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Vanity | July 4, 2002 | B. A. Conservative

Posted on 07/04/2002 6:16:32 AM PDT by B. A. Conservative

It is beyond challenge that most, if not all, of the problems America faces today originate in Washington. It is fallacious reasoning to suggest that the problem lies with the people of the United States. Our government is a republic. Our republic is predicated on the theory that those elected to public office have intellectual competence, educational skills or experience that exceeds that of the electorate and that those elected public leaders will do what is right for the country even in opposition to commonly perceived public opinion. During most of the past century, the political class has demonstrably failed to lead, but have instead become political prostitutes selling laws and benefits in exchange for votes transforming our Constitutional republic into a tyrannical mob-rule democracy destined for bankruptcy. Non-producing parasites now use the Democratic Party to prey on their neighbors, the still producing members of our country.

Under our Constitution, the power of the United States resides in We the people. For too long, we have allowed that power to be delegated or sold by the prostitutes in both political parties, primarily those in Washington. Clearly, ours has become a top>down government. As one voice among We the people, I think it is time to withhold the delegation of that power by only delegating it to selected politicians and then only with strings attached. FreeRepublic is a much larger segment of We the people, with a much larger voice. We at FreeRepublic are the roots of the grassroots. Newcomers and some that have been frequenting this site for years may deny that Bill Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives because of the discussions that took place on this web site. They are wrong. Our voice is loud and it is heard in the Halls of Congress and in the Whitehouse. The stain that will be remembered in history is not the stain on Monica's dress; it is the stain of Impeachment. And that stain came from the computer ink that spilled from the hearts of Freepers determined to see justice done. We at FreeRepublic are the roots of the grassroots. The buck starts here.

There has been a great deal of discussion on FreeRepublic lately about what role we should play in this fall's election and that we should cut Bush and the Republicans some slack. Variations of this theme have been discussed on other threads: "THAT which you believe"---"An open letter to Republicans" by redrock. I particularly like the comments by DoughtyOne and "Move the RINOs and we move the party. I really think it's that simple," by NickDanger.

Ronald Reagan won two landslide elections by telling Americans he was going to cut the government in Washington down to size. The Contract with America gave the Republicans control of both houses of Congress for the first time in roughly thirty years. Prior to the Contract with America Republicans only had control of even one house in Congress one other time in 70 years. The lesson that Republicans seem to have difficulty in learning is that the people are conservative and when presented a conservative agenda they will vote for it. And conversely, when pandering is all that is offered, the public prefers the real prostitutes every time. I have a solution to this problem. I call it the

Contract with Congress

I am not giving my vote to anybody in November. I have decided to auction my vote in this fall's Congressional elections. Politicians are going to have to bid for my vote. I have decided not to exclude any particular politicians or parties from the bidding. And I have decided to attach some rules to the bidding itself:

  1. There is a minimum bid.
  2. Anyone defaulting on any part of the minimum bid will be barred from consideration for future auctions.
  3. A public pledge to guarantee to bring the minimum bid to the floor for a vote is an acceptable alternative to a written and signed contract, although anyone offering a written and signed contract similar in format to the Contract with America will be given preference.
  4. Any part of the minimum bid or "contract" not enacted into law will be supported and returned to the floor in the next or subsequent sessions of Congress as required until enacted into law.
  5. If there are no acceptable bids for my vote in Congressional races per the rules above, my vote (normally Republican straight ticket) will not be cast at all.

    Minimum Bid:

    1. Complete scrapping of Title 26, Subtitle A-Income Taxes.
    2. Replacement of the Income Tax with the Fair Tax, the Flat Tax, or a combination of the two.
    3. The growth of government spending is unacceptable. I not only want it stopped; I demand that it be reversed by at least 2% per cent per year for at least the next two years. In 2004, I will re-evaluate to determine whether or not the rate of reduction should be adjusted for future years.
    4. No more socialism. That means no new payments to individuals except for services rendered or goods purchased. That means no new grants to organizations, public or private, and no new grants to state or local governments.
    5. Immediately begin the voluntary privatization of Social Security using the Cato plan.

    This is only the Minimum. There are a number of suggested options that politicians could add now or that we will add in future contracts for future elections.

