I won’t donate to either, haven’t in years. I found a local cooperative of churches which actually investigates the people who come looking for help to see if they are truly in need or the re-occuring mooches of society. I give to them and my local church.
A few years back the institution I work at was tasked with getting ALL of it’s employees to donate a portion of their paycheck to the United Way because the president of the system liked them. They actually had co-workers go to people who refused to donate and lean on them to cough up $$$ to make our president look good to the president of the system. I politely told the co-worker they sent to me both presidents could go pound sand since nobody had received a raise in the last two years and I-ME decided what charities I donated too and one president was making half a million a year with a $100K housing allowance while the other was pulling $150K and a $15K expense account. Needless to say they got many similar responses and the president didn’t get his 100% employee donation quota.
Check out this excerpt from Thomas Jefferson's one book:
“Needless to say they got many similar responses and the president didnt get his 100% employee donation quota.”
I’d be afraid in this situation of getting fired, not officially of course, for my “attitude.”
Which is why I really detest workplace fundraising. If the CEO wants to give, he can give. I find it insulting. As if I need to be prodded to be charitable.
I also hate the nonstop fundraising at the grocerty stores - “would you like to donate to __________ today?” then they say “Safeway donated a million dollars to Whatever!” No they didn’t, their pestered customers did.
I just say “no” without apology. I don’t blame the clerks. They are forced to do it.
I worked at USC back in the early 00s for about 18 months.
Never was I a student of the place or any other 4 year establishment. It wasn’t for me.
Anyway, the PHB-ette ALWAYS left a donation form for the university on just my desk. I assume the others donated.
That form went straight into the bin every time without a word. I refused to be extorted.
PHB-ette didn’t apparently take it very well. I didn’t make much, just a little staff guy.
Needless to say my life there was miserable for a whole host of reasons. I left finally and don’t miss the place at all.