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FReeper Canteen ~ Tunes For Our Troops ~ 10 March 2017
Our Troops Rock!!
| The Canteen DJ's
Posted on 03/10/2017 6:02:01 PM PST by Kathy in Alaska
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Extended News; Free Republic
KEYWORDS: canteen; military; troopstunes; troopsupport
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To: ConorMacNessa
3 Ringy Dingy
posted on
03/10/2017 6:36:49 PM PST
Kathy in Alaska
((~RIP Brian...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~))
To: Kathy in Alaska
Ma, can you believe it is supposed to be 24 below tonight? Now I am worried about the Robins as I have not seen them since several days ago.
To: GodBlessUSA; mylife; AZamericonnie; Kathy in Alaska; MS.BEHAVIN; trussell; ConorMacNessa; ...
LOVE YOU CANTEEN DJ'S!!! Thanks for your hard work!
GodBlessUSA; mylife; AZAmericonnie; Kathy In Alaska; Ms.Behavin;trussell; ConorMacNessa;acad1228; LibertyValance; publius; spel_grammer_an_punct_polise; Drumbo (and me)
YOU ROCK OUT LOUD!! God bless our troops!!!
Thanks for a great thread
and all you do here, Kathy!
posted on
03/10/2017 6:38:49 PM PST
(Be still and know that I Am GOD.....Psalm 46:10)
To: The Mayor
Good evening, Mayor, and thank you for today’s sustenance for body and soul.
We made it!!! The weekend is here. Hope you get some “me” time.
Are the dims heads exploding?
posted on
03/10/2017 6:41:01 PM PST
Kathy in Alaska
((~RIP Brian...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~))
To: radu
HOWDY! How is the weather down your way? Freezing here! Poor birds.
To: 2LT Radix jr; acad1228; AirForceMom; Colonel_Flagg; AliVeritas; aomagrat; ariamne; armyavonlady; ...
posted on
03/10/2017 6:46:49 PM PST
(Be still and know that I Am GOD.....Psalm 46:10)
To: Kathy in Alaska; LUV W; MS.BEHAVIN; ConorMacNessa; left that other site
FRED ASTAIRE & CYD CHARISSE: ALL OF YOUThis clip from the 1957 film showcases Fred giving it his urbane best. Cyd starts by dancing woodenly, as her character would, but then she blossoms into a ballerina. Weve lost so much culturally over the ensuing decades.
Fred Astaire & Cyd Charisse: All of You
posted on
03/10/2017 6:47:23 PM PST
("Who is John Galt?" by Billthedrill and Publius available at Amazon.)
To: All
posted on
03/10/2017 6:49:28 PM PST
(The roar of the masses could be farts)
To: Kathy in Alaska
Good evening, Kathy! ***HUGS***
Coming aboard as we speak. Rendering Hand Salutes to our National Colors and to the Officer of the Deck!
posted on
03/10/2017 6:52:30 PM PST
(<center> <table background="
To: Publius
posted on
03/10/2017 6:54:20 PM PST
left that other site
(You shall know the Truth, and The Truth Shall Set You Free.)
To: ConorMacNessa
Good evening, Mac...*HUGS*...ready to take on the dirt yet? Maybe still a little early?
posted on
03/10/2017 6:54:21 PM PST
Kathy in Alaska
((~RIP Brian...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~))
To: Kathy in Alaska; laurenmarlowe; BIGLOOK; alfa6; EsmeraldaA; SandRat; mylife; TMSuchman; AbnSarge; ..
posted on
03/10/2017 6:55:42 PM PST
(<center> <table background="
To: SandRat
Good evening, Sand...((HUGS))...did you get some Maddi time this week?
You and Charlie waiting for spring?
posted on
03/10/2017 6:58:29 PM PST
Kathy in Alaska
((~RIP Brian...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~))
To: Kathy in Alaska; laurenmarlowe; BIGLOOK; alfa6; EsmeraldaA; SandRat; mylife; TMSuchman; AbnSarge; ..
Welcome To All Who Enter This Canteen, To Our Serving Military, To Our Veterans, To All Military Families, To Our FRiends and To Our Allies!
Missing Man Setting
"The Empty Chair"
By Captain Carroll "Lex" Lefon, USN (RET), on December 21st, 2004
"In the wardroom onboard the aircraft carrier from which I recently debarked was a small, round table, with single chair. No one ever sat there, and the reasons, both for the table being there, and for the fact that the chair was always empty, will tell the reader a little bit about who we are as a culture. The wardroom, of course, is where the officers will dine; morning, noon and evening. It is not only a place to eat it is also a kind of oasis from the sometimes dreary, often difficult exigencies of the service. A place of social discourse, of momentary relief from the burdens of the day. The only things explicitly forbidden by inviolable tradition in the wardroom are the wearing of a cover or sword by an officer not actually on watch, or conversation which touches upon politics or religion. But aboard ships which observe the custom, another implicit taboo concerns the empty chair: No matter how crowded the room, no matter who is waiting to be seated, that chair is never moved, never taken.
