Posted on 03/13/2021 7:57:31 PM PST by blueplum
A sheriff in New York received a warning after a federal investigation into a complaint that his department flew a Trump flag from a government-owned boat in August.
Oswego County Sheriff Don Hilton received the warning from the U.S. Office of Special Counsel in response to a complaint alleging that he violated the Hatch Act (which forbids the use of taxpayer time and money going toward advocacy for a political candidate) on an on-duty patrol boat during an Oneida Lake pro-Trump flotilla on Aug. 2, reported....
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Long ago Oswego had a cool sheriff. He let me reciprocate my CT permit in his district. Then another came in and said no.
Now this? This is a good sign.
It seems to me that this person should have put a Trump flag on his own boat - not on a government-owned one.
(But it would be interesting to see how he might be persecuted for the personal act, as well. It seems to me that even government employees have personal lives; but apparently nobody’s life is ‘personal’ anymore, or safe from being ‘canceled’.)
Hatch act does not apply. Trump has not announced yet.
If he does, ut the flag away.
In the meantime consider it as a thank you to a man who has done a great job, and who did it for no pay.
The Pogrom begins...
It happened in August of last year. Trump was President, and the flag made a political statement.
I grew up in a family riddled with West Point Colonels, other armed-forces people, and many civil servants.
It was instilled in me from as soon as I could understand, that you just don’t talk politics or religion at work - especially if you are working in a government position.
Nobody here has been more supportive of President Trump her than I have been; but this sheriff was out of line - and he appears to be apologizing now.
The Sheriff needs to make life hard on the Feds in his jurisdiction. Feds are not some sort of superior he answers to.
Public property, regardless of politics, should be used like this. Let the sheriff fly the US flag, but not a Trump flag, not a Biden one, etc.
Should NOT, not should.
Here in Adams county, Colorado, my sheriff got my concealed carry permit renewed in four days.
I put it in the mailbox Saturday morning, and my new permit was in my mailbox at my house the following Wednesday.
It even came with a letter. Basically, it was filled with the usual strong suggestions about the fact that deadly force is a serious matter, and that I should comply with my instructions to insure my safety and that of others.
The last sentence of this letter reads, “We wish to recognize and thank you for your military service.“
This guy ran the last time there was an election, and I voted for his opponent.
The reason I voted for his opponent was that our current sheriff was Facebook friends with a well-known gun grabbing state senator.
With our current sheriff, who I did not initially support, I received my concealed carry permit in the mail in four days. This was totally unexpected. He even gave me a veterans discount.
$38 and four days later, I’m good for another five years.
One of these days, I’m going to have to drive out to his office and have a little sit down with him. I would love to have a conversation with this guy.
Every American should get to know their sheriff.
(With the exception of Denver county sheriff. He is not elected, he is appointed)
I did not know when it happened. I missed the “in August” part.
A federal issue? The Hatch Act? You’ve got to be kidding me!
Meanwhile the Democrats are obliterating every amendment win the Constitution.
Let’s see, having recognition of great public service to ex employees of the government is illegal?
I guess we better tear down The United States Air Force Memorial, The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, The Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial, The Flight 93 Memorial, The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, the General Grant Memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial, Mount Rushmore, the Pearl Harbor Memorial, the Theodore Roosevelt Island Memorial, the Jefferson, Washington, and Lincoln Memorials, The World War I and II Memorials, and many more. These idiots are going to be busy over the next 4 years trying to knock down anything that contains history or success. They can’t let the US remember or survive its prosperity.
What do you mean by ‘ex employees’?
This happened when President Trump was still in office.
I imagine many here would be incensed if a government employee boated around with a Biden flag.
The Hatch act is for Federal executive branch employees. The Sheriff is elected, and not under that law. He can support a Presidential candidate just as a Congressman or Governor can.
The Feds were too stupid to know this.
Does the Hatch Act apply to state and local governments? I honestly don’t know.
It does not cover elected state and local officials. It can include a few *appointed* ones. Say a police or fire chief who is an employee administering Federal grants.
But not an elected Sheriff.
Thanks. That is what my gut was telling me.
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