Yes I know it was...please see my correction nember 728 and accept my sincere apologies....if I try to explain my stupidity again, I'll only atart laughing again.
As for Moussaoui, he does NOT hold any citizenship in the US. Unlike the the Moussaoui case, there are not only witnesses but what the fed apparently believes is a solid confession in Mujahir's case.
If you think it is nonsense that the cases, charges and nationalities of the perps are different, you have never studied law.
I'm not sure what you are really asking here...if you are wondering if the fed will go for the death penalty in both cases, it is likely. The chances for success, I am not willing to speculate at.
Now, with the Moussaoui case this moron is being tried by US Law. Again it is my understanding we have a dual Citizenship with Moussaoui but I will check again. I could be wrong. There is no differenc between the two. Why try one within the US Legal system especially if not a US Citizen and then not try the US Citizen the same way? For that matter Johnny Linh should not be given anymore rights than Mujahir. Both wanted to harm Americans.
My problem is NO CHARGES and detaining a US Citizen under DOD without charge. Or at least someone saying transfer pending charges. If this guy is a real national security threat, then lets deal with him as one.
So far all those I have talk to today in DC have not said anything near what you have said. I think the reason why this was released today was because the liberals were about ready to attack again for holding someone this time an American without charges. I am not taking anyones word for anything without somme form of explaniation or charge. This is not the way we do things. If he was an illegal or foreigner then even I would close my eyes to some degree. Why then do we have GITMO? If we can treat a US Citizen arrested on US Soil this way, why do we need GITMO?
I would perfer the AG just to come out and say, We believe he is a threat to national security and we are going to hold him anayway. My fear is that another attack and misuse of this method of detaining folk could get out of hand.
Just suspend the Habeas Corpus provisions for these type of cases. It make things easier.