Posted on 04/10/2002 12:39:22 PM PDT by white trash redneck
Did you two catch that post?
You can get some at
The price looks right but the shipping is a bit out of line so I think Ill have to pass...
Canned food
Joika meatballs of Raindeer-450 gr. Price 2.90 Qty 3
order value = $ 8.70
shipping = $ 40
tax = $ 0.00
Choose type of payment for the total amount of $ 48.70
Joika meataballs fom Reindeer, - a taste of the Norwegian wilderness....Joika - Famous for their Raindeer meatballs in a smooth wildsauce. The norwegian wildernes in a bite
That's a spicy Meataball!
Norwegian Embassy Receives Storm of Criticism
According to newspaper-of-note Aftenposten (in Norwegian only), the Norwegian embassy in Washington D.C. is hit by a "storm" of letters with criticism by American jews, Norwegian-Americans and other Americans these days, because of the terrible anti-Israeli attitude displayed by prominent Norwegians. (And seeing how some of the worst examples of this attitude were just picked up by weblogs, the Opinion Journal's "Best of the Web" and the Free Republic, this flood is just beginning).
The embassy promises that it will answer all the letters received, just as embassy policy dictates. My suggestion to them is that they get used to the job, because there will be more letters coming in for sure, once my American friends learn how there will be no general ban on the planning and/or preparation of terrorist acts in Norway (!) (source: Aftenposten). (Update: Read the English version of the article here. Courtesy of reader RRsafety).
BTW, Glenn Reynolds says that the Norwegian Embassy webserver is down, so here is their email address:, Also, the e-mail address for the Norwegian Parliament is You can write directly to the Secretary-General of the Storinget (Norwegian Parliament), Hans Brattestå.
To hell with the Norwegians!
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