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Drudge Report ^
| 01/02/2002
| Matt Drudge
Posted on 01/02/2002 7:00:39 AM PST by Pokey78
The New Year is just minutes old and now comes Pat Buchanan to warn: The Death of the West!
In his ultracontroversial book, which will be banned, blocked and burned in many quarters, brave Buchanan contends that the U.S. will be a Third World nation by the year 2050.
The BestSellingAuthorTVHostPresidentialCandidateColumnist predicts Europe will be inundated by an Islamic-Arab-African invasion and most First World nations, including Japan, will have begun slowly to vanish from the earth.
Buchanan is primed and ready for a media blitz behind DEATH OF THE WEST [ranked #492 on AMAZON's hourly sales chart Wednesday morning], set for release from DUNNE.
Buchanan will light the bonfire on NBC's TODAY show this Friday, according to a network source.
But the DRUDGE REPORT can once again bring you the first sneak.
Relying upon the most recent UN population studies, Buchanan declares:
By 2050, only 10% of the worlds people will be of European descent. One third of Europes people will be over 60, and one-in-ten over 80. Involuntary euthanasia has already come to Europe.
Between now and 2050, Asia, Africa, and Latin America will grow by three to four billion people -- 30 to 40 new Mexicos! -- as Europe will lose the equivalent of the entire population of Germany, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland.
By 2050, 23 million Germans will have disappeared along with 16 million Italians and 30 million Russians.
Russia will lose Siberia and the far east to China and be pushed out of the Caucuses and Central Asia, where Islamic populations are exploding while Russias is dying.
Either Europe must effect a radical cutback in pensions and health care for seniors, or Europe must import scores of millions of Arabs and Africans to care for the elderly and pay the taxes to sustain their welfare states.
The 4.2 million Palestinians in Israel and on the West Bank and Gaza will explode to 9 million by 2025, and 15 million by 2050, when Palestinians will outnumber Israels Jewish population two-to-one.
Americas Dual Containment policy in the Persian Gulf seems unsustainable. In less than 25 years, Iraq will have 42 million people and Iran 94 million people, more than any European nation except Russia.
The Islamic invasions of Spain and France in the eighth century, and of the Balkans and Central Europe from the 14th to the 17th centuries, will be reenacted in the lifetime of most of those now living. Islam has already surpassed Catholicism as the largest religion on earth.
It is the Christian nations -- Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox -- that have begun to die. In a chapter titled, Where Have All the Children Gone? Buchanan explains why, and why it is unlikely the West can solve the demographic crisis before it leads to The Death of the West.
In his chapter La Reconquista, Buchanan contends that an invasion of the United States is taking place and that America now harbors a nation within a nation.
There are 30 million foreign born in the U.S. today, and between 9 and 11 million illegal aliens, or as many undocumented aliens in the U.S. as there are people in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut.
Mexico is exporting its poor and unemployed for U.S. taxpayers to employ and educate. Radical and militant Hispanics and Mexican leaders alike believe this will lead to the cultural and demographic recapture of the Southwest from America, reversing the results of The Mexican War.
By supporting open borders, the GOP is committing suicide. First-time Hispanic voters chose Clinton 15-1 over Dole. Of the seven major immigration states -- Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, Texas and Florida -- Mr. Bush lost five, and perhaps six. Of the 10 states with the smallest share of immigrants, Bush won all 10.
European-Americans are a minority in Americas most populous state, California, and by 2004, will be a minority in Texas.
The political agenda of California Hispanics includes race welfare for illegal aliens, racial preferences, bilingual education, open borders, dual citizenship, Cinqo de Mayo as a California holiday, and, in one case, replacing a statue of an American hero of the Mexican War with the Aztec god Quetzacoatl.
White Americans are fleeing California at the rate of 100,000 a year.
MeCHA, the student organization that claims chapters on hundreds of campuses has a program that reads like a Mexican version of the agenda of the white-supremacist Aryan Nation.
In 2001, an Office for Mexicans Abroad in Mexico was providing survival kits with everything from dried meat to anti-diarrhea pills to condoms to Mexicans setting off to break in to the United States .
As of 2000, there were 8.4 million foreign born in California, as many foreign born as there are people in New Jersey, a primary cause of the state energy and schools crisis.
Among Third World immigrants, poverty rates and incarceration rates are double and triple what they are among native-born Americans.
Shooting up the flares and waving the flag, Buchanan argues that the 1960s counter-culture has become Americas dominant culture, and the iconoclasts of that counter-culture are systematically demolishing Americas history and heritage.
Under Political Correctness, Americas greatest heroes -- soldiers, explorers and statesmen from Columbus to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson -- are under savage attack as genocidal racists and exploiters of indigenous peoples.
The history books of American public schools are being rewritten with the old heroes ignored or trashed and Western civilization disparaged and demeaned.
When Mel Gibsons film, The Patriot, came out in 2000, it was savagely attacked for presenting black Americans as fighting patriots in the Revolutionary War.
With the assault on Confederate books, symbols, flags, heroes, and holidays almost complete, the attack is now proceeding against the Puritan fathers, soldiers who fought in The Mexican War, and, in New Jersey, even against the Declaration of Independence itself.
