Posted on 08/26/2018 5:56:17 AM PDT by Lazamataz
It is amusing to watch the left fall all over itself in the McCain love fest. Interesting to note his latest approval ratings: among Republicans 31% among Democrats 71%.
I’m going to enjoy my week without TV.
Too soon?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Is that you Laz, virtue signalling again? ( LOL)
Thanks for the great article Laz. It leaves a genuinely true picture of McCain, and it needed to be said.
McCain died as a thin skinned Republican elitist,doing bitter things to President Donald Trump, a man elected for and by the People. McCain was Obamas dimmi , doing Obama’s bidding to support the jihad and ISIS.Obama used McCain like a common street whore who was left giggling because she had a few extra campaign bucks in her purse. McCain clad himself in the our flag to actually betray our country.And IMHO McCain knew exactly what Obama was using him for.
McCain was a decent enough politician until he lost the 2002 GOP presidential nomination to GW Bush. After that he was incredibly bitter.That is when he should have retired in 2002 because subsequently he was an agent provocateur to the GOP and actually sometimes engaged in treasonous activity internationally.He was strangely quiet of the Benghazi fiasco, when he could have led the charge.
One lurid example of McCain’s treasonous conduct was the bogus arms deal he brokered in Syria with the Magic Negros help, about 500 million dollars of small arms to a Syrian group of rebels of about 12 men who McCain had met for a photo op.The arms were sold on the black market in Syria as fast as they arrived, to ISIS and the Jihad, later to be used against our US soldiers and allies. The arms dealers in McCains pocket tickled his scrotum on that one, and McCain once again became Obama’s dimmi.Most Americans do not even know about this fiasco or the methods Obama used to support the jihad instead of fighting it.Obama used McCain to actually support ISIS.
McCain did little or nothing to help the cause against liberal fascism ,promoted and implemented by Obama.McCain could have been heroic in 2008 campaign but he fizzled, his powder wet instead of dry.Therefore the left now cynically lauds Senator McCains life, the way that Muslims laud their dimmis.
Self-serving Politicians should not be Lionized.
I originally planned a much more furious, ranting, nearly profane editorial.... but I decided that the facts spoke for themselves.
Good, concise summary of the ‘hero’ NOT hero, McCain.
Thanks, Laz.
Well I spread your post over every fawning thread I could find. About 5 altogether.
Ya never know, maybe Reuters will pick it up! ( grin).
No, and well done.
We knew this was going to happen.
It’s over, now, so just be glad..................
Hero? What makes this spiteful angry individual any more a hero then all the other prisoners in Nam?
As someone said the evil stays long after the evil person leaves.
Thanks for this thread, Laz. Good analysis.
“I originally planned a much more furious, ranting, nearly profane editorial....”
How does this “eulogy” resonate?
I’ve been working on my McCain “eulogy” for a while, and though I’m not totally satisfied with it just yet, and I am admonished to not speak ill of the dead, I’ll get it out there anyway:
John McCain was a dishonest, disreputable, self-serving, self-aggrandizing, skirt-chasing womanizing son of a bitch!
He was a liar, a cheat and a thief!
He was a rotten Naval Officer, a terrible pilot, a miserable Congressman and a total failure as a US Senator. He was a stain on the Body Politic!
I dont know how many times he took an oath to . . . support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. . . . over the course of his life, but he certainly did not pay any attention to it! He was an oath breaker! In many different ways and on many different occasions!
[Most of us who served in the military were and are “Oath Keepers!”]
There are rumors that Songbirds time in the Hanoi Hilton was tainted by treasonous behavior. Manchurian candidate, indeed!
We are VERY fortunate that he got his ass kicked every time he ran for President!
He will not be missed, and the USA is better off now that he has died!
We can only hope and pray that he is roasting in Hell!
I find it VERY DIFFICULT to understand why this noxious, venomous assholes sins have been forgotten so quickly!
I did not like John McCain! His behavior as a Naval Officer and as a “public servant” professionally and personally offended me greatly!
It REALLY offends me that people who know better insist on making him into a person that he most definitely was not! Those people who laud McCain will be on my personal shit list until the day I die!
Ill not hold my breath waiting for someone to write the true story exposing this mans perfidy and treason!
And then, there is this:
In response to MayflowerMadam who suggested the above was Pulitzer material, I responded:
I have intensely disliked John McCain ever since he divorced his first wife a few years after he returned FRom his POW experience. Read all about it at He married the heiress to the Arizona Budweiser distributorship fortune.
For the record, I knew about his lack of character when I was a serving Naval Officer - he was a known heavy drinker and notorious philanderer before he got shot down - his reputation preceded him.
My knowledge of McCains character is second-hand, and inadmissable in a court of law, but the Navy grapevine is generally pretty accurate, and he was roundly disliked and FRequently gossipped about in Naval Aviation circles.
I cannot recall ever hearing a positive comment about him, even during his POW years. Many snippets of gossip were snarks about his daddy and granddaddy being four star admirals and his ability to escape his self-caused difficulties because of that fact. He seemed to be his own worse enemy, but skated due to his family connections.
He never disabused me of my long-ago assessment of his lack of character!
I have assiduously followed Rev. King’s advice and did not judge him by the color of his skin!
And, to end this diatribe, I submit this evidence of McStain’s treason (Hattip to FReeper Founding Father for this important lead):
Thank your very much for your effort to set the record straight! America and the world need to know the true character of this miserable excuse for a “man!”
Some of the comments here are atrocious,vulgar and way over the top. Such ugly, vulgar comments make us look bad. (shades of Demorat Uderground)
May God forgive him of his sins and comfort his family.
Matthew Chapter 6: 14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
I invite you to review the comments about McCain's death on any conservative website. You're going to see the same tone and tenor there, as you do at FR. He was just that reviled, and people aren't holding back.
It might be easier to avoid McCain threads for a while.
Excellent review. Somehow the Navy seemed to generate a bevy of political puss balls. John Kerry and his purple heart for a small piece of shrapnel in his butt cheek is another. Thank goodness for Swift boating, or we might have had Lurch in the oval orifice.
“Perfumed Princes” always seem to get a pass when they should get a boot in the ass! Out the door!
Each of us has seen it happen in our organizations - be they small, medium or large!
I have encountered it many times, and hated it all of my “unperfumed” life!
Just sayin’!
PS I have never been able to understand how one gets to be a “Perfumed Prince” (or “Princess,” for that matter).
Never wanted to be one, and never liked ANY of the “Perfumed Ones” I was forced to work for/with!
Without exception, they were not team players, and their “work” (or lack thereof) put us all at risk!
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