He is getting very bad advice. Does he think conservatives voted for him so he could cave to the RINOs who did not? He is killing his chances to hold the House next year.
You must know of a different House than the one where the FC comprises about 30 Congressmen, well 29 now.
If American wanted a doctrinaire conservative, Ted Cruz would be President.
Do you want to move the US government to the right or not? Taking a right winger backseat to no one, I do.
It is childish, almost libtardish, to think that we can close our eyes and pretend we’re back in 1910 with President Taft in charge again. If we got 8 years of successes followed by another 8, we might. If anyone thinks we can do that in 75 days they’re unrealistic.
Do I personally agree with Meadows, Gohmert, Brat and Jordan on nearly everything? I do. But, if anyone thinks Meadows et al. are helping our collective cause by making the perfect the enemy of the good on EVERYTHING, they’re just giving comfort and aide to the lefty nuts. They adore you guys so inclined now, knowing they don’t even have to do any work, the FC crew will do it for them. Not every issue that comes up needs be treated like a go to the mattresses Burkean revolution moment or face abolishment of the 1st, 2d, 3rd, 4th or 5th amendments.
I think you are right. He risks putting on the Uniparty Uniform!
Many conservatives supported Ted Cruz but came over to Trump, but no one in the Uniparty supported him.
Dems want a broken Republican front, and this is what is being handed to them. None of them go against the party line, because they are good little communists.
these guys are never trumpers. No one supported him because he was backed by the FC
What do you want to do with Obamacare?
He is getting very bad advice. Does he think conservatives voted for him so he could cave to the RINOs who did not? He is killing his chances to hold the House next year.
Looks like this whole GOP majority has fallen apart in record time thanks to our side’s unparalleled skill in creating a circular firing squad.
Trump, Ryan, McConnell, the Freedom Caucus — somebody better show some leadership and success sometime soon, or this is going down the toilet right quick.
I don’t think they will ever get health care reform right, so they had better get to tax cuts ASAP
The Republicans better figure out a solution in short order, or this will be the greatest wasted opportunity since the New Deal to rescue what’s left of our Republic and our free market