42 million Americans have been blown.
I know a damn fool who voted for Biden because of this promise. Ha!
Jerks been giving away the bank for almost 6 months!
Mitch Nancy Chuck the Banking RICO Mafia say no.
Wal-Mart loving it.
Maybe they should have reduced expenses by going to a community college first, a cheaper college, lived at home, etc., like the taxpayers did whom you now want to pay your debt.
Yellen won’t be getting a 21% floor on corporate taxes, and currently I think they are looking at 12.5-15%, if anything happens at all on that front. Thats a huge blow, because now he runs into the same old problem of corporations fleeing over taxes, so the big ticket items are going to be gone.
Yeah paying off a student loan at $5 month, it’s nice not having US-based income. It was a $1500 loan I got in 1984 while in the Army for a correspondence school for something I never was allowed to finish (the Battery NCO didn’t like education) Nothing on my credit report, nothing for 37!years. Now it’s over $38000. So they will get it back at $5/month. Seems the judgements were all in Illinois (a place I never returned to after enlisting in 1983) and Minnesota.
Fooled a bunch of ill educated nitwits to get their vote. Not likely Potemkin Joe had the authority to do what he promised and the rats know they would get hammered in midterms if they legislatively forgave loans.
No way. That would take some economic discipline and it’s clear Bid*n has none.
Biden to Millenials and Gen Z: “ Thanks for the vote suckas!”
Politically, this is in the category of The Gift That Keeps On Giving.
If a Democrat forgives all student debt, in a year or two people will forget, shrug and say “But what have you done for me lately?”
But if the debt is never forgiven, then a Democrat can perpetually make the promise — “Vote for me! Vote for me and you know what I’ll do? I’ll forgive your student debt!”
Man, the suckers will always eat that stuff up.
I guess that would pi&# off the few legitimate votes Joe actually got! Ha!
The suckers who voted for him didn’t read the public service memo NEVER TRUST A DEMOCRAT.