He’s really pathetic today no doubt.He g oes on and on about how Trump is never presidential and when he is when he does use a prompter rush still bashes him, sad day for Limbaugh.
Now trying to save his ass again while bashing Donald for appealing to low IQ voters,Well sorry rush but I’m not low IQ
and I support trump.
rush now comparing dirty teddy to Reagan how pathetic.
Hes really pathetic today no doubt.He g oes on and on about how Trump is never presidential and when he is when he does use a prompter rush still bashes him, sad day for Limbaugh.
Now trying to save his ass again while bashing Donald for appealing to low IQ voters,Well sorry rush but Im not low IQ
and I support trump.
rush now comparing dirty teddy to Reagan how pathetic.
An amazing thing to behold rod!
Unlike Reagan, Cruz has a creepy side and talks like a televangelist. Cruz has never been a governor, lacks administrative experience and ability to unify.
This reply is really for all who are reading this.
1st: We are losing companies to offshore locations because of federal regulations that make it impossible for them to thrive. The Obama Marxist policies implemented by the regulatory agencies are what’s choking our industries’ ability to prosper. Trump is wrong, and so is Rush. Trump should NOT be attaching fiscal penalties to our companies, but instead going after the regulatory agencies doing damage to our economy.
2nd: Boehner’s comments about Cruz are shared by 99% of the people in DC. “He would throw his own mother under the bus if it helped him...” is what I’ve been told by someone on the inside. I’ve seen it for myself. Cruz has been planning his run for President since before he ran for US Senate. Ever the opportunist, he saw the growing tea party movement and calculated how he could ride that wave into Washington. He is known as a liar and hypocrite on Capitol Hill by all who know him — detested by staffers and elected representatives alike.
A survey of the exit polls of the last five states showed that Trump carried “college” and “some college” and also carried wealthier voters. Cruz carried the more ignorant and poorer.
Boy, I'm glad I'm not listening today. It only takes a few minutes for me to shut him off as it is.
The two Teds:
Big Ted was a "lion"
Little Ted (AKA "dirty teddy") is "a-lyin'"