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Man Arrested For Burning Kitten on Grill
AP/CNN | 7-16-02 | my favorite headache

Posted on 07/16/2002 3:21:27 PM PDT by My Favorite Headache

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To: RobRoy
"I gotta admit, on this issue I do come across as somewhat snobbish"

Actually, you're coming across as someone with a serious psychosis.

121 posted on 07/16/2002 5:23:38 PM PDT by cake_crumb
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To: kcpopps
The woman who turned these people in has received phone calls today saying, "Change your story or your dead"

Since people are using her phone to harass her, is there a phone # or an email where we ca give her some support?

122 posted on 07/16/2002 5:23:43 PM PDT by Hacksaw
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To: RobRoy
the law should definitely discourage such a thing.


So are you saying that you see nothing wrong with torturing animals to death, and that it should be perfectly legal?

123 posted on 07/16/2002 5:23:48 PM PDT by FormerLurker
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To: cake_crumb
I used to hunt and would never leave an animal wounded, I would end it's suffering quickly and humanely, as any responsible hunter would. I have volunteered at animal rescue orgs and had to stop, as there were a few times, where I administered, shall we say, a little street justice, to monsters who would inflict this type of cruelty on an animal.It's amazing how quickly the "tough guys" who hurt animals and kids, will become wimpering babies, when confronted. I consider myself a gentleman and a gentle man,but I always intervene when someone is mistreating a child or an animal. I'm only sorry I wasn't this creep's neighbor.
124 posted on 07/16/2002 5:25:20 PM PDT by Wild Irish Rogue
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To: Askel5
I think you might be confusing the relative value of the cat's life (versus a human's) with the seriousness of this guy's action, which was out-and-out cruelty. Whether it was better to try to help the cat or kill it, I guess the latter makes sense, although I don't like seeing that argument extended to terminally ill human beings, fwiw. I do see a difference between hunting an animal for food, experimenting on one to develop life-saving treatments for human beings, and grilling one just to get your sick jollies. We should keep animal life and human life in perspective, I definitely agree with you there, but this guy's action is evil.
125 posted on 07/16/2002 5:25:32 PM PDT by strictlyaminorleaguer
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To: B-Chan
Re: your post 64: I think you reflect more of what I believe and how I feel in that post than some here would believe.

I just strongly oppose getting the government involved in this sort of thing. People should be shamed out of it, but that's about it.

Plus, I don't react as strongly to this kind of thing as other things because I consider the victim a "dumb animal." It just doesn't rise to that level - for me.

We eat them! I cannot be accused of being a hypocrite when it comes to how I value animals.

126 posted on 07/16/2002 5:25:57 PM PDT by RobRoy
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To: TrappedInLiberalHell
"The Crow" is a great flick, and perhaps a timely inspiration in this case. Perhaps it would be appropriate if this bastard is skewered and slowly roasted. To start, anyway...

the crow
127 posted on 07/16/2002 5:26:46 PM PDT by the crow
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To: Bogey78O
But these people did so for the enjoyment of watching it suffer. That is wrong no matter how you cut it.

We are in agreement on the raw statement. I think the disagreement is with "how wrong" it is, relative to other wrongs.

128 posted on 07/16/2002 5:27:11 PM PDT by RobRoy
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To: Askel5
Animals are indeed different from us. For one, they have a lot more hair.

However, I don't think the distinction means that it is weakness to deeply care about the ones that have been in our lives, and cry and mourn their suffering or their loss...

My life is richer for caring about them. I happen to think there are an awful lot of things that are worth caring about that are not human beings... I like my way better than yours, and I am not changing.

To say that the woman did not truly care because she did not snap its neck is narrow. Not everyone can do that... not everyone is a Kansas Housewife. She cared in the way she knew how.
129 posted on 07/16/2002 5:27:23 PM PDT by HairOfTheDog
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To: RobRoy; Bella_Bru
Hey, where are you? We need you here!
130 posted on 07/16/2002 5:27:24 PM PDT by Hacksaw
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To: the crow
I just think if I had been there, those coals would have got dumped on every one of that sick bunch. This kind of stuff makes me homicidal. parsy.
131 posted on 07/16/2002 5:28:51 PM PDT by parsifal
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To: cake_crumb
Hubby and I don't consider ourselves "sportsmen" either...we hunt for food.

I never thought about the term. I guess I don't have an issue with it, but I agree hunting should be for food. Even if you give it away. If you have any spare venison or wild turkey, drop me a note. Squirrel's mighty tasty, too.

132 posted on 07/16/2002 5:28:55 PM PDT by gitmo
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To: Lazamataz
The more I see this stuff, the less hope I have for our race.

Hey Laz, I know what you mean, but I still have hope, and, well, I hope to see more of your stuff because when you go off, well, it's a treat.

Notice that the same race that acted stupidly came to the care of the kitty.

133 posted on 07/16/2002 5:31:52 PM PDT by mjf
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To: Wild Irish Rogue
"I'm only sorry I wasn't this creep's neighbor."

Me too. You think like both hubby and me...and probably the majority of FReepers. Shame there are some FReepers on this thread who's writing style fits the profile of the sadistic psycho-perp. They make the rest of us look bad.

134 posted on 07/16/2002 5:32:25 PM PDT by cake_crumb
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To: RobRoy
But not a big enough problem to get the government involved, imo.

Well even if one buys into your Pharisee-like definition of animals as merely "property", you still contradict yourself. Isn't destruction of other's property illegal? Nowhere does it say that he owned the kitten.

But even if he did, your arguments on this thread are counter to Biblical principles. Here are some versus noted in a webpage on the subject of God's view towards animals:

"God was so interested in the welfare of the animal kingdom that He created, that He even commanded Noah, in the time of judgment on the earth, to make the ark big enough to hold two of every kind of animal that existed.

The Bible actually has much to say in regard to animal abuse. In the beginning, God created the earth and all the creatures on it to be under the authority of humanity. He entrusted these beautiful elements of His creation to our care (Genesis 1:26). Our sinful nature causes us to abuse these things, sometimes without even realizing it. Yet, God expects the Christian, above all others, to be sensitive to all of His creation, knowing that exploiting or abusing it shows a disrespect for God Himself. Abuse of anything that God made is not the character of God, but rather of the Evil One.

Domestic Animals: "A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel" (Proverbs 12:10). Throughout the Bible, God shows how He expects us to care for our animals in practical ways. In the Law of the Israelites, for example, one of the purposes of the Sabbath year of rest for the land, was to let the land lie fallow--and so that the poor as well as livestock and wild animals could eat from it (Exodus 23:11 and Leviticus 25:7). The Sabbath day itself was not only for humans to rest. God also commanded us to give our animals rest on the same day. (Exodus 20:10). He also commanded the Israelites to help both their friends and enemies when their ox or donkey had fallen over, or was carrying a burden too heavy for it to bear (Exodus 23:5 and Deuteronomy 22:4). In addition, livestock were also allowed to eat as they worked (Deuteronomy 25:4). Finally, God says to us in Proverbs 27:23: "Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds."

Part of the reason that God anointed young David to be king over Israel, was that he was a good shepherd and could be trusted with the sheep under his care, even risking his life for them when they were attacked by lions or bears (1 Samuel 17:34). God knew that if David had this sort of heart for his sheep, he would be a faithful shepherd over an even greater treasure--the people of Israel.

Wild Animals--His eye is on the sparrow: In addition to domesticated animals, God also watches over wild animals and commands us to do the same. In Deuteronomy 22:6-7, God promises a long life to those who will watch over wild birds. If we rape the land or the creatures in it, what will sustain us in the future? He allows for the taking of eggs, but commands that we release the mother bird to continue living in the wild and reproducing as He intended. In Job 38:41, God says that He hears the cries of newborn ravens crying to Him for food. Jesus went on to say that God supplies food for the wild birds and that not one of them falls to the ground without Him knowing it (Matthew 6:26, 10:29).

These small, but kind and practical commands written throughout the Bible give us good insight into how God expects us to treat animals. Surely we will have to answer to Him for any abuse that we have committed against them. God created animals for us to love and to learn from. In them, we see our own dependence upon God illustrated in their dependence upon us. We can also see elements of our foolishness manifested in them (who has not seen a crowing rooster and laughed at the comic caricature of ourselves crowing to all the world in our foolish pride?) In addition, God also tells us to learn from their wisdom:

"Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest" (Proverbs 6:6-8).

