Yeah, they’ll boycott work boots, too!
Not much of a threat. People who do actual work frequent Home Depot.
Is extortion legal now?
On our employee page right now is a video with Warnock talking about racial justice, so HD is pretty much already there.
Would these be religious leaders like the current Pope and all his pedo-apologists?
>>When SB 241 and HB 531 were working through the legislative process, the groups put pressure on Republican lawmakers and the governor to abandon the voting reform legislation.
Isn’t such campaigning a violation of their 501c3 tax status?
Blackmail used to be a crime.
Seems like these churches could lose their non profit status for doing this.
BS, tell them to eff off.
This smells like Jesse Jackson
Voting isn’t a religious matter.
I would put up numerous large billboards proclaiming that, “We are being boycotted by BLM!” Should have a positive affect on sales, I would say.
I’ve been boycotting Home Depot ever since they lied to me again and again about an order.
Companies coming out in favor of this or that thing that has nothing to do with their business is shocking. Having sat through numerous board meetings of an international company in the late nineties, I can tell you they would never do anything to bring attention to themselves unless it had to do with some business objective. Even then, the matter would be worked over by every department, examined from every angle to ensure it wouldn’t backfire or cause some negative image issue. To come out if favor of, or against, some political or social issue would never happen. Companies are in business to make money. And, I think the issue is, at some point the idea surfaced that, no, companies had to be “responsible” community “stakeholders*.”
They started tracking their waste paper usage and reporting how much they saved on electricity, or how many hours their employees “volunteered” for community causes. Or, how many aluminum cans they recycled. (I really hated being forced to contribute a portion of my pay to a charity or to pick up trash on roadsides, but often it was part of my performance review and affected my pay, but only negatively if I didn’t do it.)
The danger of getting involved in political issues is, they will piss off at least half of the people and risk losing customers. As a stockholder it always upset me when the company I owned a stake in spent time and money on issues that had nothing to do with increasing the value of my stock. I didn’t want them to be more concerned with something I wasn’t invested in because somebody had a brain fart and thought they should.
This idiocy is going to persist until they get hurt really badly and the stockholders start voting out the liberals.
* I retch every time I hear or read “stakeholder.”
Burgeoning CCP-style social credit system here in the US.
How did Chick-fil-A do with the boycott against them?
I’ll focus on buying at Home Depot for the next few months. Sorry Menards and Lowes.
Have any of these so called religious leaders read the actual bill? Could they be specific as to what their objections are and why?
The party is pleased with your work record comrade.