Welcome to BIDENZUELA!
I bet you wealthy leftists won’t have a problem.
being dependent on the Communist Chinese dictatorship won’t be any better than when we were dependent on the Saudi Arabian dictatorship
it is essential for our national security and yes, economic well-being, to be as self-sufficient as possible in all strategic commodities ... and to diversify our suppliers as much as possible for the rest.
Drive old/older cars and trucks.
They’re cool.You can work on them yourself ( much older cars & trucks!)
Who needs all the hi tech bell whistles and computer everything? The poor little XYZ’z will suffer....
Sounds like magnesium parts at the pick a part are gonna get pillaged by scrappers.
I got a dumb question since I’m hearing stories like this all over the place. If if it isn’t material shortages, it’s labour shortages or something with the infrastructure has fallen down and can’t get up..... Why are real estate and the stock market rolling along?
The auto industry is never coming back.
It’s as if this were part of their plan all along.
Wow. This means the stock market will go up.
Yes, you’ll just have to do with out that treadmill and a new car. You spoiled ingrate American. /sarcasm
The doofuses forget that businesses make money selling cars and treadmills. It isn’t the spoiled whiny American consumer who is hurt. A lot of people are employed in the process of selling a car.
Of course, Democrats don’t understand business and the supply chain and how they work. The only understand taxes that can be extracted from businesses. They know that process very well.
Illegals to replace American workers who won’t work (supposedly-who trusts the news?).
Foreign medical personal who consent to be vaxxed to replace ours that refuse to be an experiment.
Chinese imports to replace American made vehicles
I can see a raft of consequences for the chaos Biden and his traitors are stirring.
Not long ago there was ZERO aluminum in cars. Then the Green Kooks pushed mileage standards and aluminum content soared. No problem because of all the aluminum production in the Northwest USA with cheap hydro power, right? Nope, shut that down and make us and captive to China.
The USA is completely governed by short-sighted idiots.
I believe floods affected most mines—not power, so the author may be a bit out to lunch.
Might actually become worthwhile to recycle aluminum.
There is plenty of magnesium elsewhere. China just sells it a bit cheaper than other places. It wouldn’t take long to ramp up production elsewhere if there were any competent world leaders around. But with the US now dominated by anti-mining eco-loonies we are probably screwed.
My guess would be that there’s more aluminum used in cola and beer cans than cars...
Do we have the ability to process this in America?
But you can make them without EPA regulations. Get rid of that and we're fine.
A local Honda dealer had an ad on this morning to the effect that they have 350 NEW cars in stock OR expected in coming weeks, and we should all want to go see them to get signed up to get one of the 350.
I found it interesting and wondering whether they REALLY will be getting 350 cars soon, or are they trying to string along?