.
23 posted on
09/19/2002 8:23:53 AM PDT by
To: Dutchy
I *meant* to thank you for all your great Freeping, and being a competent Republican, I am actually going to achieve my intention:
Now, if I lived in Broward County, apparently conveying this intention of gratitude would have been impossible due to Gov. Jeb Bush, who should be in charge of making sure that what I want to do is what I actually do.
To: Billie; Dutchy; dansangel; Pippin; Diver Dave; Aquamarine; lodwick; daisyscarlett
Good Morning !
Congratulations Dutchy on being one of FR's Finest! And for a long time too! Good morning everyone - looking good :)
To: Billie
Everyday Big...Bump !!
Freedom Is Worth Fighting For !!
Molon Labe !!
Fighting Irresponsible Radical Environmentalism !!
49 posted on
09/19/2002 9:17:37 AM PDT by
To: Billie; Dutchy; ST.LOUIE1; Mama_Bear; JustAmy; AFF
Congrats, Dutchy!
55 posted on
09/19/2002 9:21:24 AM PDT by
To: Billie
Hi, BillieBlue. : )
To: Dutchy; Billie; daisyscarlett; Mama_Bear; Pippin; All
Congratulations, Dutchy - FReeper of the Day !!
Salute !!
Keep up the great work!
To: Billie; Dutchy
Thanks for introducing us to another fine FR patriot, Billie.
Dutchy, it is a pleasure meeting you. I hope you are enjoying your day in the Finest Spotlight. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson