Posted on 07/31/2020 1:05:50 PM PDT by lowbridge
Dortmund Its hard to believe: The man (23) who is said to have raped a 13-year-old in Dortmund on Friday apparently struck a month before!
On June 20, the Afghan is said to have raped an eleven-year-old in Dortmund. It was a comparable event, prosecutor Börge Klepping also confirmed the earlier act when asked by BILD. He did not want to give details, to protect the now twelve-year-old victim.
The man was caught shortly after the crime, but was released on July 3 after only twelve days, subject to registration requirements. Reason: he was not considered to be a flight risk.
The prosecutor: He had previously appeared for a narcotics offense, but not in connection with sexual offenses. He has a permanent place of residence and therefore there was no reason to hold the refugee.
On Friday, the Afghan, who has a temporary residence permit, then lured a 13-year-old into a hallway and also raped her. Because the girl delivered a good description of the perpetrator, her tormentor was caught on Saturday night.
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He obviously suffers from Chronic Sexual Emergency Syndrome.
He obviously suffers from Chronic Sexual Emergency Syndrome.
Castration with 2 Bricks would fix that
He’s not raping them. He is simply filling his chosen brides with the seed of Allah’s Love. Just like the prophet, himself (pbuh) did with Aisha.
/wish it *WAS* sarc.
Don’t expect to live safely in a Godless liberal society.
Much like in this country, those judging and sentencing criminals won’t apply the proper punishment. When frustrated people start talking matters into their own hands, it will get ugly real fast. At least in the case of the US, ugly may be the only avenue for patriots.
Give the parents that job!
Animal. To get rid of islamophobia you destroy islam.
Somebody’s gotta do it!!
Who would have guessed that releasing a predator into the community would turn out badly?
Sadly, despite these rallies by common-sense Germans who oppose importing child rapists from primitive violent societies - most German voters hate themselves and their country and want to see it ended in favor of a border-less open zone. If that means women and girls (including themselves) will have to live in a brutal third world dystopia, so be it. They don’t care. Their left-wing hate is that strong.
And the same goes for the rest of western Europe. France, the UK, Low Countries, Scandinavia. All majority self-loathing. All will die as countries within the next two generations.
“He obviously suffers from Chronic Sexual Emergency Syndrome.”
Who?? The rapist or the authorities?? The prosecutors are as great a threat to the community as the rapist.
I sure hope neither girl gets pregnant or an STD from him. As for him, pull his equipment off slowly, then smash his head in. Let’s see him hurt any other kids after that.
Sad, What would Martin Luther think of such things? What would Bismark? They live in the 15th Century—you should seek answers in the 20th or 19th.
A month? Give him 6 weeks, that’ll cure him.
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