I am sorry that it ended this way. Thanks go to the people who supported me. Maybe we will meet again.
So cold is the night
It's silent without light
Since days they promised us
To be home again
The death comes closer
The fear's coming nearer to us
There will be no tomorrow
Do we go insane
I have a picture of you with me
Will there ever be an end
Will there ever be a last goodbye
Please tell me there is hope
In silence till we die
There is still longing
In my eyes I see a different earth
I'm not impressed
It's just the silence
There must be something to believe in
Will there ever be an end
Will there ever be a last goodbye
Please tell me there is hope
In silence till we die
In silence till we die
Waiting it's lately
And there will be a fight
Escape to a new world
What will be behind these lies
There must be something to believe in
Will there ever be an end
Will there ever be a last goodbye
Just tell me there is hope
In silence till we die
In silence
Do you believe it
There is still hope in hy heart...
Obviously this is your decision knighthawk, but I still disagree with you. In any group as large as FR there are bound to be a few idiots. Including some who know how to use ping lists. Can you name any city in the Netherlands with an adult population as large as the membership of Free Republic without at least a few people as ignorant as the ones who have upset you here. At least most of the folks here have the excuse of not being familiar with Pym Fortuyn, and were therefore not in a position to know the truth.
I hope that you change your mind, because you will be missed. The forces of liberty need friends like you.
You were very welcome poster here and the great majority of us on FR agreed with you, please stay with us, that was just one sorehead.
We Christians never agreed with ALL Pim said or did in his life, but we certainly recognized him as an honest and trustworthy man who made the world and NL a better place, and certainly did not deserve to be gunned down, --and the media HAD demonized him and created a climate of hate!
BTW, from all I have read (disregarding the Scot article) Pim Fortuyn sounds like he was a very creative and dynamic person. I probably would have voted that way if I lived in the NL. I do get a bit more NL news than some Americans, since I work for Royal Philips. Keep in touch!
But I guess it's hard to do that when you're:
We are fighting because others have fought for us, for our rights, for our freedom. We must fight this evil so it can no longer harm anyone again. Also we must keep on fighing to make others free (remember the Battle Hymne of the Republic: "as he died to make men holy, let us die to make man free").Some people believe that we are giving in. Never I say! When George Washington faced a much larger British amry, did they choose not to fight for their (and our) freedom? Did the men who defended the Alamo give in? No, even when they knew they would all be killed and the Mexicans offered them safe passage, they choose to fight. They died so that others could be free, they gave their lives so others wouldn't die. When the Japanse army made their strike at Pearl Harbor, did we give in? Or when the US Amny landed at the beaches in Normandy and things went really bad? No! They fought on to victory!
It can be very irritating when one sees blantant lies on the screen. It can be even more irritating when one sees Free Republic posters promulgating the lying propaganda. To me the best response to these libels is to stay in the fray and let people know the truth. The uncollected reward you mentioned is very significant. It lets people know that a calumny has been spread against Pim Fortuyn.(sp?) This forum is in the USA. Many of us do nit follow politics in every nation on the surface of the planet and even those of us who do follow many foreign political situations need to focus our attentions on a few nations.
Obviously you are offened and I will presume quite rightly so but remember that this is a free for all exchange of ideas where hopefully the truth will become evident to those who read threads here.
All of us have endured insults from ignorant posters. All of us who have been at Free Republic for several years have had disagreements with other posters. Much of what you have posted has provided many of us with insights into what is happening in Europe that we might not otherwise have gotten. This insight has proven quite useful in determining the nature of world events.
I do not know your final decision about leaving. I guess that if you do leave then I shall have to look to others for insights into the internal structure of politics inside the Nethelands.
My usual reaction to posters who publish statements that they are leaving Free Republic is to say something equivalent to "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out." I think my comments here are partly a result of your giving an inside view into Dutch politics and my view that perhaps you have not been at Free Republic long enough to realize that just about anyone or an idea you view as important will be attacked by someone.
Stay well - Stay safe - Stay armed - Yorktown
If you think these people are annoying, try dealing with the numbskulls the owner of Freerepublic has to deal with...
De rechtsfilosoof en pedofiel Brongersma, jarenlang senator voor de PvdA, heeft zijn leven lang gestreden voor begrip voor de pedofiele medemens. Hij begon daar onverschrokken aan na het uitzitten van een gevangenisstraf voor ongewenste intimiteiten met een minderjarige. De desbetreffende minderjarige had het helemaal niet ongewenst gevonden, maar justitie oordeelde in de jaren vijftig anders.In de jaren zestig en zeventig kreeg Brongersma langzaam maar zeker voet aan de grond. Na de uitvinding van de pil was er de bevrijding van de seks. Homoseks werd geaccepteerd, en waarom zou dan - onder de strikte voorwaarde dat het kind het wil en dat het niet wordt gedwongen - pedoseks niet zijn toegestaan? Dit verlichte standpunt is inmiddels verlaten en onder invloed van de gogen is het kind neergezet als geheel en al vrij van seksuele lusten, in elk geval tegenover volwassenen.
We zijn ver verwijderd van het begrip dat Brongersma trachtte te kweken, overigens tot schade van onszelf, want alles wat bespreekbaar is, is in beginsel ook beheersbaar, moet u maar denken!
Mischien denk je dat dit niet te bespreken is. Maar hier op FR mag zoiets juist wel onder discussie komen. En zonder kogels. Als je daar niet tegen kan, hoeven we je hier niet.