Nonsence. If he confessed as you said the US Attorney would have nailed him to the wall. Where is this corroborating evidence? If this was the case the US Attorney would have gotten his charge. He did not?
Zacharrias Moussaoui is not a US citizen. He is a French national, who was here on a student visa ( I think it was a student visa ) Moussaoui has NOT been as forthcoming as Mujahir apparently has, because Moussaoui is attempting to circumvent US law with Islamic law. I have not heard the judge is asking for ANY such proof of federal sources as some claim. I only know the DEFENSE asked for more time, which wasn't granted, then the fed asked for more time, and it was.
Moussaoui holds dual citzenship is being tried by a US Court, Why? What is the difference here? There is none. If Moussaoui is not a citizen as you suggest then it makes matters worse not better.
The cases, charges and nationalities of the perps is different, that's all.
This last statement is all nonsense.
Yes I know it was...please see my correction nember 728 and accept my sincere apologies....if I try to explain my stupidity again, I'll only atart laughing again.
As for Moussaoui, he does NOT hold any citizenship in the US. Unlike the the Moussaoui case, there are not only witnesses but what the fed apparently believes is a solid confession in Mujahir's case.
If you think it is nonsense that the cases, charges and nationalities of the perps are different, you have never studied law.
I'm not sure what you are really asking here...if you are wondering if the fed will go for the death penalty in both cases, it is likely. The chances for success, I am not willing to speculate at.