Trump’s vile, harsh rhetoric fueled him to victory! < /S >
LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Primary Night Press Conference (4-25-16)
16K on the stream and it hasn’t even started yet!
does anybody else notice that in all those closed states that he won, that Donald Trump loses to each of the dem candidates except for Bernie in Deleware, where he beats bernie and gets trounced by Hillary.
Bullsh*t! The VOTERS of Colorado had no say in the outcome and are pissed! The VOTERS of today's primary states, also prove otherwise!
Ted Cruz: "I am the king of voterless states!"
60% easy.
It’s over.
It’s very clear who the MAJORITY of republicans want as their nominee.
He is definitely the Sid Vicious right-winger roaming in the R party-gonna be lots of fun....
Really happy to see Trump’s margins.....but! sad to see that Dem turnout outpaced GOP by up to 35-50%
Great primary for Trump.....but bad trend for general election.....let’s hope Bernie’s peeps will cross over
I heard a cute quote....Trump’s attack on the rigged process is a self-licking ice cream cone....the more you see it, the more you see that it is rigged
one of the things I LOVE about Donald Trump is that he does not drink , smoke , or use drugs . Never has ( if you believe him and I do )
DRUG TEST HILLARY CLINTON ! drug & alcohol test ALL POTUS candidates .
Why not ? They control ‘ the football ‘ ....
If they wanted to go to the trouble, ‘cRATS could change their registration and then vite for Trump, could they not?
The ratios are getting better as the night wears on. Must have been a lot of early votes from Philly. Gone from 5:3 to 9:7.
I am so proud of the majority Republican base tonight! They love their vote! Their voice is nothing to ignore! it feels great to be a Republican tonight!
I can’t wait to vote for Trump in California! My entire family, my friends, folks at work (IT industry) we all love Trump, vote Trump, California is Trump Country! I may be over the limit, but I am sending another $100. Sweep! Sweep! Sweep the States and then sweep the rats out!
Cruz is a ratfink.
It’s Tuesday and it’s awful quiet around here...
As predicted
Fantastic!!!! Looking forward to watching my Canadian friends’ heads exp!ode tomorrow!
The PA. Numbers have changed drastically. While D’s outnumber R’s 4:3 tonight’s vote so far has about an equal number of votes between R’s and D’s. That would be very good news for Mr. Trump if it holds.
He won every county in each of the five states tonight. That’s YUGE.
Those east coast Republicans are the establishment’s preferred voters. They thought they had them.