Cuban endorses Hilliary, disses Trump, and I am not sure why his opinion matters so much that it makes the news.
1 posted on
07/30/2016 7:42:34 PM PDT by
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To: Robwin
Well, that’s it for me. Sorry guys, switching my vote :)
If it wasn’t for my wife making me watch Shark Tank I wouldn’t know who the #### he was.
2 posted on
07/30/2016 7:44:22 PM PDT by
(The only thing an upper crust conservative hates more than a liberal is a middle class conservative)
To: Robwin
3 posted on
07/30/2016 7:45:04 PM PDT by
(( USAF.68-73..8th TFW Ubon Thailand..never store a threat you should have eliminated))
To: Robwin
The Oligarchs are all on lined up on Hillary’s side. Makes easy targets.
5 posted on
07/30/2016 7:46:39 PM PDT by
(End Free trade.)
To: Robwin
Cuban endorses Hilliary, disses Trump, and I am not sure why his opinion matters so much that it makes the news. Cause he's a billionaire and he likes liberal Democrats. And because he's young, he doesn't realize that its a good idea for prominent people to keep their political thoughts to themselves unless they are going to run for office.
7 posted on
07/30/2016 7:47:24 PM PDT by
Steely Tom
(Vote GOP: A Slower Handbasket)
To: Robwin
Whither Daymond “FUBU” John?
9 posted on
07/30/2016 7:49:03 PM PDT by
(You cannot invade the mainland US. There'd be a rifle behind every blade of grass.)
To: Robwin
For a “smart guy” Cuban is subliminal.
10 posted on
07/30/2016 7:49:53 PM PDT by
(He wins & we do, our nation does, the world does. It's morning in America again. You are living it!)
To: Robwin
11 posted on
07/30/2016 7:50:46 PM PDT by
(Hillary's new campaign slogan: "Guilty as hell, free as a bird!! Laws are for peasants!")
To: Robwin
Texan NBA billionaire 1%er endorsed a status.
Boycott the Dallas Mavericks.
To: Robwin
Clinton is triangulating and co-opting Trump’s positions. She is now targeting the blue-collar white working class voters. This is very good news for Trump. He is doing to her what Obama did to Romney in 2012.
To: Robwin
Cuban is the biggest asshole on Shark Tank.
To: Robwin
gee i always thought jealousy was mostly a female thing,but after this election...the ybabies have it...
16 posted on
07/30/2016 7:52:42 PM PDT by
("If you follow the crowd ,you get no further than the crowd!")
To: Robwin
Texan NBA billionaire 1%er endorsed a statist.
Boycott the Dallas Mavericks.
To: Robwin
Probably includes Cuban keeping Hillary’s America out of his Landmark Theater chain. He’s supported some liberal films in his Magnolia distribution company that are some of the lowest grossing films ever made.
18 posted on
07/30/2016 7:55:41 PM PDT by
(A Good Samaritan with a handgun saved my life...)
To: Robwin
To: Robwin
Cuban is a rather unfortunate last name for an American. Sort of like old days’s Isis.
21 posted on
07/30/2016 7:57:58 PM PDT by
To: Robwin
Cuban originally from the Burgh, I believe.
22 posted on
07/30/2016 7:58:41 PM PDT by
(Trump-Pence 2016: No full-term Governors!)
To: Robwin
It’s so nice to know that Mark Cuban’s money has not increased his intelligence. The fact that he supports a traitorous felon for the highest office in America shows me he is suffering from the same dreaded disease that has infected all branches of the federal government in Washington, cranial rectalitis. Mark, your supreme stupidity is only exceeded by your incredible lack of good judgement. Your decision makes this life-long Dallasite embarrassed that you are in any way associated with this city. By the way Mark . . . STFU!! Nobody cares what you think! Go back to sniffing Dirk’s jock strap!!
23 posted on
07/30/2016 7:59:51 PM PDT by
(It's okay to be close-minded IF you are right!)
To: Robwin
Who cares what that a-hole has to say..and by the way as a Laker fan, Mavs SUCK!
To: Robwin
Cuban’s a jercough, along with his prezz pick.
26 posted on
07/30/2016 8:09:20 PM PDT by
(Hillary is just like that ex-partner you've hated forever!)
To: Robwin
Cuban has made no secret of being a Democrat for as long as I can remember.
This is a non-news event.
27 posted on
07/30/2016 8:10:32 PM PDT by
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