    Suggested Options:

    Most of these problems would eventually be solved by Term Limits. I think the Term Limits Amendment should be saved as part of the ultimate threat packaged as a part of a package to be presented under Article V to a Constitutional Convention. It takes time to put together sufficient public arousal and support to apply the kind of pressure that we may need to bring to bear on people who are used to exerting power rather than being subjected to it.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Editorial; Politics/Elections; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: constitution; freedom; tyranny
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Just vote out the Democrats.  [JR]

The ones with the R's... or the ones with the D's?  [OWK]

Excellent point!

Not all democrats have a "D" next to their name.

Let's just vote out all of the Democrats, including those with an "R" next to their name.


301 posted on 09/03/2002 8:51:27 PM PDT by Action-America
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To: Jim Robinson

Vote them out! That's no parrot. That's what it takes. There is NO other way.

But that doesn't help, if we don't get rid of the RINO's, too.

I don't have to worry about voting out the Democrat (at least not the one with a "D" next to his name).  You see, like many other Republicans, I live in a congressional district where we have a gun grabbing RINO as our elected representative.  So, my concern is to vote out the Democrat with an "R" next to his name.


302 posted on 09/03/2002 9:02:47 PM PDT by Action-America
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To: Jim Robinson
Well, let me know when you motivate anywhere close to an effective number of those who don't vote.

It did happen fairly recently. A guy named Ventura. Nationwide turnout was 30% but over 60% turned out in Minnesota. The non-voters (sadly) will show up for the right person, but not these party approved hacks that are constantly foisted upon us.

303 posted on 09/03/2002 9:40:19 PM PDT by Earn Your Vote
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To: exodus
I voted for Buchanan in the primary in 96, not 2000. I was not exactly enthused about Dole, but did vote for him against Clinton.
I should make it clear that I support President Bush. I have not liked everything he has done, but I didn't expect to, so I guess that is the difference. Once they are actually in the White House it is a whole new world, and they have to compromise some. Reagan did, they all do.
My biggest fear is getting a democrat back in the bully pulpit with the Senate under their control too. Makes me cringe!

304 posted on 09/03/2002 10:06:06 PM PDT by ladyinred
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To: exodus; Jim Robinson; B. A. Conservative
Exodus: You quote Jim Robinson and then you go into another explanation on how to restore the Republican Party.

Let's look again at Jim's quote to which you responded as it says nothing about fixing the GOP. Here is what he wrote:

"To: exodus
I doubt we disagree much regarding what a conservative is. I just want the Democrats OUT! NOW! The sooner the better. This takes brute force and bludgeoning. No third party can accomplish that. After the death grip has been broken, then we can argue about finesse. # 113 by Jim Robinson

I am in total agreement with Jim. Read the words. Sure you might punish the GOP by voting third party but you will end up punishing the rest of us as well. NO THIRD PARTY CAN DEFEAT THE DEMOCRATS. That is a fact. I won't argue the degree to which Republicans are better or worse than Democrats with you. I believe a Republican in office is better than a Democrat if only marginally.

Now if you are wanting a method to send a message that will be heard and yet not give quarter to the DemocRATS I offer the following:

After 32 years (16 General Elections), with many of them involving my volunteer work and financial support of the GOP and its candidates I re-registered to vote with Party Affiliation - NONE. When volunteers, as I used to be, call and look for a donation to the RNC or a particular candidate I let them know the best support they can hope for from me is my vote on election day and that it is not a slam dunk, as I am NOT A REPUBLICAN.

I tell you, should the idea catch on and millions, take the same action it will be noticed. But even if it isn't I can make my statement.

Listen you sound passionately conservative and my hats off to you. And you are entitled to do whatever you believe is right with your vote. However, given that JR's and others mission first requires the removal of Demccrats from office, unfortunately here in the last few years that means voting for the Republican as there is no 3rd Party remotely on the horizon that will have a hope of doing so. The fact is that we have been so long now entrenched in a "two party" system that I don't believe it will ever change. Not in our life times and I am assuming you are much younger than I.

But if it floats your bubble, by all means go for it.

BTW, I believe you invited my response since you pinged me to your comments.

Have a great day.

