This level of ‘stooopid’ takes my breath away...
Good to know THEY HAVE DECLARED WAR! All I needed to know!
Many good comments in response to his twitter opinion lol.
This is madness if he said this, using tactical nukes on US citizens. Since he’s a Democrat this line of thinking will not be repeated or stressed by our media enemies
It’s a fast way to die. There are worse ways, it’s over quick. But eventually they would kill enough people that like an old time Chuck Norris or Charles Bronson movie, people with nothing more to lose would be free to attack them.
The Dems ARE the Enemy of The United States
If they could develop a nuke that only killed Conservatives, they’d do it in a heartbeat.
Dems love nukes. They love guns and violence.
The representative sounds like a tyrannical bureaucrat from a Matt Bracken novel.
Swalwell = certifiable crackpot. Democrat Party deserves him.
Leftists throughout history always have been comfortable with mass murder.
We don’t have to fight the military. We would instead fight those who would threaten our freedom. Hint to Swalwell: Trump controls the nukes, not your scrawny ass. Molon labe, bitch.
Libs are not only insane....they are stooooppppiddddd.
What this tells me is that these commie POSs are scared shitless of an outright revolt towards their communistic policies.
And for the record, Mr. insane congresscritter, No, I won’t obey your shitty azz gun ban....ever!!! I, for one, have had my belly full of your communist BS. You want my guns, azzhole? You personally come here on my property and just try to take em all by yourself, and see what happens to ya stupid azz, ya POS. Oh, by the way, I ain’t alone...not by a long pun intended. There’s MILLIONS of us...just like me.
The founding fathers had thugs like this in mind, not the British.
Wow. He really kicked a hornets nest. And they brought flamethrowers! LOL!
The comments on Twitter are cutting him NO slack.
This could work out really well as a wake up call for some moderate dems.
Maybe some of them will actually start questioning what they are supporting.
The government has camps, too. And if lunatics like Swalwell will use nukes, they’ll use those too.
Does that include members of Congress and the Senate, after all they have armed guards protecting THEM