To: leadpenny
The American people are a little smarter than Daschle and Gephardt give them credit for.I wish that were true. But then how do you explain eight years of Clinton, and a decidedly pro-Clinton public opinion during the whole impeachment thing?
18 posted on
07/08/2002 7:09:26 AM PDT by
To: Maceman
I'm hopelessly optimistic
To: Maceman
I think 9/11 shook people out of their slumber...they are paying attention now.
To: Maceman
I wish that were true. But then how do you explain eight years of Clinton, and a decidedly pro-Clinton public opinion during the whole impeachment thing? I think it was because people held presidents at a high standard. I think most of them felt it couldn't be true. "An American president would never do all those things! Not to their own country"
When the Dumpocrap and liberal press spin finally slowed down and sanity came back, they began to realize it WAS really true. Clinton was a total failure in all respects. All of a sudden the pieces of Clintons failures started falling into place.
Now only the Clintonian cult remains faithfull to him. The rest have seen the light.
To: Maceman
I wish that were true. But then how do you explain eight years of Clinton, and a decidedly pro-Clinton public opinion during the whole impeachment thing? I don't think people were so much "Pro-Clinton" as they were more for the preservation of the office, and against the transfer of title to Al Gore. Besides, the media was absolutely against the conservative view, and did a lot to brainwash the masses.
It took the sleaziness of the Clintons as they left office to wake Americans up to the fact that Clinton & Co. were really as bad as they had been denying for all those years. Even the media were aghast at the pardons Clinton enacted.
To: Maceman
"I wish that were true. But then how do you explain eight years of Clinton, and
a decidedly pro-Clinton public opinion during the whole impeachment thing?"
That's easy. The American public had not yet gotten to know President Bush. Now they know what a REAL president is, and they like it.
144 posted on
07/08/2002 9:10:57 AM PDT by
To: Maceman
Perhaps people finally woke up. Lets hope so
145 posted on
07/08/2002 9:13:34 AM PDT by
To: Maceman
DECEPTION, maceman, DECEPTION. He was a master at it. He's very charismatic but it's a demonic deception. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson