Posted on 11/04/2001 3:51:25 PM PST by ohioWfan
Lets Celebrate the Bush Marriage posted 4/28/01
In the past years, the children and youth of America have been bombarded by an increasing number of sexual images and ideas not only in entertainment, but also in advertising and public discourse. The moral depravity of Bill Clinton's behavior has exacerbated the situation so much so that younger and younger children are now experimenting with sex. There has been an alarming increase in the number of cases of oral STD's among 12 and 13 year olds, and these same children when asked, thanks to the example of Clinton, say that they have not had sex. Public discussion has coarsened significantly, so that we hear about oral sex and cigars, and yet we still hear very little about the right kind of sex, that is within marriage.
And now onto the stage walk the honor and dignity of George and Laura Bush, who have a marriage that is obviously filled with love, affection, and vibrancy, and who have chosen the path of morality and fidelity to each other. They are clearly the role models that our youth so desperately need in this sordid world. Kids now know all the details about sex, but most of them have no clue as to its depth and meaning. They see sexual experiences on the screen 99% of which involve unmarried people. They believe that it is unmarried sex which is the norm, even though statistics prove that it is happily married couples who have the most satisfying and most frequent sex , (and when the spiritual dimension is added, it truly becomes what God created it to be).
I may be climbing out onto a limb here, but I believe that we as parents and teachers, and as Christians, have an opportunity to help guide our kids toward the path of morality by using the First Couple as a positive example, not only because of their character, but because of their strong and loving marriage. Bill Bennett, compiler of the Book of Virtues, said in his evaluation of Bush's first 100 days that it was refreshing to have a President who kisses his wife goodnight, and then goes to bed with her!!
Perhaps we, who believe strongly in Biblical morality should be more vocal about married love of this kind. Scripture is obviously not shy in its discussion of the pleasures of sex within marriage, and perhaps we shouldn't be either. I believe we should be celebrating the marriage of George and Laura Bush as an example of what out kids should have as the goal, and not be afraid to tell them why.
And the pictures are incredible!!
God Bless,
Oh that's funny, Timeout!! That is exactly what I thought.......I'm sure because it was exactly what they were thinking!! I sure hope they got some "alone together time" tonight!!
maestro.............You're pleasure!!
Thank you once again for posting this!
Thanks again.
This is a wonderful thread - thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to pay these tributes.
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