I don’t generally read crap articles, but I am curious if they give a date of Putin’s demise.
Maybe. Nobody will care.
Putin’s idol Stalin poisoned Lenin, Khruschev smothered a dying Stalin with a pillow, Breschnev merely deposed Khruschev and K died under house arrest, counting his removal as an improvement in the Soviet system.
I’d prefer the death by bullets scenario.
Hopefully involving a lot of bullets fired at his front and not his back.
You post this crap with no comment? Ridiculous.
he’s already afraid to fly, travelling only on unmarked trains
Die in office/ bullets in his back isn’t either-or
This makes him no different from any other Russian leader.
Yeah, like how many times have the Alphabet agencies installed a leader - only to find he’s eventually worse and more unpredictable than the predecessor?
As long as they have no concern whatsoever for the Debt foisted on the middle class, the articles of how great one leader is vs how evil the other is will continue.
375 days ago they told us Putin had changed because he was dying with Cancer.
Something had changed in him….
Anyone recall those stories from the Propagandists?
British tabloid have gone all in for Ukraine.
I’d prefer to read about Soros’s death by bullets
Putin is more popular in Russia today than JFK was in the USA in 1963. Oh wait....JFK did get a bullet in the back of the head....from the deep state.
It’s not unusual for a Russian leader to not die of natural causes. But it might be more likely that he dies of poison than bullets.
Wish-casting at best. We have seen way too many such predictions of the imminent death of Vladimir Putin. So far, it is his opponents who seem to be falling out of high windows and going spat on the curb.
Events might follow the path of "forcible retirement", but that would be a consequence of defeat, not a cause of it. That applies to our own leaders as well as theirs.
We will need to beat the Russians by assistance to Ukraine forces that can allow them to beat the Russian military. Not as easy as it may sound. Best not to be seduced by our own propaganda. Lots of nasty work yet to be done. The outcome is uncertain.
that sounds like a real diaper load.
another bad day for Z.
Wagner is storming Bogdanovka (near chassiv Yar)
Yahidne was liberated but then the ukes blew up a dam, flooding many of their own troops and civilians. boo on them.
today’s update from military summary channel
Pute should die soon, to make the world a better place. No one in Russia and Ukraine wants his dumbass war
Meanwhile, Russia has been running out of ammo and weapons since last March.
Putin’s greatest sins are being a white, Christian, nationalist, who protects children from LGBTQI Predation