To: kattracks
Im shocked I tell you ...shocked!
2 posted on
07/08/2002 6:57:37 AM PDT by
CPT Clay
To: CPT Clay
Im shocked I tell you ...shocked!And stunned. And appalled. Yeah that's the ticket...shocked, stunned and appalled.
11 posted on
07/08/2002 7:04:52 AM PDT by
To: CPT Clay
We are making progress ......
I think the reason Al Gore has stirred from academic hibernation is to provide a voice that will be heard by the faithful. The strident Dashole message was loosing the sheeple rather than causing them to follow nose to tail as they did before.
The Rats know they are in trouble. The Clinton connection to business excess is of no consequence when compared to the Clinton failure with Al queda.
The sheeple can recognize that a few bucks of savings gone doesn't compare with the loss of life itsself. Clinton had a gold digging chick in his office more than competant advisors. His "yes" men killed his presidency.
29 posted on
07/08/2002 7:20:11 AM PDT by
To: CPT Clay
Round up the usual suspects.
To: CPT Clay
Well, I guess the sheeple will never hear these poll results then!
To: CPT Clay
How 46% of the people could think that Bush was responsible for actions of businessmen which occurred BEFORE he came into office is beyond me. It tells me that there are a LOT of stupid Dems and independents who are buying the Dems lies. Only the most die-hard, and stupid, (Oops, redundancy. Sorry) Dems ought to be agreeing with such a stupid fable.
99 posted on
07/08/2002 7:58:59 AM PDT by
To: CPT Clay
Im shocked I tell you ...shocked! The only shock here is that Gallup polled for this. Normally they would design the question so there was no way people could identify Klintoon as the culprit. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson