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IT BEGINS: Trump Protesters Are Getting Fired From Their Jobs For Attending Jan 6th Protest
Trending Politics ^ | 1-8-21 | Jonathon Davis

Posted on 01/09/2021 2:12:39 PM PST by Anti-Bubba182

"....A city real estate agent was publicly fired after she posted to social media about attending the event. After workers at a tattoo shop posted about attending the rally, the shop was savaged on social media and was hit with graffiti accusing the store of employing “Nazis.” A Vietnamese restaurant, whose owners reportedly also attended the rally, was overwhelmed with negative online reviews....."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Extended News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: cancelculture; trump
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To: Anti-Bubba182
Firing good employees for this is going to come back and burn the company. First they lose that talent out the door who may double the damage by working for a competitor, secondly, it's easy to identify what companies they were fired from and boycott them enough to make the loss hit their financial statements.

It also sends a clear message to even their Leftist employees. Watch everyone go into defense mode.

101 posted on 01/09/2021 9:08:43 PM PST by T.B. Yoits
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To: KJC1

It’s past time that conservatives learn the fine art of doxxing.

Gather large crowds around their homes and harass the Hell out of them.

Harass them through their phones.

If antifa and blm can do it, SO CAN WE!

102 posted on 01/09/2021 9:50:43 PM PST by CrimsonTidegirl ("Welcome Down To My Planet Hell."- Nightwish)
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To: TexasGunLover

Sigh. Another conservative who refuses to fight.

You will gladly sit and do nothing while the communists overtake the US.

No wonder the libtards always win.

103 posted on 01/09/2021 9:56:24 PM PST by CrimsonTidegirl ("Welcome Down To My Planet Hell."- Nightwish)
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To: CrimsonTidegirl

What have you done? I know I’ve donated more money to causes than you have, I belong to a group of similar minded folks in my neighborhood who have trained tactically together, I give monthly to the Oath Keepers, and I use as few government services as possible including living in a gated neighborhood where we pay for our own roads and infrastructure. I don’t get any stimulus checks, child credits or refunds on my taxes. What have you done?

104 posted on 01/10/2021 12:04:51 AM PST by TexasGunLover
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To: ding_dong_daddy_from_dumas
Of course the employer could claim that the event in DC led to some illegal activity, but firing someone for supporting someone politically leads to a system like communist China, social media and all.

Since what happened at the Capitol has been labeled a riot or an insurrection or domestic terrorism, take you pick, then everyone there has been tarred with that same broad brush. Companies will fire employees who participated and who were dumb enough to post on social media, and there's nothing illegal about it.

105 posted on 01/10/2021 3:56:10 AM PST by DoodleDawg
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To: CodeToad
States do have laws against such terminations for things outside the workplace, and I know I have told you that before.

Yeah you've said it before. I believed you were wrong then and I believe you're wrong now. Employers in at will states can fire employees for any reason or no reason as long as they don't break the law, which would be firing because of race, gender, religion, age, health, sometimes sexual orientation, and any other class that is specifically protected by law. Political beliefs is not protected by any anti-discrimination laws. Neither is criminal activity. Any employer who fires someone for participating in the activities last Wednesday is not breaking the law.

106 posted on 01/10/2021 4:02:09 AM PST by DoodleDawg
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To: convoter2016

Trump is a public person. Sandmann is not.

President Trump getting a favorable outcome is highly unlikely.

107 posted on 01/10/2021 4:11:45 AM PST by MortMan (Shouldn't "palindrome" read the same forward and backward?)
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To: jeffc
be required to have his latest book

How to rally 6 people and become President of the USA

A true American Dream.....

108 posted on 01/10/2021 4:13:15 AM PST by eyedigress (Trump is my President!)
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To: DoodleDawg

“I believed you were wrong then and I believe you’re wrong now.”

Because you don’t read, son. You just run your mouth and believe everything your think.

109 posted on 01/10/2021 5:39:12 AM PST by CodeToad (Arm Up! They Have!)
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To: DoodleDawg

I beg to differ. Under the law you can’t fire someone solely based on their political beliefs.

110 posted on 01/10/2021 5:57:27 AM PST by jdsteel ("A Republic, Madam, if you can keep it." Sorry Ben, looks like we blew it.)
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To: CodeToad
Because you don’t read, son.


You just run your mouth and believe everything your think.

A lot of that going around I see. So please explain just how the firings are illegal.

111 posted on 01/10/2021 5:58:15 AM PST by DoodleDawg
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To: Anti-Bubba182

January 16 is fire a superfluous black person day

112 posted on 01/10/2021 6:00:59 AM PST by bert ( (KE. NP. N.C. +12) America needs oprichnina against the progressive elite oppressors)
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To: Anti-Bubba182
They are trying to cancel a cop in Zionsville, Indiana.
Warn g Farce Book link....

113 posted on 01/10/2021 6:02:45 AM PST by sausageseller (If you want to cut your own throat, don't come to me for a bandage. M, Thatcher)
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To: jdsteel
I beg to differ. Under the law you can’t fire someone solely based on their political beliefs.

What prevents them?

114 posted on 01/10/2021 6:03:12 AM PST by DoodleDawg
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To: jdsteel; DoodleDawg
I beg to differ. Under the law you can’t fire someone solely based on their political beliefs.

That is not the law in any state I know of. As a lawyer licensed to practice in a Texas who has handled and evaluated a number of employment cases, I can tell you with certainty that there is no law in Texas preventing a private employer from firing or otherwise discriminating against an employee based on political affiliation or belief. That is also true in New York, California, Massachusetts, and Florida at least.

It is different for a government employee, because then there are First and Fourteenth Amendment protections, but those protections do not apply to private employers.

But don’t take my word for it. I am a lawyer, but not your lawyer. I encourage you to look up your own state’s laws to see for yourself.

115 posted on 01/10/2021 6:13:37 AM PST by The Pack Knight
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To: DoodleDawg; jdsteel
"I beg to differ. Under the law you can’t fire someone solely based on their political beliefs."

"What prevents them?"

Being Republican isn't a protected class like brown skin or a vagina or having a penis but wearing a dress or a burka.

And even if political party was added to EEOC, you would still need a DA who would prosecute, but they are all soros miinions now.

Besides, people still aren't grasping what has taken place. They're still walking around as if the Republic will magically return and justice will exist again.

Folks, we're not going to vote our way out of this. The Great Reset happened. The last remaining piece of resistance to the global police state was President Trump. Not even the demoncraps are really in charge anymore. The POTUS and congress are now ceremonial for the most part. They will rule as they are told to rule, just as the media reports what it is told to report. Nothing more, nothing less.

Welcome to Prison Planet.

116 posted on 01/10/2021 6:15:18 AM PST by Sirius Lee (They intend to murder us. Prep if you want to live and live like you are prepping for eternal life)
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To: jdsteel; DoodleDawg

“I beg to differ. Under the law you can’t fire someone solely based on their political beliefs.”


I am a retired federal labor/employment lawyer; worked 33 years for an agency enforcing labor laws after several years in private practice. DoodleDawg is generally correct; there is no federal law against private sector employment discrimination based solely on political beliefs or activity. The protected classes/statuses under federal anti-discrimination employment statutes are race, gender, religious beliefs, national origin, age (over 40), disability or perceived disability, reporting unsafe working conditions, pregnancy, and union activity (or refusal to engage in union activity). I’m not familiar enough with each state’s laws, but I believe generally there is no blanket provision against private-sector employment discrimination based on political beliefs or activities. The only state with a general “just cause” provision for employment decisions is Montana.

117 posted on 01/10/2021 6:16:28 AM PST by hadrian
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To: DoodleDawg
Companies will fire employees who participated and who were dumb enough to post on social media,

That is quite likely.

and there's nothing illegal about it.

In some places that will be the ruling, I would think it would depend on state laws, employment contracts, and the degree to which the public has accepted the media brainwashing. That last factor seems to be beyond what I would have imagined. But I agree that posting on FB is dangerous. I have been banned on FB for several years and do not miss it at all.

118 posted on 01/10/2021 7:55:02 AM PST by ding_dong_daddy_from_dumas (Re-imagine the media!)
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To: ding_dong_daddy_from_dumas
I would think it would depend on state laws, employment contracts, and the degree to which the public has accepted the media brainwashing.

In just about all 50 states the law is employment at will, almost nobody works under a contract other than unions and very senior executives, and the majority of the public seems to have accepted the labeling of what happened Wednesday as a riot or an insurrection.

But I agree that posting on FB is dangerous.

A sage piece of advice I got years ago is to think twice before speaking, three times before Tweeting, and four times before posting. A lot of people would still have their jobs if they followed that. I'm on Facebook mainly to keep track of my family and friends. I know my employer tracks social media; they have made if clear to us that they do. That's one reason why I'm not dumb enough to put my employer on my profile, and I'm careful the few times I post something.

119 posted on 01/10/2021 8:04:33 AM PST by DoodleDawg
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To: DoodleDawg

Problem is then somebody who isn’t on FB is also “Red Flag”, basically you won’t get hired unless you have a FB page.

And then, they will check not if you said anything wrong, but if you haven’t said enough things right, like praising BLM or somesuch.

120 posted on 01/10/2021 8:06:38 AM PST by dfwgator (Endut! Hoch Hech!)
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