She’s there to provide “normalcy”.
“Oh, look... HERE’S a “moderate” democrat we can get behind!!!”
Same with ol’ White Bread Biden. Just there to fool the white democrats that still hanging on into voting for him; then as soon as they get elected it’s back to bashing “the white man”.
She’s one of them. She’s their new version of “The War Hero”... except the completely psychotic wing ain’t having it.
I would say EVERY RAT on stage aside from Tulsi counts as the "completely psychotic wing". She's pretty much the ONLY one who has accepted the Russians didn't "hack" the election, for example. Apparently having a rational person on stage didn't sit well with the rest of them.
If Joe Biden is a "moderate", then Osama bin Laden is Jewish.
I agree with GOPster, F this b, she’s the seed of a traitor to the GOP. On a couple things maybe she’s the most sensible of the lot, “Russia” and all that. But the far left !adores! her for several reasons and he voting record is garbage just like the rest.
Despite the bizarre fixation some on the right have with her, (because she doesn’t look like a half melted old shoe?) I’ve never heard her described as a “moderate”. I would call d-bag John Delaney the most “moderate”.
She seems to have kneecapped Kamala, so I thank her for that but she’s polling in the gutter and has a zero% chance of the rat nomination no matter how many master debates she’s in so BFD if she’s not in the next one.
Senile Biden, Sanders, Warren, or maybe fading Kamala will be the rat nominee, the rest may as well be side show freaks.