I've never bought the theory that Huma and Hillary were lovers. Certainly Huma's marriage to Wiener was always a sham. Why would a sex-obsessed jerk like him marry a skinny and homely Muslim woman in the first place? Huma had a reason for wanting to get close to Hillary, and it wasn't cankle sex.
I agree that she's a Muslim sleeper agent. She's looking to replace Valerie Jarrett as Muslim power behind the throne. Wiener had a part to play, but was too horny (like Bill Clinton) to do what was expected of him.
VJ and Huma have connections to Sunni Sauds, not Shia Iranians.
I've seen prettier mouths on a catfish.
“Huma had a reason for wanting to get close to Hillary, and it wasn’t cankle sex.”
Having an agenda wanting to get close to Hillary doesn’t rule out them being lovers. In fact, becoming her lover is probably the quickest path to reach that goal. It’s a classic espionage tactic.
Anyway, Hillary isn’t with Bill anymore, they haven’t lived together in years. Hillary doesn’t have any other boyfriends, but she has an ever present young woman who shares her bedroom, and that same young woman doesn’t seem to spend much time with her own “husband” either. If they’re not lesbian lovers, they sure do their best to create that impression.
I have always maintained that Huma was ordered to marry Weiner and then get him elected mayor of NYC so that she would have control of the intelligence information and the security details for NYC.
Something is def suspicious when you think about the gay/beard marriages in the upper eschelons of the RAT Party. You have HILLARY/Bill, Obama/Michelle, Huma/Weiner. Who knows how much this goes on and what it’s all about.