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Drudge Report ^
| 01/02/2002
| Matt Drudge
Posted on 01/02/2002 7:00:39 AM PST by Pokey78
The New Year is just minutes old and now comes Pat Buchanan to warn: The Death of the West!
In his ultracontroversial book, which will be banned, blocked and burned in many quarters, brave Buchanan contends that the U.S. will be a Third World nation by the year 2050.
The BestSellingAuthorTVHostPresidentialCandidateColumnist predicts Europe will be inundated by an Islamic-Arab-African invasion and most First World nations, including Japan, will have begun slowly to vanish from the earth.
Buchanan is primed and ready for a media blitz behind DEATH OF THE WEST [ranked #492 on AMAZON's hourly sales chart Wednesday morning], set for release from DUNNE.
Buchanan will light the bonfire on NBC's TODAY show this Friday, according to a network source.
But the DRUDGE REPORT can once again bring you the first sneak.
Relying upon the most recent UN population studies, Buchanan declares:
By 2050, only 10% of the worlds people will be of European descent. One third of Europes people will be over 60, and one-in-ten over 80. Involuntary euthanasia has already come to Europe.
Between now and 2050, Asia, Africa, and Latin America will grow by three to four billion people -- 30 to 40 new Mexicos! -- as Europe will lose the equivalent of the entire population of Germany, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland.
By 2050, 23 million Germans will have disappeared along with 16 million Italians and 30 million Russians.
Russia will lose Siberia and the far east to China and be pushed out of the Caucuses and Central Asia, where Islamic populations are exploding while Russias is dying.
Either Europe must effect a radical cutback in pensions and health care for seniors, or Europe must import scores of millions of Arabs and Africans to care for the elderly and pay the taxes to sustain their welfare states.
The 4.2 million Palestinians in Israel and on the West Bank and Gaza will explode to 9 million by 2025, and 15 million by 2050, when Palestinians will outnumber Israels Jewish population two-to-one.
Americas Dual Containment policy in the Persian Gulf seems unsustainable. In less than 25 years, Iraq will have 42 million people and Iran 94 million people, more than any European nation except Russia.
The Islamic invasions of Spain and France in the eighth century, and of the Balkans and Central Europe from the 14th to the 17th centuries, will be reenacted in the lifetime of most of those now living. Islam has already surpassed Catholicism as the largest religion on earth.
It is the Christian nations -- Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox -- that have begun to die. In a chapter titled, Where Have All the Children Gone? Buchanan explains why, and why it is unlikely the West can solve the demographic crisis before it leads to The Death of the West.
In his chapter La Reconquista, Buchanan contends that an invasion of the United States is taking place and that America now harbors a nation within a nation.
There are 30 million foreign born in the U.S. today, and between 9 and 11 million illegal aliens, or as many undocumented aliens in the U.S. as there are people in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut.
Mexico is exporting its poor and unemployed for U.S. taxpayers to employ and educate. Radical and militant Hispanics and Mexican leaders alike believe this will lead to the cultural and demographic recapture of the Southwest from America, reversing the results of The Mexican War.
By supporting open borders, the GOP is committing suicide. First-time Hispanic voters chose Clinton 15-1 over Dole. Of the seven major immigration states -- Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, Texas and Florida -- Mr. Bush lost five, and perhaps six. Of the 10 states with the smallest share of immigrants, Bush won all 10.
European-Americans are a minority in Americas most populous state, California, and by 2004, will be a minority in Texas.
The political agenda of California Hispanics includes race welfare for illegal aliens, racial preferences, bilingual education, open borders, dual citizenship, Cinqo de Mayo as a California holiday, and, in one case, replacing a statue of an American hero of the Mexican War with the Aztec god Quetzacoatl.
White Americans are fleeing California at the rate of 100,000 a year.
MeCHA, the student organization that claims chapters on hundreds of campuses has a program that reads like a Mexican version of the agenda of the white-supremacist Aryan Nation.
In 2001, an Office for Mexicans Abroad in Mexico was providing survival kits with everything from dried meat to anti-diarrhea pills to condoms to Mexicans setting off to break in to the United States .
As of 2000, there were 8.4 million foreign born in California, as many foreign born as there are people in New Jersey, a primary cause of the state energy and schools crisis.
