1 posted on
07/08/2002 6:56:21 AM PDT by
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To: kattracks
Im shocked I tell you ...shocked!
2 posted on
07/08/2002 6:57:37 AM PDT by
CPT Clay
To: kattracks
Another stunning development: President Bush's approval ratings have actually improved in the weeks since the Democrat-media complex began shifting blame to Bush. Now, that's the best news I've heard all day. LOL
3 posted on
07/08/2002 7:00:43 AM PDT by
To: kattracks
tom, al and bill, stick this in your pipe and smoke it! BUMP!
To: kattracks
What a weird poll.
5 posted on
07/08/2002 7:01:23 AM PDT by
To: kattracks
The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy has been revealed!
And it is actually a Majority now!
6 posted on
07/08/2002 7:01:24 AM PDT by
To: kattracks
the 3 Stooges, Daschle, Kerry, and Gore keep sticking their fingers into their own eyes.
To: kattracks
Nothing stunning about it. The American people are a little smarter than Daschle and Gephardt give them credit for.
8 posted on
07/08/2002 7:02:16 AM PDT by
To: kattracks
To: kattracks
The Dems rarely fail to shoot themselves in the foot in their pursuit of power.
(Of course, the GOP leaders rarely fail to shoot themselves in the foot by trying to play "nice" with the Dems, so it all evens out.)
To: kattracks
No news here.
To: kattracks
The liberals are 'spitting into the wind' and of course, the results are that it
all comes back in their collective face.Looks like, after all these years, the public is starting to see through the Democrats' old worn-out tricks.
Now they'll have to go back to racism and lies about Social Security...and there isn't much tread left on those wheels either.
To: kattracks
I don't call them Evil DUMocrats for nothing.
15 posted on
07/08/2002 7:08:03 AM PDT by
To: kattracks
17 posted on
07/08/2002 7:08:30 AM PDT by
To: kattracks
Who is Bill Clinton?
22 posted on
07/08/2002 7:12:08 AM PDT by
To: kattracks
Thanks for the find! This is great news!
I am sure that CNN and the alphabet networks will be out in front reporting this! (sarcasm)
Wonder what daschle is going to go after next?
To: kattracks
As Nelson on the Simpsons would say......
Ha Ha!
To: kattracks
Good Grief! How is that possible? We the people, being dumb and dumber, need to be told by the Democrats what to eat, what to smoke, what to drink, what to think, how to vote. Does this news mean we can tell the Democrats where to go?
To: kattracks
I have only three words to say......PRAISE THE LORD!!!!
(The God of TRUTH is answering our prayers about his servant, George W. Bush!!)
27 posted on
07/08/2002 7:17:19 AM PDT by
To: Miss Marple; ohioWfan; Wphile; mtngrl@vrwc; Howlin; olliemb; McLynnan; marylina; Mo1; ...
Just pinging a few people in case they haven't seen this poll shocker.
What should be going up in the minds of all Americans is that - unlike what we were told for those eight long years from hell:
This poll does not mean the Demonrats will stop trying to paint the Republicans and President Bush and CAPITALISM AND PRIVATE ENTERPRISE as the 'EVIL' - that all leftists believe - or want to convince the masses to believe. They will keep trying.
I hope someone somewhere is amassing all the corporate donations to the Demoncreeps over the years, esp to the Clintons - and who the donors were and how they benefitted during the Clinton years. And the list of multimillionaires in the US Senate - heavily dominated by Demoncrats.
The "MYTH" that the Democrats are for the "poor", the "disenfranchised", and the "outcasts" of society is pure teetotal bunk. They are the party of pure and total greed, corruption, evil, to the point of siding with those in the terrorist world who want us dead!
And every American needs to hear those truths!
To: kattracks
I can't help but wonder where these poll numbers would be without the Fox network - and the Internet.
Al Gore is going to rue the day he invented the Internet!
31 posted on
07/08/2002 7:20:55 AM PDT by
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