So much for a jump from the DNC convention
I was under the impression that Trump is destroying the postal service.
No jump or bump with Kamala its just hump.
“So much for a jump from the DNC convention.”
There was a bump, unfortunately for the libs the bump went to Trump.
I hope that the RNC is a fast learner and is modifying their convention plans to have some showmanship and pizazz. The infomercial format is working for the DNC
No wonder Obama is having a breakdown, he knows if Trump has 4 more years he’ll be locked up for Treason.
Conservative Mama strikes again
Everyone with a sane mine are scared chitless if the Pandemicrats get all three branches this November! Scaredddddd chitless!
It’s the Trump convention bounce! ;)
I wonder if having the democrats denounce everyone and everything as “racist” and telling us that the country is terrible has anything to do with the uptick in Trump’s approval rating.
They should post someone at every mailbox and payphone (because few people have cell phones these days) to make sure Trump isn’t carting them away to suppress the vote. I guess that’s hard when they’re checking for Russians under every bed.
There’s no “juice”, as one comedian said.
If the liberal comedians are being critical of this convention publicly, you can imagine what is being said privately about this presentation.
The convention is the Democrat’s big chance to put their best foot forward for the American people.
It will be interesting to see if any of this gives Democrats a “convention bounce” in polling.
We need to become a little like people in sales. Be positive and act friendly with everyone we meet. Start at the intellectual level and beliefs of each person we meet, and move them little by little. Talk about or allude to one important issue (freedom, jobs, etc.).
Sympathize! If the person in front of you expresses hatred against the President, tell them something like, “Yeah. Looks like he’s going to be elected again, no matter what anyone does.” And go from there. ;)
Has any President with a 51% approval rating with less than 100 days to election ever lost their attempt to be re-elected?
How can 51% approve yet only 45 or 46% support him in the polls vs Biden?
I think this obviously points to “silent” Trump voters.
I expected Trump to peak within the next month. He heeds to get his approval numbers as high as possible before early voting starts, and keep them there until Election day.