I have already suffered the indignations heaped upon me by a Mulatto Mohammedan Sodomite, and the disastrous economy, thereof.
I shall not allow a doddering, demented, licenscious aged Caucasian, tethered to whichever Negroid team-mate that will be making policy, to count for my vote.
Or loss of freedom as well. America will be home of cowards and land of slaves.
The choice is not nearly so benign as the WSJ pretends.
In fact, as we are seeing in the daily headlines, the choice is quite apparent, clearly and loudly articulated and disturbing:
Voters Choice: Left or Right.
Voters Choice: Work or Freebies.
Only read the excerpt and the WSJ article appears to be the most positive for Trump that I’ve seen in months.
How did this get by the editors at the WSJ?
Ain't nobody got time fer dat!