(Job 12:7-10 KJV) "But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee: Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee. Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this? In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind."

Although worship of animals as deities is strictly forbidden in Scripture, we are to respect them as a part of God's creation. Some believe that because only humans were created in God's image, they alone are worthy of respect and care. Yet, the Bible tells us that even the angels were not created in God's image, yet we are to respect them! We are to respect all of God's created order, not to worship facets of it, but to see in it the same call that we ourselves have, which is to glorify God. All of God's creation was made with the ability and the power to glorify Him, each in different ways. In this, animals, as well as humans, share a common element with the rest of creation. Perhaps the words from these Psalms say it best of all (emphasis added):

Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him from the heights above. Praise him all his angels, praise him, all his heavenly hosts. Praise him, sun and moon, praise him all you shining stars. Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created. He set them in place forever and ever; he gave a decree that will never pass away. Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures and all ocean depths, lightening and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding, you mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals and all cattle, small creatures and flying birds kings of the earth and all nations, you princes and all rulers on earth young men and maidens, old men and children. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for His name alone is exalted; His splendor is above the earth and the heavens (Psalm 148: 1-13).

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord (Psalm 150:6).

135 posted on 07/16/2002 5:33:25 PM PDT by Diddle E. Squat
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To: RobRoy

Animal Cruelty

These secret compulsions are seen as the seeds to greater mayhem. "Violent acts are reinforced, since the murderers either are able to express rage without experiencing negative consequences or are impervious to any prohibitions against these actions. Second, impulsive and erratic behavior discourages friendships," increasing isolation." "Furthermore, there is no challenge to the offenders' beliefs that they are entitled to act the way they do." (Ressler, et al, Sexual Homicide) "All learning, according to Ressler, has a "feedback system." Torturing animals and setting fires will eventually escalate to crimes against fellow human beings, if the pattern is not somehow broken.

Torturing animals is a disturbing red flag. Animals are often seen as "practice" for killing humans. Ed Kemper buried the family cat alive, dug it up, and cut off its head. Dahmer was notorious for his animal cruelty, cutting off dogs heads and placing them on a stick behind his house. Yet not all serial killers take their aggressions out on pets. Dennis Nilsen loved animals, particularly his dog Bleep, whom he couldn't bear to face after being arrested for fear that it would traumatize the dog. Rapist torturer and murderer of eight, Christopher Wilder, had made donations to Save The Whales and the Seal Rescue Fund.

136 posted on 07/16/2002 5:33:29 PM PDT by Freedom2specul8
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To: RobRoy
1.Having sense perception; conscious: “The living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God's stage” (T.E. Lawrence).

Yes, some animals definately have sense perception. Cats, dogs, whales, etc. My cats know their names, and one all by himself learned how to open the storm door to go outside.

I never taught him how to do it. I do believe many animals are sentient.

137 posted on 07/16/2002 5:34:14 PM PDT by Hacksaw
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To: Wrigley
i didn't like the fact they ended the show with an elton john medley, but they say it is a tribute to the man who influenced them the most...
138 posted on 07/16/2002 5:34:56 PM PDT by teeman8r
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To: M0sby
re post 52: I was sensitive to her feelings at the time. It was actually quite easy. Regarding the other issue, knowledge is power. I do not believe in candy coated white lies to help people feel better in the short term. It may seem to make sense, but that doesn't make it right - necessarily.

I put what paul harvey said in the category of saying "that's quite a baby" when someone shows you their really ugly baby. The words are true but meant to misslead in the hopes of being sensitive to anothers needs. Not necessarily a bad thing.

Oh, and no, I won't keep my mouth shut. The time most definitely is "now." That's why this thread is here, silly.
139 posted on 07/16/2002 5:35:54 PM PDT by RobRoy
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To: teeman8r; My Favorite Headache
Hey, careful there. There are many Rush fans on the FR.
140 posted on 07/16/2002 5:36:12 PM PDT by Wrigley
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