Among Third World immigrants, poverty rates and incarceration rates are double and triple what they are among native-born Americans.
Shooting up the flares and waving the flag, Buchanan argues that the 1960s counter-culture has become Americas dominant culture, and the iconoclasts of that counter-culture are systematically demolishing Americas history and heritage.
Under Political Correctness, Americas greatest heroes -- soldiers, explorers and statesmen from Columbus to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson -- are under savage attack as genocidal racists and exploiters of indigenous peoples.
The history books of American public schools are being rewritten with the old heroes ignored or trashed and Western civilization disparaged and demeaned.
When Mel Gibsons film, The Patriot, came out in 2000, it was savagely attacked for presenting black Americans as fighting patriots in the Revolutionary War.
With the assault on Confederate books, symbols, flags, heroes, and holidays almost complete, the attack is now proceeding against the Puritan fathers, soldiers who fought in The Mexican War, and, in New Jersey, even against the Declaration of Independence itself.
In some school districts, Mark Twain, Flannery OConnor, and any realistic portrayal of the America South, including Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird, are now forbidden.
Even the great museums on Americas Mall, to introduce school children to the greatness and glory of Americas past, are being used to indoctrinate children in how wicked and evil our forefathers were.
In his chapter, The De-Christianization of America, Buchanan argues that the death of the Christian faith in Western countries is a primary cause of their dying populations. Whenever faith dies, the people die. A new atheistic civilization is arising, he argues, and is using its dominance of the culture and the courts to drive Christianity out of the temples of our civilization.
Secular Humanism, widely mocked and disparaged, a few decades ago, is now the dominant faith of the nations cultural elites. The moral tenets of humanism are replacing those of Christianity in our public life.
Even Christian churches are rewriting their hymnals to make them acceptable to the dominant culture.
Anti-Catholic films and filthy and blasphemous anti-Christian art are the deliberate insults of a triumphant pagan and secularist faith.
The book's publication was delayed after September terror.
TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: charliereese; lewrockwelldotcom; pitchforkpat
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To: Gelato
It would seem that Buchanan defines "the West" along racial and geographical lines. Japan would be a good test case -- if he includes "Japan" as a Western nation then he is not speaking primarily in terms of "racial and geographical lines".
To: ResistorSister
Ref Post 8. "It is a pity that a man who had the attention of the news media would have squandered that power by tearing down, rather than building up, America."
He is exposing the game plans of those who are trying to tear down America, and you accuse him of doing that. Interesting.
To: Wm Bach
I picture Pat standing on a bridge in Illinios right now talking about how the "the Jew uses the Black for muscle", then breaking into a rousing rendition of "Weissmanner Uber Alles". Followed by the "German-American Bund Lied (The Flag held high...)."
To: Jack Barbara
We need to find forms of governance that permit people of different races, ethnic backgrounds and creeds to live together and push toward a common goal. I know that the American concept of citizenship is not universally shared. But it does have its advantages. That you can be American not by virtue of blood but by acceptance of a set of values and beliefs is so much the story of this country's success. American "set of values and beliefs" derives from English culture and Protestantism. Decandent political correctness will do nothing to preserve American system. It will only help to corrupt and abort away the core part of population and to clear the space for others like Muslims. Those others will not respect the decayed remains of the fallen civilisation, they will not even support all those childless Anglo retirees. Why should they?
posted on
01/02/2002 9:23:59 AM PST
A. Pole
Comment #325 Removed by Moderator
Comment #326 Removed by Moderator
To: nomasmojarras
nomasmojarras I believe you mean "nomasmojados" Direct translation: "no more wetbacks" I believe that was what you are trying to say. TAF
Yep, and Bush's seeming infatuation with that Fox con man SCARES THE HECK OUT OF ME. You and me both FELLOW FREEPER. I don't know how much oil is in Mexico but that has to be the reason for Bush's obsession with Mexico. But, is it worth selling the United States down the tubes? No!! No!! No!!
Comment #329 Removed by Moderator
To: Cyber Liberty
Can I have some of your banter? Please??? Are you sure that you want to engage in banter with a parlor feminist, who is resisting the old European-biased white men, while manifesting tiny-fisted tantrums of the race-baiting liberals?