In some school districts, Mark Twain, Flannery OConnor, and any realistic portrayal of the America South, including Harper Lees To Kill a Mockingbird, are now forbidden.
Even the great museums on Americas Mall, to introduce school children to the greatness and glory of Americas past, are being used to indoctrinate children in how wicked and evil our forefathers were.
In his chapter, The De-Christianization of America, Buchanan argues that the death of the Christian faith in Western countries is a primary cause of their dying populations. Whenever faith dies, the people die. A new atheistic civilization is arising, he argues, and is using its dominance of the culture and the courts to drive Christianity out of the temples of our civilization.
Secular Humanism, widely mocked and disparaged, a few decades ago, is now the dominant faith of the nations cultural elites. The moral tenets of humanism are replacing those of Christianity in our public life.
Even Christian churches are rewriting their hymnals to make them acceptable to the dominant culture.
Anti-Catholic films and filthy and blasphemous anti-Christian art are the deliberate insults of a triumphant pagan and secularist faith.
The book's publication was delayed after September terror.
TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: charliereese; lewrockwelldotcom; pitchforkpat
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To: Bush2000
"...Buchanan's ideas are borrowed from the 19th century. We have already seen where such isolationism leads us (WWI, Pearl Harbor, etc), and it ain't pretty. Sad to say, the world does need a policeman. Our military is the only insulation that we have against tyranny...."Splendid. Really, George Bush on his most inarticulate day couldn't have said it better, given that most of the truly great ideas in human history are borrowed from the past.
isolationismis a term borrowed from the British policy ofsplendid isolationfrom the troubles of the European continent. Although always practiced spottily and hypocritically, while it was practiced Britain could still place the "Great" in front of it's name without provoking howls of laughter.
I'll never understand why American so-called isolationists adopted that word. Whever words are imported from England, misunderstandings inevitably arise.
Anyway, when we tried to follow George Washington's advice--also spottily and hypocritically at times--more people in the world admired, even loved, us as a People and the concept of our country; the Vienamese, the Koreans, the Chinese, Africans, Indians, Arabs--people on the street all over the planet harbored no ill will towards us.
Our intervention in WWI led directly to the resumptions of hostilities in WWII. And Pearl Harbor was just one of many instances of collateral damage in the American Progressive's 100 year jihad to uplift the masses of the world with free markets and easily obtained birth control.
And yet, even then, the Elites still payed lip-service to our founding document and actually went through the ritual of a declaration of war. It's really astonishing how willing the American People have been to become mameluks for their progressive Elites--who despise them far worse than any foreign agressor. Fascinating. And depressing.
To: Clemenza
I too am a America Firster, albeit NOT IN THE BUCHANANITE SENSE OF "BLOOD AND SOIL."
Buchanan für Präsidenten 2004
Blut und Boden!
To: nomasmojarras
Mexico to slash oil output Mexico has resources other than tourism. But, they are going to buddy up with OPEC and reduce their oil supply while sending their people here to mooch off of the United States. With amigos like that, you don't need enemies.
I sincerely believe that our problems with Mexico is the most serious long term problem facing America.
To: duckln
You were the one who tried to impress us with Buchanan's presidential qualifications...'advisor to three presidents, CNN commentator, bookwriter.'
Does anybody actually believe they would be safer in American after the September 11 attacks if we had President Pat Buchanan and Vice Predident Ezola Foster running the military offensive?
And when voting for Buchanan did you ever think what kind of cabinet he would put together, considering his choice of Ezola Foster as his running mate? And what would happen if he died in office, and his VP Ezola called in sick with a worker's comp claim?
To: Bush2000
I believe that we should intervene when our national interests are at stake. Pursuing *our* interest will eventually turn our nation into chaos. Its already catching up to us, and has been for many years now.
I repeat. We were warned many years ago about global intervention. Its about time we take notice.
To: Joe Hadenuf
Just about all of them, who have people who hate us... Heck, the Taliban regime had to write a law to prevent men from getting a haircut ala Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic. Even under the most oppressive regime, people were still trying to get recordings of our movies.
To: Osinski
Oh...stop playing hard to get.
To: LaBelleDameSansMerci
It's really astonishing how willing the American People have been to become mameluks for their progressive Elites--who despise them far worse than any foreign agressor. Fascinating. And depressing. Very well said.
posted on
01/02/2002 9:12:51 AM PST
To: Petronski
Buchanan für Präsidenten 2004 Blut und Boden!Get real.
Comment #310 Removed by Moderator
To: Brownie74
"" sincerely believe that our problems with Mexico is the most serious long term problem facing America.""
Yep, and Bush's seeming infatuation with that Fox con man SCARES THE HECK OUT OF ME.
To: Ridin' Shotgun
Some quotes from our estemed leaders:
Condi Rice Speech 12-Jun-99:
Reflect not on what you have learned but on how you have learned it ... You were not admitted to Stanford for what you had already achieved. You were chosen because of your potential to contribute from here on. [i.e. how we can use you]
This is, I believe, the greatest challenge that we, the human race, faces in the century to come: building multiethnic democracies that work --
We need a more inclusive notion of culture and identity -- one that does not make culture a barrier, where the price of admission is origin and blood. I am one who believes that cultures can be adopted.
