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The Mainstream Media is America's greatest threat (vanity)

Posted on 08/10/2016 9:35:49 AM PDT by Crucial

The Mainstream media is completely out of control. It only masqurades as news entity. It's bias against Trump is implicit. It ignores the growing Hillary Clinton body count of hackers and witnesses to her crimes. Hillary's email's show a very cozy and colluding relationship with the DNC. Republicans they just attack and scrutinize until they squeeze out something that might be perceived as negative. Crimes by Democrats against America and Americans' Liberty is routinely ignored.

The media never passes up a chance to put a happy face on a federal agency. Does it ask how the EPA's decrees might put people out of work. Did it criticize ObamaCare even though it's widely known as a failure? Is it concerned that Social Security is going bust? Does it care that America's armed forces are working with outdated weapons and equipment that is falling apart? Does it care that it is so very difficult for any individual to start a business, take his destiny in his own own hands and be self-sufficient, because the government taxes him to death or regulates his business into oblivion? Yeah, right. The media doesn't care about personal independence. Face it, the mainstream media is the People's greatest enemy. It is a full frontal assault on individual freedom by undermining our elections through implicit bias, spinning facts, ignoring concerns about Democrats and even covering up vital information about Americans' enemies.

Islam is a religion of peace? In what universe? Four hundred million shipped in the middle of the night to a terrorist government is no big deal to the media? The mainstream media is enemy number one. The lies are a constant stream, an unending flow of misinformation and brainwashing 24/7 on multiple channels. The threat of the media needs to be taken more seriously than any other threat, even terrorism, because the media has weakened America and turned us against each other through its lies all while supporting America's enemies.

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To: Crucial

Given the First Amendment, how can the MSM be made to report the news equally and honestly? Freedom of speech is one thing but the MSM propaganda and bias has obviously killed our control of this criminal government. I’m not advocating this but this is exactly why hot revolutions are sometimes necessary. It’s the same old good v evil.

21 posted on 08/10/2016 9:54:09 AM PDT by drypowder
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It is the nature of it. It is light, and bright, colorful images move across it. Human beings have been fascinated to the point of hypnosis with light since before God granted us humanity. Our inventiveness is our downfall. We have invented this medium of light and we are being conquered by it. The very fact that these presenters are in a moving environment of light gives them a certain prestige, in fact enormous prestige, almost a feeling of semi-divinity.

They seem better and smarter and richer than the viewer. More favored, anointed, just by being onscreen. The light emanates from their very person. Their very bodies and their clothing are made of light. They seem beyond dispute.

I don’t know if people will ever wake up and resist this. Think of the wolves that crept up around Paleolithic campfires to stare into the light, fascinated and enchanted. Human beings invented this terrible medium and I fear we are going to see the collapse of our societies by it. The people who control television content aren’t smart enough to see they are demanding their own demise as they continue to elevate the elite, a selfish and cruel elite propped up by millions of televisions in millions of homes, people sitting, watching, unblinking.

22 posted on 08/10/2016 9:55:29 AM PDT by squarebarb ( Fairy tales are basically true.)
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To: Piranha
You’re right, of course. How does Donald Trump get his message out?

He gets a picture of that Iranian Scientist (Shahram Amiri) that was hung because his name was found in Hillary's insecure email stream...

He holds it up before the cameras and he says:

"Hillary killed this man."

"Hillary's corruption and incompetence caused this man's death."

The collective media would have a screaming fit stroke, and they would be helpless to stop the fallout.

Once that statement is made, they cannot hide the truth about the blood on Hillary's hands. They cannot "spin" the consequences of her illegal email server. It becomes real in the minds of the public.

You get around the media by forcing those bastards into unwinnable positions.

23 posted on 08/10/2016 9:56:11 AM PDT by DiogenesLamp ("of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty.")
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To: TomServo

Want to see the destruction of Western civilization, you only have to look at one sentence. “My Muslim faith..” “Oh, you mean your Christian faith.”

George Stephanopolous did more to damage America in that one sentence than any threat in the history of this country.

24 posted on 08/10/2016 9:56:50 AM PDT by EQAndyBuzz (Common Sense, Trump and Pence. More of the same, Clinton and Kaine.)
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To: squarebarb


25 posted on 08/10/2016 9:56:58 AM PDT by MUDDOG
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To: Crucial

They are the buggy whip makers of the 21st century.

In an age where billions of people have high def cameras and/or audio recording do we need CNN or even Fox to tell or show us about an event, especially given the lead time required for them to react, to transport crews, trucks, etc?

In most cases they have simply given up. Rather than gather news, they talk about it. Incessantly. Even a satellite truck at fire or flood spends very little time showing the fire or flood and instead conducts a series of pointless, predictable interviews with the reporter waffling on despite knowing nothing about the subject at hand.

In the case of government and politics, it’s even worse. So-called opinion makers, consultants, strategists, and, of course, elected and appointed officials flit between TV studios to deliver undiluted propaganda in the hope that multitudes will be fooled...and often are.

These people never - apparently - tire of talking in a small circle of peers about a laughably limited number of topics. Like a children’s game of telephone they might start with a simple statement or fact and distort or even contradict its plain meaning in 30 minutes or less (see also: federal judges).

