Hi aomagrat! Thanks for the USS Maryland story. I love all the old pictures you put up. I have a "thing" for old pictures. I buy old pictures of people, even if they aren't my family. LOL Crazy, eh?
Seek ye not solace in the MALL! GO FORTH and BAKE!!! Yes, I SAY CREATE a POT LUCK...A FEAST OF EQUILIBRIUM IN this WORLD OF imbalance! (but more than one serving from the chocolate dessert group in that pyramid thingy)...Give us FREEPER MEN PIECE!!! PIECES OF PIE!!!! SLICES OF HONEY BAKED HAM SLATHERED IN SWEET HOT MUSTARD!!! HEREIN lies true happiness! A living room full of men with the button loosed on the trouser top.Bare Arms, forgive me kind sir for not replying to your post from Friday. I've been so busy...
...getting ready to open my Bake Shop!
Any of you Boyz hungry???