Is Islam a religion? I contend that it is not.
I am hopeful our leadership will evolve from radical Islam to Islam itself. Islam and Christianity are simply incompatible on numerous levels.
Islam is not a religion, and must be outlawed for the civilized world to survive.
After 1400 years of terror and over 200 million murders, it is time for Islam to be thrown on the ashheap of history.
Christians follow Christ.
Muslims follow Muhammed.
The terrorists are the only,true Muslims.
Islam is a problem even though most Muslims don’t kill people. The religion will produce a steady supply of fanatics who do kill people and cannot accept other religions.
Islam IS the problem.
Mohammed was a bandit, a murderer, a liar, and a pedophile - and he is the ‘perfect man’ of Islam. The purest practitioners of Islam on the planet, as it was practiced by Mohammed, are people of ISIS.
I suppose, in a lot of ways, we are lucky that most Moslems are not very good Moslems, which means that they can be good people.
The Bible tells us very clearly that there will someday be a one world religion. As long as Islam is prominent, with 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, I don’t see how the one world religion can come in to being. So what must happen is that Islam is massively defeated or discredited globally. How can this happen? I contend that they will be a huge war in the Middle East and that Islam will suffer a MASSIVE defeat at the hands of the Jews. If it is the Ezekiel war of chapters 38 and 39, in the entire world will see that God intervened.
The world would be better off if these people chose a less violet prophet to follow, say someone like Charles Manson perhaps.
Islam is an evil Political System.
Search for. Dr.Bill Warner for more info.
Islam is the problem and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool.
The south American drug and kidnapping industry is probably a strong 2nd place runner in the terrorism game.
Followed by ethnic motivated violence in northern India, and central Africa.
But the Koran and Hadith are the biggest drivers, and Muslims stretch in dense numbers across northern Africa, the Levant, south and central south Asia, and the southern Pacific rim.
With small pockets of density in northern Europe.
With violence and hatred and oppression in all these.
1. islam is and has ALWAYS been a leftwing totalitarian political system
2. islam has same goals as leftwing communism/marxism/progressivism/socialism/nazism
3. islam has its own legal system - sharia - that supercedes our Constitution
4. islam has its own war manual - “The Book of satanic Verses” (koran) - that demands its koranimal followers to kill non-believers (infidels) especially Jew & Christian followers of God
5. islam has its own religious messiah - satan
The barbaric jihadists, the 9/11 terrorists,over 2500 documented suicide bombers and the multiple lone wolves who have terrorized the West all have had their motivation and consciences molded by Islam. These people have convonced themselves that they are doing the will of the Divine and will be rewarded in some sort of pleasant afterlife for their murderous actions.
The problem with Islam goes far beyond the action of these bizarre individuals. Islamic culture is simply not compatible with the values, practices and institutions that constitute modernity. The barbaric jihadists are bewildered reactionaries who seek power, solace and control by embracing the customs and even dress of the 10th century. The challenge of modernity and Islam’s inability to cope is the real cause of the violence and instability throughout the Muslim world. People vote with their feet and attempt to migrate toward modernity, the lands formerly known as Christendom. Sadly there is no effective religious, political or social solution for this problem. Eventually the West will realize that to defend itself, it must move beyond the perspective of merely trying to suppress overt terrorism.
Western leaders thus far have refused to publicly acknowledge the real problem with Islam. Instead they have retreated into the delusional cocoon of political correctness. Many have been bought off by oil money, blinded by ideology or even a hatred for traditional Western civilization. That is why Brexit, the Trump victory and some recent elections in the EU are important and give some hope. However until the West is led by strong leaders who unequivocally wish to celebrate and defend their heritage and culture, the crisis will worsen
I am amazed at how many people assume that religious freedom means we shouldn’t criticize another religion. . .it’s another bad result from the multiculturalism swamp. Without having the ability to assess culture and religion. . .one cannot distinguish the essential values that made America the greatest nation on earth and Western values and culture the most rigorous. Thus, we lose hold of those values and begin to decline and self-destruct. .. which, of course, is the plan of the Left.
Total war with Islam
Not if, but when.
The people of Berlin might disagree.
There remains one indisputable fact regarding islam: it is incompatible with western civilization and particularly our constitutional, republican form of government.
The problem is the ideology that tells them it’s OK to rape, slice necks, blow up buildings, and murder.
It’s not a religion. It’s a world-domination ideology cleverly disguised as a religion.
A logical conclusion.
Excellent commentary. For those who didn’t bother to read the article the writer actually discusses the point which some freepers deny: Islam is a religion.