Well, that’s a good reason for Joe’s team to search those records and report that nothing was found!
Of course not. Joe told you where they really are — The University of Delaware. He came right out and said “Don’t bother looking at the University of Delaware archive. That would totally be a waste of your time.”
The records office should be raided by federal agents armed with AR-14s.
I hope YOU never have to deal with a really false accusation. Spell NIGHTMARE.
Congress has paid out $millions for harassment claims.
Where are those records?
Biden: "I don't know why she's bringing this up after 27 years..."
Scott Adams: 'Did you just say "this", the thing that you just said didn't happen?'
Well it sounded good.
translation: We wouldn’t touch that with a forty-foot pole.
You know, “THEY” know, the LIEberal establishment knows, Joe knows, WE ALL KNOW that “. . . the record of a sexual harassment complaint allegedly made by former staffer Tara Reade. . . .” WILL NEVER BE FOUND!
It is truly a demonstration of how good the Democrat Party and VOTERS are when, after a pre-primary season and multiple primaries against 24 competitors, former VP Joe Biden is what they came to! Do we really want them leading this country after this demonstration of ‘excellence’? REALLY?
Joe Biden: I strongly deny these allegations, and I hereby demand the release of all records from the Nuremberg trials to prove my innocence. I will even demand the release of the Roman records of the trial of Jesus Christ under Pontius Pilate, too. I will leave no stone unturned!
But c’mon, you have to applaud the clever approach Joe took here, directing investigators on a wild goose chase. I guess he thought that no one would follow up.
In better times for Joe, the press would say, “Well, there it is! Case closed!”
any such records were fed into the shredder long ago.
If Reade made an official complaint, wouldn’t she have a record of it?
The Breibart article is poorly written, and I am not following:
Did Biden say that the any complaint would be on file with the national archives and since the national archives does not have the complaint it never happened?
Did Biden say that if the complaint does exist that it would be on file with the national archives and those records are sealed?
Is Breitbart claiming that the complaint, if any, would be filed in a different office, and those records are sealed for 50 years?
Is Breitbart claiming that Slow Joe has the right to release the sealed records?
Breitbart really needs to hire high school graduates to write these articles.
Someone’s spinning a yarn, but why would personnel records go with Biden’s papers? Legally they’re federal employees and not Biden employees and wouldn’t any complaint be handled like a personnel matter? I would think that any record retention requirements would lie with the government. They’ve got to be somewhere.
Okay, so why has no one brought up the Sex harassment slush fund Congress kept? If Congress had this fund for years, don’t you think this would make all claims, 27 years ago, worth hearing about? Yeah, people need to check out the Slush Fund records rather than looking at the records from the National Archive.
Sandy Berger stuffed the records down his pants on his way out of the Archives building.