305 posted on 09/04/2002 4:10:22 AM PDT by ImpBill
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To: nopardons; Jim Robinson
You are SO completely and utterly WRONG , that it is beyond words to decribe just how wrong you are ! Staying home, is NOT an option ; it is cutting off your nose, to spite your face and handing your enemies complete control, without having to fight for anything. You sound as though you actually believe the naive bildge , you've posted. Ergo, I can only assume that you haven't learned anything here, don't have any political accumen, neither understand nor comperhend history or politics, and know about as much, as an ant does, about human nature. "

All could possibly be true. For most of my sixty years, I have been out of step with practically everybody else. I have voted in 21 national elections beginning in 1960. I'm 5 for 5 in Presidential races, but I have never voted for the winning candidate in a Congressional race and voted for the winner only four times in Senate races. Perhaps you can improve my voting record by clarifying some confusing observations for me?

  1. Barry Goldwater was the first real conservative to be nominated for President since the depression. He was destroyed in the media publicity campaign before he was able to even launch a severely handicapped political campaign. I have a friend who was a child of a Republican governor, who had a brother who was a US Senator, and who had brother-in-law also a US Senator. This friend planned to take a full page campaign add (cost $38,000) for Goldwater in the LA Times but was told that credit or check for payment was unacceptable. This friend flew to LA and hand carried the $38,000 to the LA Editor along with a copy of the add. The times refused to run the add and would not accept cash payment. I am puzzled by this. If the Times had nothing to fear from Goldwater or conservatism, why did they refuse to take the money? Why was this story repeated all over the country? Why are there Republican candidates in every election that complain that they have been refused TV or radio air time and newspaper advertising?
  2. Ronald Reagan was only the second man to ever run on a decidedly conservative platform. He won not only a record electoral college landslide victory, but popular vote landslides as well winning the popular vote in 47 states in his first election and 49 in second. How can this be?
  3. Bush I, decidedly not conservative and a believer in big government lost after waging the most important and most successful military campaign in the history of the world. If voting Republican, as opposed to having an opportunity to vote conservative is important, how can this be?
  4. The Contract with America was the first time that Republicans ever outlined a genuinely conservative political agenda and promised to support it no matter what. This gave Republians a conservative landslide victory giving them control of both houses of Congress at the same time for the first time in almost forty years and for the second time in almost seventy years. I may not know much about politics, but I know that Republicans ran and lost in everyone of those other 68 elections that resulted in Republican Congressional defeats and that Republicans were not campaigning on rolling back socialism. Is it being conservative or Republican that is important to you? What seems to be important to other voters in the Congressional elections we have just discussed?
  5. Bush II, also not a genuine conservative, won the closest and most hotly contested election in US history in the electoral college but lost the popular vote. Did Bush lose/win because he was Republican? Or could it be that people could not tell the difference between Bush and Gore? How do you think Gore would have fared if he had been running against Ronald Reagan? How would Gore have fared against Rush Limbaugh?

If you are sure of the answers to these questions, maybe I will see the light and just become a good little Republican and forget the Constitution and the freedoms it offers. As you have so aptly pointed out, I need someone from the government to take care of me and make sure I stop making silly investments (I am a self-made multi-millionaire that retired at 44) and start looking forward to cashing my social security checks in two years. And I can hardly wait until you suckers start having to pay for my prescription drugs. As a physician, I know exactly which ones to get and that cost the most. And I may have some of those operations that I have been putting off, because I am scared to death of doctors and know that most of them don't help anyway, but hey, at that price (free) who can turn down a deal like that. Besides, I get some free room and board at the local hospital. Gives me a chance to screen the four or five here before I really need one.

Did I tell you about my golfing buddy from the past who had been drawing permanent total disability for the prior nine years? He was not only an excellent golfer walking 18 holes every day weather permitting, he was also at the time the state senior tennis champion 3 years in a row? When voters can't tell the difference between Republicans and Democrats, conservatives don't feel the need to vote, and moderates who lean toward socialism usually opt for the real thing. If voters are given a choice to vote for conservatives willing to restore our Constitutional Republic, and still vote the Democrats into power; then it is time to dissolve the union and go our separate ways.

I, never again intend to live under a government controlled by Democrats. And if faced with that possibility, I intend to do everything reasonable to bring about the secession of one state. If the United States has become a socialistic democracy that refuses to honor and acknowledge the Constitutional restraints on government, then the United States is already dead, and the sooner the ashes are scattered and the remnants dissolved the sooner some of us can recover the freedom and equality that Americans once enjoyed. A Republican serf, by any other name is still a slave. Either we confront and defeat Democrats with ballots, or surely someday we may have to consider bullets. History records few slave-owners, who have freed their slaves. Even Jefferson, the author of the most important treatise on freedom in the world's history, could not bring himself to free his slaves. What chance have we with Republicans who refuse to stand for anything?

