Posted on 09/10/2018 3:31:41 AM PDT by Helicondelta
Who here is opposing Ted Cruz?
I don’t see anyone here pushing Beta O’male.
The most I have seen is people citing consequences of 2015 behavior, which may be a reality, and others in Texas citing a lackluster campaign so far on Cruz’s part, which may be true, but I don’t know since I don’t live there.
I really don’t see how randomly bringing up your personal battles with whomever whenever helps anything.
I don’t really even know what to make of the NBC clause anymore.
It seems like it’s not going to be enforced in any way, except of course against a Republican candidate for president, I’m guessing.
Personally, I’m not going to hold this against Cruz, because imagine if we did have to choose our president between Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz.
I’d have no choice but to vote for him, Canadian or not.
Too late, for that.
He just needs to thank his lucky stars that POTUS is coming to help his sorry azz.
I heard him on Fox, the other day, making it sound like POTUS is doing what cRuz tells him to do, for the economy, etc.
Ted sure had a lot of Were (he and PDJT) doing what we need to do for this country...ah, ah, and for Texas.
He sounded like he was still campaigning for Prez, rather than Senator.
Ive volunteered for the guy TWICE. Ill vote for him, again.
He just needs to realize that running for a junior Senator....and bashing the front runner, was never a good idea :-(
On this thread, I found this anti-Cruz sentiment:
On other threads, there are many anti-Cruz comments.
Trump is endorsing Cruz. He is supporting his campaign. We should get on the Trump Train and support Ted Cruz as well, without reservation.
I am calling for unity among conservatives. Butt-hurt anti-Cruz FReepers are promoting division.
You think Cruz is Canadian?
I should have said “President Trump” rather than just “Trump”.
He was until 2015.
He needs to realize that Democrats may vote for ineligible candidates, but enough Republicans won’t so he should concentrate on being a good Senator, he’s not going to be President.
If he is a natural born citizen, then so are Anwar al-Awlaki’s kids, born in Yemen to one citizen parent.
Not sure what the hell is with the fan-fiction, but I only give a damn about not losing seats to Democrats, not the fee fees of anyone in Texas or anywhere else.
So when I hear that Texas of all places have the possibility of booting Cruz for some really petty and foolish reasons, you are darn right I will rip those people for being petty and foolish.
Now if you people can prevent that, then great! I’ll love to be shown incorrect.
Thats true of nearly every major southern city from WWII ONWARDS
Many came for war training and after the war came back if they made it
The only ones without Yankee influx are the heavily black ones which are dying and dont have the white suburban ring to sustain a black population in the city like Atlanta does
New Orleans hangs in too and has a lot of yankee hipsters moved in
Nashville is hipsters mostly non southern or southern traitors who move into the boho parts of urban Nashville
The Yankees from all over if family class come to the burbs or further out
Urban Yankee hipsters are lib
The Yankees who go to the burbs usually not...maybe 2/3 vote gop
Dallas was conservative once as was the DMN
That lasted into the early 90s I think
Open borders and white birth rate put Texas in this spot and only conservative Yankees are your only hope ironically
“There are at least a dozen seats in striking distance for the GOP. Does this one Senator, who should be a shoe-in, warrant the resources being devoted to him?”
First, he’s one of the most solid conservatives in Congress. Without a doubt. LOOK AT HIS VOTING RECORD! I don’t CARE if he isn’t “Mr Personality”. If you don’t realize he is VASTLY better than Beto the Fake-O, then you are blind as a bat. A Dembat!
Second, it is almost always easier to KEEP a seat than to flip one!
And third, if you want to claim to support Trump in any way, why would you feel good about Beto the Fake-O getting in? Hmmm? Trump is smart enough not to give a rat’s rear end about personality. He’ll suck up to North Korea if it gets him what he wants. And Ted is far, FAR more likely to give Trump what he wants than the Fake-O!
For this discussion to even take place on FreeRepublic is embarrassing. Cruz has a 99% ACU rating. 96% for this year. That ties him for the third highest rating in the Senate for this year and the second highest for his lifetime score.
AND THAT ISN’T GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU? You want Fake-O to win instead?
IMO the whole SW is lost and I have no plans on ever venturing west of LA.
That said, I know my own state of FL is becoming turd world.
So he’s not Canadian, right?
Demographics in Texas are worse than you think, this seat could easily flip if Republicans are disgruntled or apathetic.
If the Democrats take Texas then they’ll take the Senate and the House. That is how unlikely a Cruz loss is.
Since Apr 25, 2017
How did this sorry excuse of a day old editorial suddenly (right now) make it to Breaking News?
I don’t know Texas, but I’m assuming that Austin is in his district? Where else would this guy pull votes?
Not anymore.
Natural born citizens are naturally citizens because they cannot be anything else.
Citizens who are something else are not natural born citizens.
Cruz’s district is the State of Texas.
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