Posted on 04/04/2020 6:58:35 PM PDT by david1292
Dr. Deborah Birx said Saturday that Americans should especially focus on social distancing guidelines in the next two weeks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
This is the moment to not be going to the grocery store, not going to the pharmacy, but doing everything you can to keep your family and your friends safe, she said.
Birx noted that Pennsylvania, Colorado, and the Washington, DC, metro area were starting to have an increasing number of cases.
Were hoping and believing that if people mitigate strongly, the work that they did over the last two weeks will blunt that curve, she said.
She pointed to really bad hotspots in New Jersey and New York, where cases of the virus and deaths were still going up.
The next two weeks are extraordinarily important, she said.
Dr. Anthony Fauci also said three or four hotspots were continuing to rise, but that certain areas could flatten the curve by social distancing.
Just make sure everybody does the at least minimal amount of that physical separation, because the virus has no place to go if youre physically separating, Fauci said.
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What qualifications do you have to make such a pronouncement?
Are you anybody other than an inconvenienced and disgruntled nobody wildy striking out at some body you see on TV?
Do not eat, take your meds, or breathe.
Is this crap for real?
Please POTUS. This isn’t doable.
All the gooebrmints eats and drinks.
I will take a guess.
The peak in NYC is projected to be at the end of this week.
But there are signs that there are multiple hotspots brewing. And that is just in the big cities.
The locality that I live in now has over 40 cases. Two weeks ago there were only a handful.
I dont even live in a medium sized city.
You can expect that this situation has replicated all over the country.
I agree with you.
I buy milk, half and half, yogurt and fresh fruits and veggies every week.
I dont plan on changing that.
I have a stock of food that I can eat if I get sick, but I dont want to use it if I am not.
It is just you.
Scarves are a mature womans best friend.
They must be, else how in the world are they ALWAYS out of paper products?
Because they don't have a clue about anything. They've been wrong about everything, but sure as hell want to keep the fear going.
I have always liked scarves. It presents a nice finishing touch, but
I wouldn’t wear one EVERY DARN DAY.
Overkill and appears frivolous, for some reason.
Wear a mask
Have hand sanitizer in pocket
Wipe cart handle
Put goods in basket
Check out and don't bag
Go to car
Sanitize hands
Wipe down grocery goods with wipe and put in box in car
Sanitize hands
Go home
Take box out of car
Take off mask
Sanitize hands
Sanitize steering wheel and arm rests in car
Take groceries to garage or porch
Sanitize groceries again
Take off clothes outside
wash hands
Good luck
I don’t know if I’m doing it wrong or what but every time I’ve used the bread machine the loaf comes out with a very thick hard crust.
I use a stand mixer and loaf pans now.
I kept the bread machine in case my stand mixer breaks-just for mixing/kneading purposes.
I only bake bread because I hate store bought and chemicals and preservatives.
For me, bread was hard! It took me a long time to turn out something edible that didn’t resemble a brick!
Shut up.
I’ve got a good amount of stuff coming from Amazon, but it will be a while before it gets here, but I still need to get a few fresh items.
I haven’t asked anyone to go to the store for me. I have several friends who have offered to do it, but I feel like if I let them, I am basically telling them that I value my own life more than I value theirs, because they are at as much risk as I am with co-morbidities of their own.
Recently I have caught myself thinking, if only German Shepherds lay eggs, I’d be set.
It came from there.
Do what you want, I don’t care.
I’ve got some vinyl gloves from several years ago. They are nurses gloves for ladies though, hard to get them on my hands, but I can do it. I’m very thankful to have these.
Re: 330 - Why do you list sanitizing groceries 2X?
Ive been baking bread for years, and dont remember how my first loaves came out, but based on my other attempts at baking, they had lots of room for improvement.
Im better with a sewing machine or stove top than an oven.
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