To: kattracks
Nothing stunning about it. The American people are a little smarter than Daschle and Gephardt give them credit for.
8 posted on
07/08/2002 7:02:16 AM PDT by
To: leadpenny
The American people are a little smarter than Daschle and Gephardt give them credit for. That can still be a depressing thought.
To: leadpenny
The American people are a little smarter than Daschle and Gephardt give them credit for.I wish that were true. But then how do you explain eight years of Clinton, and a decidedly pro-Clinton public opinion during the whole impeachment thing?
18 posted on
07/08/2002 7:09:26 AM PDT by
To: leadpenny
Nothing stunning about it. The American people are a little smarter than Daschle and Gephardt give them credit for. Sorry, but given the fact that these very same people elected CLinton twice and came within a gnat's eyelash of electing Algore, this is stunning.
To: leadpenny
"The American people are a little smarter than Daschle and Gephardt give them credit for." Who'd a thunk it?!
To: leadpenny
re: The American people are a little smarter than Daschle and Gephardt give them credit for. Don't be so sure about this. Just the fact those guys got elected proves we're a nation of idiots!
To: leadpenny
I don't think that it is so much that the people are smart, as they don't want anyone to mess with a good thing. They trust Bush to handle the terrorism, which is their main priority.
It is the same thing that was going on under Clinton. Clinton convinced alot of people that the economy was the most important issue and that he was responsible for the boom. They didn't want anyone to mess with that either, so they defended Clinton. Now that the boom has proved to be more of a bubble, they are willing to take a second look at the Clinton transgressions.
172 posted on
07/08/2002 10:10:25 AM PDT by
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