And so we have expensive instantaneous global communications networks used primarily to deliver cocktail party tittle tattle in a city built in a fetid swamp. It’s waste and corruption on a staggering scale.

26 posted on 08/10/2016 9:57:00 AM PDT by relictele (Principiis obsta & Finem respice - Resist The Beginnings & Consider The Ends.)
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To: Crucial

They have that mantle of #1.

27 posted on 08/10/2016 9:57:59 AM PDT by Red Steel
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To: llevrok
The Founding Fathers put checks and balances everywhere. They gave freedom of the press to the press, thinking that would be their check.

When "Presses" were the dominate method by which information reached the public, this was a sound method. Now that Broadcast media has completely replaced "presses" as the primary means of informing the public, it has become a monopoly completely controlled by left wing partisans.

The media monopoly must be broken, and then we need to create law that will not allow it to every be recreated again. We must ban partisan monopolies of broadcasting systems.

28 posted on 08/10/2016 9:58:51 AM PDT by DiogenesLamp ("of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty.")
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To: Crucial

Good post.

Myself, I lump three groups together as the primary attackers of our great republic: the media, universities and attorneys.

29 posted on 08/10/2016 9:58:53 AM PDT by polymuser (Enough is enough)
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To: Crucial

They can’t twist Clinton’s words, not that they would ever want to, because she is not talking. She is kept at arm’s length from the media. They only catch glimpses of her, and when they are told not to photograph her they comply without hesitation. Trump is running against a meme -— a completely scripted speech reader that is being protected by everyone surrounding her. As Clinton’s handlers knows if you don’t actually do anything you can’t make mistakes. Mistakes only happen to real people -— not the ghost of a politician past.

30 posted on 08/10/2016 9:59:07 AM PDT by LTC.Ret
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To: Crucial
I would suggest that a still greater threat are the quacks in Academia, who indoctrinated two generations of American journalists & electronic media personalities. They have undermined virtually every social or economic aspect of American life, to the detriment of all of us.

Myths & Myth Makers In American "Higher" Education.

31 posted on 08/10/2016 9:59:48 AM PDT by Ohioan
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To: Crucial

Excellent post!

It has become clear that the media has become nothing more than the propaganda spewing mouthpiece of the Uniparty/Globalists. People PAY to have the pretty faces piped into their homes, which is EXACTLY what the Uniparty/Globalists desire! Once that TeeVee is turned on, the Uniparty/Globalists have a direct means to control what is or isn’t talked about, as well as stating how people should ‘feel’ about it.

They truly are our enemy!

32 posted on 08/10/2016 10:00:27 AM PDT by Carthego delenda est
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To: Carthego delenda est

Precisely why we do NOT watch any TV news nor do we subscribe to their biased news in their “bird cage liners” (papers)

33 posted on 08/10/2016 10:02:49 AM PDT by DaveA37 (t)
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To: DiogenesLamp

Hillary has killed many men.

34 posted on 08/10/2016 10:04:49 AM PDT by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: Crucial

The”LameStream Media”has become a TOOL of THE LEFT!They don’t deserve The First Amendment!!!!!!!!!!!!!

35 posted on 08/10/2016 10:05:09 AM PDT by bandleader
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To: Crucial

The”LameStream Media”has become a TOOL of THE LEFT!They don’t deserve The First Amendment!!!!!!!!!!!!!

36 posted on 08/10/2016 10:05:23 AM PDT by bandleader
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To: Crucial

Yes it is... The media is now deciding who will be our POTUS through deception not the American people.

The question is how do the people overcome them.

37 posted on 08/10/2016 10:06:06 AM PDT by crager (I went to look for myself and if I happen to return while I'm gone tell me to wait.)
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So what can we do about it? How do we fight back?

Well the first thing we need to do is to scare the sh*t out of them by making them aware of just how badly we want to see them thrown in jail.

I have often thought that perhaps physically assaulting various journalists might be useful in conveying to them just how dangerous is our hatred for their manipulation of our elections. I know George Stephanopolous and Katie Couric both need a good beating. There are plenty of others who ought to get punched in the mouth for their lies and omissions.

We need to make these fools understand that we are not joking and we would very much like to see them hurt, both physically and financially.

They need to get the message that playing games with our lives is not looked at benignly.

Beyond that, we need to constantly repeat how much we think they are liars, we need to try to buy in to their stocks and work to change corporate policy, we need to look at what laws we can bring to bear on this corruption between media and Democrats, and we need to try to cut off their money stream.

Eventually I think we need to create an actual "Forth Estate" of government with a board of governors elected from the existing congressional districts.

Modern media is too powerful to leave in the hands of one party. We need to insure it remains forever divided in it's power.

38 posted on 08/10/2016 10:07:02 AM PDT by DiogenesLamp ("of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty.")
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To: aimhigh

“The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are becoming outnumbered by those who vote for a living.”

39 posted on 08/10/2016 10:07:43 AM PDT by showme_the_Glory ((ILLEGAL: prohibited by law. ALIEN: Owing political allegiance to another country or government))
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To: editor-surveyor

Lest we forget......

Mary Mahoney – A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

Hillary should be Lynched

40 posted on 08/10/2016 10:08:49 AM PDT by bert ((K.E.; N.P.; GOPc;WASP ....Opabinia can teach us a lot)
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