Bubba thinks you bad old Freepers should quit trying to sucker punch the old, drunken, corrupt, bisexual, evil, sick witch just because you are scared of her ... and stop bringing up Vince Foster.
now there is something worth bringing up
vince, poor ‘ol vince died for hillary’s sins
Well Bubba, your self-denial blocks you from seeing that the MainStream Media has been covering for you and your wicked witch mate from the beginning. We are only reporting what they refuse to touch.
My prediction is that your sins are catching up to you and you’ll be paying for them a lot longer than you even can imagine unless you come to the blood of Christ for cleansing. Yes, even all the blood you and your wife have of your hands can be blotted away in the most simple of fashions.
However, since I do not see you humbling yourselves at the foot of the cross before it is too late - I’m just going to watch and enjoy your downfall.
It . . . is . . . coming.
And I will continue to say “terrible things” about any ***hole that thinks she can violate my “rights” and take away my freedom. The Second Amendment is not hers to “abolish”. “Abolish” the Second Amendment and you are forcing the American people to have to do their duty of removing your “government”. The Clintstones better be careful.
Hah! I bet the person that has said the most mean things about poor Hillary is ol’ Bubba Bill himself! He’s just done it it privately because the Clintons are about nothing but living a lie.
As for as Bill’s opinion is concerned: What difference does it make?
not “unfortunately”. Republicans also say terrible things about Charlie Manson. Nothing unfortunate in that, either.
Sounds like Bubba is projecting again.
It’s so easy to say terrible things about her when she’s done so many terrible things.
She Can’t use her sex to protect herself from a presidential debate.
I didn’t watch it but can anyone tell me if he said nice things about her. From what I can tell, the nicest thing Ds say about her is “she’s better than Trump”. And some of them say terrible things about her but being better than Trump and/or not having male body parts is enough to get their vote.
calling Hillary Terrible is an understated compliment
Bill Clinton: I’m a voctim
“I know the Republicans have been mean to her and they say terrible things. You gotta respect ‘em - they’re good at this. They delegitimize the people they don’t like. They aren’t in the habit of attacking people they’re not scared of,” Clinton told the crowd at the Fargo, N.D., rally at Rheault Farm.”
I read this far only, and had to post. THIS IS a grand example of “PROJECTION”. He IS stating exactly what the Democrats, and specifically himself, Hillary, Jerry Brown, and so many of the BIG name Democrats do on a regular basis to fool the people. They project their own crooked behavior onto their opposition, and they do it with a straight face, and the most earnest of expression in their eyes.
It’s uncanny how Democrats can be so much like the Borg.
I did some checking, the rally at which Bill spoke was at a farm in the Fargo ND area. Another article said that about 400 attended, but the picture they posted looked more like 100.
Throughout the primary season Hillary and Bill have both struggled to draw any kind of a crowd, or whip up any kind of enthusiasm.
In 2008 McCain couldn’t draw a crowd if he tried. His biggest crowd by himself was 10,000 in Miami the night before election day, but he usually could only draw a crowd of a few hundred to a few thousand. On the other hand, 0bama was drawing massive crowds in the tens of thousands.
I picture this race as looking very similar, Hillary struggling to draw more than a few thousand, while Trump fills stadiums with tens of thousands of wildly cheering supporters everywhere he campaigns. That will have a decidedly negative impact on the Clinton campaign, and give a giant boost to the Trump campaign.
So very typical of liberals: accuse your opponent of exactly what you are doing.
The difference here is, while liberals have to spin and lie to attempt this on us... We merely have to tell the truth about Clinton. As a couple, they are two of the most dangerous, slimy, corrupt, and loathesom individuals ever to leave their slug trails across American politics. bammy may be worse, but he is younger and newer on the scene and his record can't hold a candle to the wreckage in the Clinton's wake. (yet, and hopefully he ends up in prison too before he can come close)
He appears to have one foot in the grave and the other slipping fast. You know she’s hoping for the dead spouse sympathy vote.
I doubt that bill realizes that the she devil is going to have him wasted just prior to the election for the sympathy vote.