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A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day 07-26-02
Billie and DaisyScarlett
Posted on 07/26/2002 3:46:41 AM PDT by daisyscarlett
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To: lodwick; Billie I thought I'd share a bit of the fascinating, to Texans anyway, Texas Hill Country. Facinating to everyone, I would say.
The Fall graphic is extra beautiful!
Maybe Billie will have some pics to share.
HUH???? I have no idea why! Which ones?
Yesterday I could not see your pledge today I can't see the one in post #137. Yesterday I tried Internet Explorer but that didn't help.
Hey I thought you had all the answers! LOL
posted on
07/26/2002 1:49:45 PM PDT
You're *goodie* enough for me, but, if you insist.... ....I'll have two of each, please. : ) No more than two or I'll make you wear your tie....LOL
To: daisyscarlett
In-a-full-tilt-boogie-dance-with-life...Bump !!
posted on
07/26/2002 2:49:11 PM PDT
To: daisyscarlett
Only if you want to give me one, little pal...they do feel very good... :o)
posted on
07/26/2002 2:52:57 PM PDT
To: MudPuppy
Thanks for stopping by. Fun seeing you "out of uniform" in the photo at Teacups house.
To: lodwick
Wow, those are beautiful pictures of Texas Hill Country. I had no idea...Billie sure picked a nice place for a weekend getaway....
To: JulieRNR21; Teacup
Thanks for the tea and cookies. What kinda hostess am I, to "forget" having a tea party for teacup on her day? Thanks for thinking of the tea and cookies. And yes, the calendar for today is SO very appropriate for teacup.
Yep, we're good for now...You had best get back to Amy's....
To: daisyscarlett; Billie; Teacup; ClaraSuzanne; ST.LOUIE1
I have a date at 5:00 tonight so I must say goodnight to this wonderful group. I don't think the pro-terrorists will wait for me.
Hope to see many of you on the Fresno Rally thread tomorrow.
posted on
07/26/2002 3:16:09 PM PDT
To: daisyscarlett; ST.LOUIE1
How CUTE!! It was worth the wait.
posted on
07/26/2002 3:17:48 PM PDT
To: JustAmy
Like I said on the other thread:
Go Get'em, AMY!
posted on
07/26/2002 3:18:13 PM PDT
To: daisyscarlett; Teacup
Beautiful tribute to a beautiful Lady!
Congratulations, TEACUP!!
To: JustAmy
Bye Amy....Say hi to Mama_Bear and tell her to get word to me if her computer is still down and I need to start the weekend thread....
To: ohioWfan
To: Teacup; daisyscarlett
Teacup, from the first time I read one of your posts I knew you were great! Your threads are so much fun, I feel all glum if I miss one. Thanks for making me feel welcome when I first got here, you were one of my very first FRiends. **Big HUGS**
Daisyscalett, you always do beautiful work on the Finest thread! Thanks. :-)
To: daisyscarlett
All those graphics are truly great!
Are you creating them now? Some good job.
posted on
07/26/2002 3:41:50 PM PDT
To: Mo1; Darlin'; Endeavor; christine11; andysandmikesmom; TatieBug; Hillary's Lovely Legs
EVERYTHING I NEEDED TO KNOW ABOUT LIFE I LEARNED FROM A JIGSAW PUZZLE 1. Don't force a fit. If something is meant to be, it will come together naturally.
2. When things aren't going so well, take a break. Everything will look different when you return.
3. Be sure to look at the big picture. Getting hung up on the little pieces only leads to frustration.
4. Perseverance pays off. Every important puzzle went together bit by bit, piece by piece.
5. When one spot stops working, move to another. But be sure to come back later (see #4).
6. The creator of the puzzle gave you the picture as a guidebook.
7. Variety is the spice of life. It's the different colors and patterns that make the puzzle interesting.
8. Working together with friends and family makes any task fun.
9. Establish the border first. Boundaries give a sense of security and order.
10. Don't be afraid to try different combinations. Some matches are surprising.
11. Take time often to celebrate your successes (even little ones).
12. Anything worth doing takes time and effort. A great puzzle can't be rushed.
posted on
07/26/2002 3:43:21 PM PDT
To: MeeknMing
.."I think that is the decision that George Washington made prior to crossing the Delaware". ..OH!!!
That hurt !!
posted on
07/26/2002 3:48:09 PM PDT
To: whoever
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