Look what happened when somebody in the NBA mentioned.
Answer is easy - Democrats.
Why we keep them around, I have no idea.
Because Hong Kong was a lease arrangement between Britain and China, and was never a sovereign country. The lease was always going to run out.
Ukraine on the other hand has been a sovereign country for over 30 years. And naked aggression against it is against it is an attack on the sovereignty of all nations.
Because the new territories were legally correctly handed back to china in 1997 and hong Kong island could not survive without them.
Because Ukraine has been an international slush fund for corrupt politicians and world leaders.
perhaps the US Congress does not do as much money
laundering, and trafficking in TUNNELs there.....
Ukraine fought. Hong Kong didn’t. Kind of tough to do something about a country being subjugated when that country submits.
Why you lousy racist, don't you know? Only white devils can be racists. In fact the problem with Hong Kong is that white people interfered with the beauty that was medieval China and screwed up their whole process of enslaving other Chinese. Damn them all to hell forever!
Because Hong Kong is a fait accompli, and Ukraine is not.
Because Ukraine is more leftist friendly.
prolly cause they’re not getting shelled everyday...
The Bidens don’t have illegal business ventures in Hong Kong to protect.
Because the Chinese makes all of the worlds cheap crap and “leaders” and people don’t want it to end.
ChiComs have breached the treaty and are illegally occupying and administering Hong Kong.
That’s the bottom line reality.
Just because some foppish Brits had a lease for a few years doesn’t make it any less a part of China.
Hong Kong is a British problem not American.
When China goes after Tiawan, probably within the next couple years, Biden will borrow more funds from China to help them out.
Ukraine is not an American problem, it’s a European problem and should be handled by Europeans period.
The reason this administration is helping is because it’s the exact opposite of what should be done which is what they have done on every issue facing America, if it helps America and Americans, do the opposite.
Because Ukraine has the goods on the Biden crime family’s operations.
The shooting there is taking place out of sight. No 24 seven coverage on that.
Hon Kong is actually a part of China. It was leased for a term then returned.
Because The Biden Crime Family’s Chinese overlords are going to walk right in, with assistance, not resistance.