So why does my church still take up a second collection to pay the air conditioning bill?
I call the fake Pope a fake Pope.
The NWO Pope
Right. Weather is a sin. What’s in that holy water he’s been taking?
Sin has lost it’s value. Can’t believe this is happening to the Church, this man has made a mockery of our faith.
The first Scientologist Pope.
This pope is an idiot.
Bless me Father for I have sinned, I drove 100 miles in my SUV and put the A/C on full blast.
He wants you to continue to send your money to the lord, but he gives you his address.
He's more of a Pantheist than a Catholic, I think.
If God didn’t want humans to use carbon, it would have been substituted with a cleaner fuel.
The Obama of Popes.
1 John 3:4 “Sin is the transgression of the law”.
Deu 12:32 All the things I command you, be careful to do it. You shall not add to it, nor take away from it.
But socialism is a economic and political system built upon the direct violation and destruction of three of the Ten Commandments: lies, coveting and theft. The progressive issue of “climate change” is but a tool to manipulate people into accepting socialistic government policies that have the effect of reducing liberty, reducing prosperity, and enlarging government power, cost and size.
Pray for Francis, that his eyes be opened.
the pope needs to save souls ..God will take care of the Earth...what isis does is a sin
The Vatican should be shut down at once. Think of the carbon footprint.
——the degradation of the climate a sin against God.-—
the degradation of the climate is God.
Is there some sort of a Switch that turns Climate Change On and Off?
I listen to all the grumbling, but there is NOTHING that we puny Humans can do to change the Climate to an idyllic 72 Degrees all over the Globe.
The idea that People think they can change the entire Society so something Magical will occur is just idiotic.
I know, they just want an A for effort.
If things don’t change or get worse it’s “at least we tried”. If somehow things change to match their Liberal version of Utopia it’s “see, we were right” and all the money and negative impact on People’s lives was worth it.
The dirty little secret is things will get better or worse in spite of what we do, not because we did anything.
You just can’t win.
Who were the people in the Middle Ages who triggered the Little Ice Age? How about those who triggered the Medieval Warming Period?
God is a raving leftist?
Who knew? ;-)
It is time for an anti-pope. They we can sell arms to both sides while they duke it out...