Calling me an “asshat” should get you zotted. Anyone who does not fall in line with your thinking is treated shamefully. I have produced factual information that is supported by years of research. That research has been done by people who know the science. What you do is hurl insults and not one word to support your case. I have noticed this behavior among you anti-vaxxeers on these threads. It is not in keeping with how we treat fellow FReepers: “No personal attacks.”
Right, so Qtard and flat-earther are not personal attacks.
You need to grow a thicker skin for FR.
You are way too easily offended.
That’s rich.
Complaining about name calling and personal attacks and you ready to zot others over name calling.
That sounds like far more personal attack than simple name calling.
I guess anyone who does not post the way you think should be gone, eh?
How totalitarian of you.
I have produced factual information that is supported by years of research. That research has been done by people who know the science. What you do is hurl insults and not one word to support your case. I have noticed this behavior among you anti-vaxxeers on these threads. It is not in keeping with how we treat fellow FReepers: “No personal attacks.”
1. You did not source your diagrams nor your information (at least on this thread). I was going to ask you to.
Also, please link to your references with “years of research and the scientists” to whom you are referring...Links to where I and others can follow up on what you are saying.
2. There is plenty of research by those who know the science and are challenging these particular products...They are being banned from Twitter, YouTube, etc...Gee I wonder why. Seems there is an agenda...So people are posting their work and articles here...and they are often met with a posse of pro-vaccine supporters who feel it is their mission to refute any alternative information that runs against the big gov’t. big pharma position (kind of like Twitter and YouTube...).
2. A little general history. In response to your post #99 “You would be happy if they did while America died—right?” regarding some folks wanting long-term trials/more testing...Sadly when the first major spike in deaths occurred in Feb of 2020, little was known about how to treat people. (Helpful Zelenko protocols were not widely known outside of his practice.) However, many of the people who died in the second major spike in deaths (Jan/2021), could have been saved (see below).
By Jan 2021, it was known that either Ivermectin (Kory/FLCCC protocols and/or Hydroxychloroquine (Zelenko) protocols which provided proper doses given at proper time in the diseases cycle combined with an antibiotic and other virus-fighting supplements such as zinc, D3, A, C could have done much to shorten and ease suffering and prevent deaths; however, there was and still is extremely active active suppression of and/or an attacks on these life-saving therapies...Alas, there is little money to be made on Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin...And if people can obtain these pharmaceuticals, the government loses control over the population.
Side note, Dr. Kory was attacked when he testified before Congress in early December for promoting Ivermectin. Dr. Zelenko was banned from YouTube and Twitter for promoting Hydroxychloroquine yet he is up for the Nobel prize for his life-saving treatment.
It is interesting and ironic that the arguments for these time-tested 2 drugs for off-label use was met with so much resistance and insistence that vast clinical trials be conducted before they could receive emergency use even though doctors have historically been able to prescribe for off-label use. Fake articles citing hazards were introduced even into Lancet (only to later be refuted). Doctors were threatened not to use those therapies for fear of losing their license, etc. Pharmacists were instructed not to fill Hydroxychloroquine prescriptions. Interesting, that the same insistence was not exercised for introduction of MRNA, PFE or J&J products...As you said: the new therapy by MRNA was created in 2 days...But then as I said, little money to be made on older drugs...MRNA, PFE, etc. are experimental... rushed through with no liability for the pharma companies.
You make use of the term, “anti vaxxeers(?).” That is not accurate, is some what incendiary and does not support the exchange of factual information. Just because many here are hesitant to take an experimental vaccine, does not make them “anti-vax.” Last year, I was excited about the prospect of a vaccine, however, with the above history of suppression of certain therapies and promotion on the verge of coercion of the MRNA PFE products, has me concerned as well as the emerging questions about long-term effects.
You stated in another post: Moderna designed their vaccine in 2 days and it took massive testing and manufacture to do it right. So did Pfizer (eh it is on-going with those receiving their “vaccine”). The trials were fairly wide—they were not deep. They did not test differing groups and the trials are not long term, so long term effects are not known. (even if there is “documentation that would stack up as tall as the Empire State Bldg.” as you state on another thread).
If you trust the science, great! Glad you got the vaccine. But for those who already had COVID, don’t fit into high risk groups, or want to wait to look into the effects from the vaccines more fully, let us post and discuss...rather than coming on the thread refuting (with no links). BTW, since you come on these threads and present a lot of information—with no source links, so I am wondering, what is your agenda here? If you think MRNA and PFE are safe, how about you start threads and discuss the safety of those drugs with the others here who are looking for validation of their decision to get the jab and support MRNA, PFE, and the administration’s goals?
Speaking of administrations...Please don’t equate patriotism and Trump support with supporting the vaccines or Operation Warp-Speed. Recall, Trump tried to inform the public about alternatives, but was viciously attacked as were the treatments he suggested. I was a Trump supporter when this site was Cruz Country, so I support our President. However, Trump is not a medical expert~~he followed the advice of the likes of Fauci. Pres. Trump faced an emergency which no president in my lifetime has had to face...
From current reporting on National Pulse, etc. it
appears that the pandemic was either planned or the opportunity presented to use it against Trump and our liberties.
If Trump were in his rightful residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, I am sure he would do some things differently. I don’t think:
~~we would have the totalitarian agenda being pushed throughout the national dialog.
~~he would have Fauci et al. advising him.
~~there would be the push to vaccinate young children with experimental therapies because Trump was concerned about children being over-vaccinated during his 2016 campaign.
~~we would have the COVID “hot spots” where biden is going to send “surge teams” because we wouldn’t have tens of thousands of illegal invaders crossing our borders—people who are known to be sick, are not tested, or vaccinated.
3. I’ve noticed plenty of “behavior” (attacks) at BOTH ends of the spectrum. I’ve not attacked you or called you names.
Your profile states: My mission is to take down Marxist Big Government. If that is so, then perhaps you should consider the big picture here and stop supporting the agenda of big government and the globalist corporations.
It is, after all, INDEPENDENCE Day. Hope you have a happy one.
Was I talking to you?
“That research has been done by people who know the science.”
The fact is that for every person YOU believe to “know ‘THE science’”, there’s another ACTUAL scientist who believes the opposite. P.S. Only libs spew the “the science” phrase. Do you check in daily for staff meetings with The Fauci?