To: Ridin' Shotgun
"....Problem is, the barbarians are already inside the gate and most of them look just like you and me...."The heart of the matter, right there.
Can a poisoned heart nourish a body? If so, what kind of body will it be?
To: Joe Hadenuf
Pursuing *our* interest will eventually turn our nation into chaos.
How? Be specific.
Its already catching up to us, and has been for many years now.
How? You are connecting dots that you haven't mapped out yet.
I repeat. We were warned many years ago about global intervention. Its about time we take notice.
Warned by who?
Comment #333 Removed by Moderator
To: Pokey78
End of Western civilization?
Whatever the merits of the current anthropology thesis, hard to figure why Buchanan thinks whining and throwing public tantrums about blacks, Mexican immigrants, and Israel is a viable political platform. He may have a point about the cultural consequences of suicidal population control. Interesting message. Wrong messenger. Glib PC secular humanism has been working self-destruction on American society and Western culture for quite a while.
Future Social Studies class question for students in U.S. public schools: "Who knows what Western civilization was? Class, anyone know?"
To: Petronski
SO TEACH THEM TO READ. Have you been in a time warp for the last 25 years? Most of the illegal immigrants (read Mexicans) don't want to learn English at all. You statement is ridiculous on its face and is evidence of a bankrupt position.
posted on
01/02/2002 9:33:16 AM PST
To: ResistorSister
That is because europeans have been conditioned to believe that their own self-preservation is racist.
So, you are saying that Europeans are: Easily lead Naive Lack intelligence
Until you can define exactly how Buchanan is a racist are you not guilty of the above? You said Buchanan is racist SOUNDING? After 250 or so posts into this thread and you can only throw names around.
posted on
01/02/2002 9:33:21 AM PST
To: Pokey78;travisMcGee
This was posted back in 2000. The Balkanization of the US has already begun
The following is an just a portion of the whole article
Mexican Reconquista: Leader Says California Will Be First 'Hispanic' State
Stephan Archer Wednesday, June 7, 2000
......Glenn Spencer, president of Voice of Citizens Together and radio talk show host of American Patrol Report, thinks so. But he thinks theres something more sinister to the Mexican presidents decree than one might think.
"This is an invasion of the United States in a very classic way with all of the classic objectives of an invasion without using bullets," Spencer said.
Spencer added he believed Mexico is allowing this so that those people with dual citizenship may vote in the interest of Mexico in the United States. The ultimate goal of this invasion, Spencer contends, is to reclaim the American Southwest an area including California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and parts of Colorado and Texas. Known as Aztlan by Hispanic activists, these states make up what used to be Mexican territory before treaties and wars gave the land to the United States.
Some Hispanic activists deny that there is any sort of organized effort to take over these states and reclaim it for Mexico. However, Jose Pescador Osuna, who was once the Mexican consul general in Los Angeles, has been quoted on the record as saying, "Even though Im saying this part serious and part joking, I believe we are practicing 'La Reconquista' in California."
"La Reconquista" means "the reconquest" and refers to the taking over of the U.S. Southwest. Osuna now is an agent of the Mexican government and works for migration in Mexico City.
Even though these statements have been made on American soil, Mario Obledo of the California Coalition of Hispanic Organizations said the "radical" Aztlan movement died in the 1960s. Obledo, a resident of Sacramento, Calif., explained that his organization tries to secure the civil rights of Mexican-Americans "and others similarly situated."
Although claiming a profound faith in America, hes also proud of the fact that the majority of Californians in the next few years will be Hispanic.
"California is going to be a Hispanic state," Obledo said. "Anyone who doesnt like it should leave."
To: nomasmojarras
When protesting at Anaheim City hall a few weeks ago, some of our fellow Freepers including Maalaea(where ARE you?)witnessed the violence that illegals are capable of to bully our country into giving them special rights. I believe Maalaea was silenced along with Joseph Warren.
To: ResistorSister
"Are you sure that you want to engage in banter with a parlor feminist, who is resisting the old European-biased white men, while manifesting tiny-fisted tantrums of the race-baiting liberals?" You betcha I do. Of course, I think I already know you better than that, and I am quite confident that you would never be nasty to me.
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