It’s entirely possible they already did.
Some experts say that the Cornhola virus isn’t a very good war weapon, but I’d say it’s damn near perfect. Just look at the results.
They’ve been preparing for decades.
They already have long before this.
China is lying as Tucker Carlson said last night on his show.
I called a war with China for 2020 or 2021 ten years ago.
they need to move men out of their country in order to maintain power and control
Id like to thank Bill Clinton and his buddies at Loral for making it all possible.
It will be sudden and overwhelming
American Thinker?
Sounds like paranoia to me
It’s hard to know how America would react to that. In recent decades, we have been reluctant to “fight to win”. If we fight a war (let’s say in the Middle East) and the body count gets up to about 3000, then it’s a quagmire and we decide we need to bring everybody home.
But China has poked the bear. A lot of Americans are unhappy with China. They stole our intellectual property, they’ve wrecked our economy, and they killed grandma.
If China starts a war with us, I think the public might support a serious military effort. And if China tried to launch missiles against our mainland, hopefully we could shoot the missiles down. But we might actually hit them back. Talking nukes here. And maybe the world won’t condemn us.
Overall, I think this would be a foolish path for China and I’m hoping they decide against it.
The ChiCom virus is the first attack in a war that the ChiComs have already started.
They have prepared for it by releasing milder influenza viruses and seeing the effects as described in various U.S. and world health publications.
With what?
While the CHiComs have a considerable land force, their navy is crap and their Air Force is nothing but Russian clones.
While the ChiComs might control the sea lanes around the South China Sea, it would get expensive real fast for them to maintain control.
The ChiComs would have to have sea force projection they don't have. And you can bet,the US Navy has an attack sub pretty close to almost every ship the ChiComs have in their fleet. Those would be the first to become marine habitats in a hot war.
Wuhan First Strike,,,
>> Signs were seen, but they impelled no action.
Thats because the Mistriss of Disaster, Jamie Gorelick, had placed a wall of separation between the CIA and the FBI.
But that's what we've got!
Interesting article.......Should such attack occur against the U.S. and the U.S. subsequently stops the export of all the foodstuffs China gets from us, followed by the deportation of all Chinese nationals in this country, then what do they do?
If China conquered us; where would they get technology to steal? Who would pay their slave labor wages?
Folks...take a breath.
CCP released the virus, but they were doing what they were told by their allies in the DNC and Europe.
Did anyone notice after weeks of running their mouths at us in the media, suddenly after the convo Trump and Xi had they were kissing our asses in the media yesterday offering any help we need.
Been telling y’all Russia is one our side. Russia is pissed about Obama/Hillary/ccp trying to triangulate them into war.
Russian cargo planes have been delivering med supplies to us.
Putin had a hand in getting Hillary’s server. Putin had a hand in the Salami killing.
Even without Russia, China does not have the navy to project power to our shores. It wouldn’t last two days against the USN.
With Russian troops and most important Russian missle defense, and our USN, China has no shot. They know it.
The reason we are being locked down aint because of the virus, it’s because we are to begin major ops to roll up the head of the snake here in the US. That snake is cornered and scared and dangerous. Some of those snakes are in bunkers out west.
If we weren’t locked down, it’s a sure bet another Las Vegas would happen, but worse.
CCP bitches have been caught on video spreading infection out west. I’d of shot her dead.
Also, with us locked down, they have no where to run or hide.
Y’all sit back and enjoy the show.
I’m gonna leave y’all with this:
April 1st 2020 in the middle of the Corona crisis Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, state leaders of USA, Russia and China, surprisingly decided to join forces in a conference call this morning to develop a new blockchain technology based world monetary system backed by gold.
The petro dollar is dead. The wars in the middle east are dead. The tension caused by the US/UK and it’s petro dollar is over.
Trump is not only gonna win reelection, he is gonna be loved by our former enemies and the world.
He has already signed peace deals with the Taliban,North Korea, Syria, He is in the process of saving the worlds ass from war and death.
I’m sure out deep bunker boys are keeping an eye the Chicom rats.
I do not see China starting a war now and certainly not using the Wuhan virus as it’s excuse. I don’t think the author has studied Chinese and Asian history enough. Yes, China’s arrogance is growing bolder in some ways, but no, in my view, it is not going to start a war at this time.