Even if the Contract with Congress fails, we will know where we stand and who is with us. "Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable--and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.

It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

306 posted on 09/04/2002 8:40:51 AM PDT by B. A. Conservative
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To: ImpBill; Jim Robinson
My purpose is not to launch a third party. The purpose is to elect Republicans that will actually make a difference in the political course of America. There is no time left for incrementalism. The baby boom generation will start reaching retirement age in the fall of 2008 and become elgible for Medicare in 2011. Medicare goes irreversibly into the red in 2008. The US government will be financially bankrupt before the boomers peak for SS and Medicare in 2018 and 2021. The unfunded liabilities of these two programs cannot be politically funded by any combination of tax increases and reduction of benefits that are politically achievable. The fantasy really is going to end. The potential political repurcussions are beyond imaginable.

It is possible to financially feasible to deal with SS under the Cato plan. Medicare is another story all together, but no one will be allowed to tackle Medicare without first having demonstrated to John Q. an acceptable format for dealing SS. No one will be forced to "sacrifice" in dealing with SS under Cato. That does not apply to Medicare. Medicare cannot be dealth without "sacrifices".

Republicans know the realities of the above but are delaying the debate out of fear of their own political defeat and the wishful thinking that something magical will happen to just make it all go away, like maybe the economic miracle of the 90's was real and we will enjoy GDP growth of 15% forever.

Preserving the status quo will not save America and will result in its certain destruction. There is only one chance to save the United States and that is a sharp quick return to our Constitutional roots. There are only two prospects that appear to offer a reasonable possibility of a quick return to living within our Constitution: moving the Republican Party quickly back to a staunch conservative agenda or finding a willing and capable charismatic leader. At the moment, I don't recognize the potential leader, but I do know that it is possible to force the Republicans to change direction quickly. With-holding money will have little effect. A genuine threat of losing office will turn them on a dime.

307 posted on 09/05/2002 6:37:07 AM PDT by B. A. Conservative
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To: tpaine; OWK
But it ain't gonna happen no matter how much we pray.

LOL! And to whom have you been praying?

There is a difference between Republicans and Democrats, despite your and OWK's mental mastications and half-digested verbal upchucks to the contrary. There was a difference between Slade Gorton in Washington State and the liberal Democrat ninny who replaced him. Libertarians gave us Ms. Nanny Government and helped to shift the entire balance of power in the Senate to the Ted Kennedy cabal. Now there is little opportunity to get even moderate federal judges appointed to the bench.

If this is how libertarians work to rebuild our Constitutional house, I wish they'd take their tools and go work on someone else's house. We'd get a better finished product from the Three Stooges.

308 posted on 09/05/2002 7:48:21 AM PDT by Kevin Curry
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To: Kevin Curry
Want my vote?

Earn it with candidates who deserve it.

Until then, you'll get what you've earned.

309 posted on 09/05/2002 9:16:15 AM PDT by OWK
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To: B. A. Conservative
I know your purpose is not to launch a third party. My response was to "exodus" and I just CC you and JR.

I laud you in your zeal and admire your "stick-to-it-iveness". I just came to the realization the GOP is beyond redemption and really has no use for Constitutional Conservatives any longer. The GOP, by action of its leadership, has proved, to me at least, time and again that the acquisition and maintenance of power is an end of itself and that they (GOP lawmakers) will subvert their oaths and fidelity to the constitution as it sees fit towards that end. In this regard they aren't much different than the Democrats.

I do believe that in the main, however the individual GOP representatives have basic conservative (little "c")/traditional values, whereas the Clinton/Gephardt/Daschle/etal wing of the Democrats don't share in those same values at all.

I have no use for either "political party" but I will not give up my right to vote, even if it means that when I pull the lever it will be for no other reason than JR stated to "oust Democrats".

I want to watch that party pay a price for their lock step defense of the likes of William Jefferson Clinton.

Good luck in reforming the GOP.