The table is by the main entrance to the wardroom. You will see it when you enter, and you will see it when you leave. It draws your eyes because it is meant to. And because it draws your eyes it draws your thoughts. And though it will be there every day for as long as you are at sea, you will look at it every time and your eyes will momentarily grow distant as you think for a moment. As you quietly give thanks.
The small, round table is covered with a gold linen tablecloth. A single place setting rests there, of fine bone china. A wineglass stands upon the table, inverted, empty. On the dinner plate is a pinch of salt. On the bread plate is a slice of lemon. Besides the plate lies a bible. There is a small vase with a single red rose upon the table. Around the vase is wound a yellow ribbon. There is the empty chair.
We will remember because over the course of our careers, we will have had the opportunity to enjoy many a formal evening of dinner and dancing in the fine company of those with whom we have the honor to serve, and their lovely ladies. And as the night wears on, our faces will in time become flushed with pleasure of each others company, with the exertions on the dance floor, with the effects of our libations. But while the feast is still at its best, order will be called to the room we will be asked to raise our glasses to the empty table, and we will be asked to remember:
The table is round to show our everlasting concern for those who are missing. The single setting reminds us that every one of them went to their fates alone, that every life was unique.
The tablecloth is gold symbolizing the purity of their motives when they answered the call to duty.
The single red rose, displayed in a vase, reminds us of the life of each of the missing, and their loved ones who kept the faith.
The yellow ribbon around the vase symbolizes our continued determination to remember them.
The slice of lemon reminds us of the bitterness of their fate. The salt symbolizes the tears shed by those who loved them. The bible represents the faith that sustained them. The glass is inverted they cannot share in the toast. The chair is empty they are not here. They are missing.
And we will remember, and we will raise our glasses to those who went before us, and who gave all that they had for us. And a part of the flush in our faces will pale as we remember that nothing worth having ever came without a cost. We will remember that many of our brothers and sisters have paid that cost in blood. We will remember that the reckoning is not over.
We many of us will settle with our families into our holiday season, our Christmas season for those who celebrate it, content in our fortune and prosperity. We will meet old friends with smiles and laughter. We will meet our members of our family with hugs. We will eat well, and exchange gifts and raise our glasses to the year passed in gratitude, and to the year to come with hope. We will sleep the sleep of the protected, secure in our homes, secure in our homeland.
But for many families, there will be an empty chair at the table this year. A place that is not filled.
Many Thanks To Alfa6 For Finding Capt. Lefon's Chronicle Of "The Empty Chair."
"Träumerei" Robert Schumann (Click)
Never Forget The Brave Men And Women Who Gave Their Lives To Secure Our Freedom!!
posted on
03/10/2017 6:59:32 PM PST
(<center> <table background="
posted on
03/10/2017 7:00:19 PM PST
(The roar of the masses could be farts)
To: spel_grammer_an_punct_polise
Good evening, spel, and thank you for the Friday Night Edition of the Salsa Addiction Emergency Room! ((HUGS))
posted on
03/10/2017 7:01:09 PM PST
Kathy in Alaska
((~RIP Brian...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~))
To: Soaring Feather
Should have been number 1....LOL...just a tad late, Ms Feather. *hugs*
I’m going home...back in a bit.
posted on
03/10/2017 7:02:11 PM PST
Kathy in Alaska
((~RIP Brian...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~))
To: Kathy in Alaska
We got Maddi time. Spring is coming fast.
posted on
03/10/2017 7:02:18 PM PST
(Duty, Honor, Country.)
To: 2LT Radix jr; acad1228; AirForceMom; Colonel_Flagg; AliVeritas; aomagrat; ariamne; armyavonlady; ...
Please go to the top of the thread.
for links for purchasing the music
of the artist!
Please ping/freepmail any DJ to any song requests
made on the thread. Thank you!
posted on
03/10/2017 7:03:32 PM PST
(Be still and know that I Am GOD.....Psalm 46:10)
To: Kathy in Alaska; LUV W; MS.BEHAVIN; ConorMacNessa; left that other site
ELLA FITZGERALD: ALL OF YOUFor once, Buddy Bregmans production doesnt get in the way of Ellas voice. This 1956 recording showcases her way of working the lyrics. Its short but sweet.
Ella Fitzgerald: All of You
posted on
03/10/2017 7:03:37 PM PST
("Who is John Galt?" by Billthedrill and Publius available at Amazon.)
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