To be multicultural is not just to have many cultures represented within an institution -- it is to recognize that individuals can be and often are multicultural themselves. In some sense, multiculturality is at its best when it is within each and every one of us.
We need to find forms of governance that permit people of different races, ethnic backgrounds and creeds to live together and push toward a common goal. I know that the American concept of citizenship is not universally shared. But it does have its advantages. That you can be American not by virtue of blood but by acceptance of a set of values and beliefs is so much the story of this country's success. And it is a model that is spreading -- delinking citizenship and territory and ethnicity. Even in Germany, a country for which the iron link between blood and nation has caused so many woes, universal citizenship is finally coming into being. Often it is pointed out that this is not natural. But I ask you, what is the alternative? If every group must rule itself, there is no end to the chaos that self-determination will bring as borders are drawn and redrawn. --[Citizenship that is based on beliefs means only the politically-correct will have rights]
Are you really committed to living in accordance with all that you say about the value of diversity -- are you just tolerant of them, or are they among your friends?
Remember, this is the President's National Security Advisor. I think we can presume that she sees no threat whatsoever from the millions of Mexicans and other nationalities who are invading our country, and that she is in complete accord with Colin Powell's statement:
Our common border is no longer a line that divides us, but a region that unites our nations, reflecting our common aspirations, values and culture,
To: Pokey78
I picture Pat standing on a bridge in Illinios right now talking about how the "the Jew uses the Black for muscle", then breaking into a rousing rendition of "Weissmanner Uber Alles".
posted on
01/02/2002 9:15:22 AM PST
Wm Bach
To: Joe Hadenuf
It's just satire.
To: Celtjew Libertarian;Joe Hadenuf
Well, my computer is burping on me. Sorry about the triple-posting.
To: Clemenza
My point still stands, those countries suck, period. If not they would have inflows of people not have people like you act as their resettlement agent from the UN. As for those countries you list from Europe they have their problems, but their women look better and since I'm a good looking WASP gentlemen this is good. As far as being a "racialist", whatever. But however I do like my women fair of face with light colored eyes (FTR I am dating a brunette with green/blue eyes), and yes there are pretty women of other "races", but I'll take mine from the Northern latitudes and I'll leave you to the Equatorial babes. If this is "eugenist" thought and incompatible with some utopian universalist crap, f-em.
posted on
01/02/2002 9:16:29 AM PST
To: LaBelleDameSansMerci
Splendid. Really, George Bush on his most inarticulate day couldn't have said it better, given that most of the truly great ideas in human history are borrowed from the past.
Except we're not talking about "great ideas" here. We're talking about ideas that have resulted in massive tolls on human life and property.
I'll never understand why American so-called isolationists adopted that word. Whever words are imported from England, misunderstandings inevitably arise.
Regardless of the term's origin, it has come to mean ignoring international events -- wars, economic embargoes, tariffs, etc -- because they don't have immediate consequences to us.
Anyway, when we tried to follow George Washington's advice--also spottily and hypocritically at times--more people in the world admired, even loved, us as a People and the concept of our country; the Vienamese, the Koreans, the Chinese, Africans, Indians, Arabs--people on the street all over the planet harbored no ill will towards us.
All of those nations also weren't threatened by our trade prosperity. Likewise, as someone else pointed out on this thread, they weren't worried that we could deploy ships, planes, and tanks on their soil within a few hours. Your analogy has no relevance within the framework of the modern world.
Our intervention in WWI led directly to the resumptions of hostilities in WWII.
Wrong. WWII was caused by a failure to completely neuter Germany's munitions capabilities and ignoring it when it did happen.
And Pearl Harbor was just one of many instances of collateral damage in the American Progressive's 100 year jihad to uplift the masses of the world with free markets and easily obtained birth control.
That statement is positively one of the most ignorant things I've heard in a long time. It doesn't even deserve a response.
And yet, even then, the Elites still payed lip-service to our founding document and actually went through the ritual of a declaration of war. It's really astonishing how willing the American People have been to become mameluks for their progressive Elites--who despise them far worse than any foreign agressor. Fascinating. And depressing.
I'm beginning to suspect that your Prozac prescription has run out...
To: teenager;Barnacle
Do you think that filling the US up with third world illiterates is going to build up America? Teenager, you would think that this would be painfully obvious by now. Apparently the obvious even escapes many Freepers. I am flat out disgusted with how the "racist" card is thrown around here by some in an attempt to silence debate on a very serious issue. You don't have to be xenophobic to understand that as umpteen millions of people from 3rd world nations storm our borders ever year that at some point America will become more like the countries where they came from. This is especially true when the immigrants refuse to learn English unlike past immigrants and fully import their customs while rejecting ours. I am no fan of PB but he does raise many important points on this subject and is one of the few that has the guts to walk through the gauntlet of bashing PC thought police to tell the truth.
posted on
01/02/2002 9:17:16 AM PST
To: Brownie74
How can one speak logically about the future? And what in the world does people dying in wars have to do with my not being able to affect this countries' future?
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