That’s what you call declaring war???
He is getting very bad advice. Does he think conservatives voted for him so he could cave to the RINOs who did not? He is killing his chances to hold the House next year.
I am going to call this and say this is from the Ivanka/Jared/Dina(wifeofTeneoExecutive)/Gary camp.
Super-sized mistake , if an accurate report. IMO, unimaginable.
When you embarrass the boss publicly and contribute to his defeat in his first major initiative, there is a price to pay. This could have been avoided if the FC had gone behind closed doors and worked out a deal privately. No one should have been allowed to leave the room until a consensus was reached.
I hope he realizes 80% of his support and voters are freedom caucus types.
Pys-ops folks, pys-ops.
Thank God for the freedom caucus. They’re all we have left. The president has decided he like’s to swim in the swamp.
Is this a verified tweet?
Trump really say this about FC?
Slip-sliding away. He’s heading for another “bankruptcy” (that’s right folks, he doesn’t always make the right moves) thanks to some VERYbad advice.
Mark Meadows for President!
I’m a huge supporter of the President, but I disagree with him on this one.
Conservative litmus tests:
1. Does this law create more freedom or less freedom?
2. Does this law force one person to pay for another person (i.e., less freedom for the responsible payer)?
0vomitcare fails both tests and so does Ryancare.
He then thought that he had their votes on healthcare.
The Freedom Caucus then unilaterally changed their requirements without asking or informing Trump and voted against the bill.
That is why one of the founding members left the Freedom Caucus.
They didn't keep their word.
I hope this is not true. It was the same people who voted in the FC that voted in Trump. How could he not know this?
Heck, if RINO was what people wanted, Yeb would be in the White House.
News Flash: Trump is a populist, not a conservative.
I agree with Trump. Freedom Clowns should stop obstruction.
They want 150%. Its not possible.
wow! The replies to that tweet at the link ... not like during the campaign.
Time to start thinking about who we run in the 2020 primary.
Go left young men! Lol.. anyone. Who remembers trumps reform party run, already knew this. Lefty lurch. Principles be damned, just win? Right.?
The people who voted for Trump are the same people that support the views of those who are on the Freedom Caucus. It’s beginning to look like Trump is now part of the DC swamp and expects the good American patriotic congressional members to follow him. EFF THAT! Trump needs to be following them and to kick Paul Ryan and his other swamp creature advisers out the door.