Posted on 06/03/2016 2:48:23 PM PDT by Alas Babylon!
NEW YORK, June 3 (Reuters) - Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton has opened up a double-digit lead over Republican rival Donald Trump, regaining ground after the New York billionaire briefly tied her last month, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday.
The shift in support comes as Clinton steps up her attacks on the real estate mogul's policy positions, and as Trump fends off criticisms of his eponymous university and the pace at which he doled out money that he raised for U.S. veterans.
Some 46 percent of likely voters said they supported Clinton, while 35 percent said they supported Trump, and another 19 percent said they would not support either, according to the survey of 1,421 people conducted between May 30 and June 3.
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I don’t know how to interpret this. Does it mean that gamblers think Bernie Sanders is a longshot and betting against Hillary is a bet not many would take? OR is it the opposite?
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They’re assuming D+ turnout will be the same as 2012.
If isn’t, then reported result is certainly wrong and the election is much closer.
No one knows how high Democratic turnout will be in November but it bears reminder all the enthusiasm this year in the primaries have been on the R side.
I only look at Rasmussen surveys which still has them tied but 18-19% undecided seems about average across recent polls.
Sanders will NOT be the nominee.
Hillary will clinch the Democratic nomination when she wins NJ.
That’s true regardless of what happens in CA.
“I dont know how to interpret this. “
It just means that you have to bet/risk $220 on Hitlery to earn $100, while you can earn $190 if you bet $100 on Trump. The gamblers definitely see Hitlery as far less risky and are pouring money in accordingly.
Oh, and regarding the old commie bastard, you can earn $1600 if you bed $100 on the ole burnie.
False narrative by her presstitute corps to assert that her “attack” on Trump was highly successful... when in fact- the witch is tanking and Bernie is literally kicking her ass all over the country...
She knows that if Trump is elected that she is going to prison and that is why she is running... to stay out of jail. She is terrified of the law of reaping and sowing... her Foster and Hubbell “rendition” orders... are coming home to roost.
By October the polls will be more accurate.
After all, pollsters don’t want to be embarrassed and around then we’ll have a good idea who is going to win in November.
Not now.
They always use turn out models and party composition from previous elections for the general. They are ignoring the huge loss of voters from the Democrat party who have changed to GOP or Indy.I would call this poll suspect.
Have the horses left the gate yet?
Trump needs to get back on the issues offensive.
Depends on how you ask the questions; for example how are you going to answer when I ask you “WHEN DID YOU STOP BEATING YOUR WIFE?”.
Notice I don’t give you any options on how to answer; and no matter what you answer, I get the response I was looking for.
they polled 759 Democrats and 525 Republicans and only 174 Independents? What an odd sampling; every allocation of the parties I’ve seen its more like 33 percent Dems and 29 percent Reps. this is more like 50 to 35 and maybe 15 percent Ind??? It would appear that they overweighted the Dem voting population by about 10 percent which would give Hillary an 11 percent lead. Anyone else on these curious stats?
You haven’t met my “registered Republican” older brother in Jersey. Loves Obama and will vote for Hitlary in a heartbeat.
I’m amazed we’re from the same family.
Come here, comrade, get your copy of Pravda, hot off the press.
correct. the liberals will see this and KNOW they have to vote for her in the remaining primaries. I see this as propaganda not aimed at the general, but at bernie.
That’s what I said and they are not taking into account the huge number of defections from the Democrat party that happened this year.
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