BTW, I think the "wreck" you talk about when the boomers (my generation - born in 1946) hit SS age is put only mildly. Plus I don't think it will be adverted. If it hasn't dawned upon you, we haven't had leadership in the country for quite sometime now. They (electeds) are all into "Crises Containment" management techniques.

Tough days ahead.

310 posted on 09/06/2002 3:24:06 AM PDT by ImpBill
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To: ImpBill
the GOP is beyond redemption


311 posted on 09/06/2002 3:44:13 AM PDT by WhiteGuy
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In fact the 'Patriot Act', a huge and complicated volume of new laws and civil liberty restrictions had to have been prepared long before G.W. came to the White House. Yet Congress claimed ignorance of its contents even as thy voted it into law.

Do you think a judge will ever use the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798 to deem a secret search or wiretap unconstitutional and deny the order?

312 posted on 09/13/2002 7:37:42 PM PDT by md2576
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To: B. A. Conservative
313 posted on 09/23/2002 9:52:03 AM PDT by WhiteGuy
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To: B. A. Conservative
314 posted on 09/26/2002 1:32:56 PM PDT by Dajjal
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To: B. A. Conservative
The status quo or a continuing descent into socialism is unacceptable.

I agree ... if we are going down the toilet, I prefer to go down now and begin the recovery. This long, slow flush of the RINOs is no longer acceptable.

315 posted on 10/09/2002 5:36:25 PM PDT by bimbo
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To: Tourist Guy
Real conservatives need to get off thier collective butts and start running for office...

I have tried to persuade my Republican Candidate for governor to stand up and proudly proclaim his conservatism. His Democrat opponent is beating him over the head with ads like: "In Congress, Bob Ehrlich even voted to eliminate the Dept of Education!" I have exhorted him to put out his answer ad: "You're damn right I voted to eliminate the Dept of Education - and here's why ... " So far his reply has been "She is distorting my record" I hope I'm wrong, but I believe I am watching another conservative go down to defeat because he is unwilling to display his conservatism.

316 posted on 10/09/2002 5:51:54 PM PDT by bimbo
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To: sam_paine
New ideas require a mere majority 51%. After for years, 2/3. After 8 years 3/4. 12 years 4/5. If a law/program is good, it should have no trouble garnering unanimous consent over time. Meanwhile, Congress will be forced to spend most of its time lobbying and voting on maintaining current laws rather then passing and spending on new business. Just a thought.

This is the best Idea I've seen in 10 years!

317 posted on 10/09/2002 5:59:37 PM PDT by bimbo
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To: B. A. Conservative
Though we likely would not agree on the proper course for freedom on all issues.........I sincerely congratulate you for not being another blind conservative and voting the party line. It is encouraging to know there are a few real conservatives left out there willing to admit that the Republicans are simply serving to pull us deeper into the swamp. Even if you are a drug warrior, you've got my vote!
318 posted on 10/14/2002 10:16:26 PM PDT by missileboy
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To: missileboy
"Even if you are a drug warrior, you've got my vote!"

I am not sure what your drug warrior comment implies. My position on drugs is that only fools take them. But government should play no role in controlling the decisions of individuals. Individuals should be free to decide what they do or don't do where there are no direct consequences to others. The War on Drugs is an abuse of taxpayers who fund this particular insanity. And the War on Drugs does more damage to humanity than is done by drug use itself. I am a retired pathologist; I can prove this beyond reasonable doubt. And the War on Drugs cannot and will never be won.

There is a rational way to fight the drug culture, but it does not include government or law enforcement.

319 posted on 10/15/2002 6:16:15 AM PDT by B. A. Conservative
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To: B. A. Conservative
Good stuff BAC.
I consider myself to be an agnostic, despite the almost overwhelming evidence that the United States was inspired by Divine Providence and the increasingly very high odds against the accidental origin of life and the universe. I struggle because I can't see the grand design or plan and its ultimate resolution. Now, maybe more than ever we need Divine Intervention.

If you stand outside on a windy day you can feel the breeze upon your skin blowing across your body. You hear it, you can see the grass and the trees gently bowing, yet you still can't see the wind. You know the wind exists because you see the results of that wind, yet it remains forever invisible. Only the effects from the wind, not the wind itself, are noted.
Rather simplistic, I know, but maybe it'll give you something to think about. Hope it helps.
John 3:8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

320 posted on 10/19/2002 6:02:15 AM PDT by philman_36
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